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Munktiki Imports

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Trader Woody posted on 02/10/2004

I've just received a couple of Munktiki imports through the mail and thought that as they haven't really been mentioned on Tiki Central, I'd give them a plug.

I guess a lot of collectors aren't that interested in them as they are 'mass-produced' compared to the usual small Munktiki run. This is a shame as the quality is much higher than you'd expect for the price, and they look just as good as the normal Munktiki mugs. Plus, you can use 'em to your heart's content without worrying that you may damage a future family heirloom.

Anyone else bought some?

Trader Woody

Bamboo Bob posted on 02/10/2004

I'd have to agree. I have been pleased with their items & they work great as an every day use type mug.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 02/10/2004

What mugs did you purchase Trader Woody?

Philot posted on 02/10/2004

I bought some of these for Christmas gifts, and was impressed with them. I ordered the No Name Tiki and El Bastardo.

I was quite taken with El Bastardo. I think that it probably works because of it's clean, simple design.

It seemed to me that the glazing was nice and heavy, no thin spots like you see in a lot of $10 mugs.

Trader Woody posted on 02/10/2004

I bought the same two as you, Philot. No Name in green - El Bastardo in white. The white El Bastardo is particularly impressive for the reasons you gave.

Trader Woody

Bamboo Bob posted on 02/10/2004

I purchased "No Name Tiki" in green and the "El Bastardo" in Red (black in the inside). Both are tip top. Price is nice too. I would highly recommend.

Unga Bunga posted on 02/10/2004

Hey Woody,
I can't agree more.
I live a couple of miles from the Mother Studio and I know before each mug goes out. Miles and Paul inspect every single mug from Japan with care (no, I don't work for them :)).
Munktiki kicks ass!!

A Tiki Cheers To You

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-02-10 10:11 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 02/10/2004

I've got a Maneki Neko and have a very long wishlist of things I'd like (volcano bowl, evil bastard, skull, skullmonkey, dos tikos, munkenstein, El Diablo) Unfortunately, with that wedding on the way I'll just have to wait a bit.

I love the quality, and thinking about the price I paid(worked out to about $75CDN after shipping etc.) I do treat him as an heirloom! Unlike some of my vintage mugs, he's one I love to use.
This weekend I'm going to be shopping for a shelf to house my collection. I promise to post a pic when it's all set up!
I had a horrible dream the other night that I woke up to find that an earthquake had broken all my mugs!(even some I didn't know I had) Strange!

Oops...a little off topic here.


Turbogod posted on 02/10/2004

I also have purchased a few Munktiki imports and they are very solid pieces.

rustbeltcat posted on 02/15/2004

My wife just gave me a U Bastard for valentines day, awsome mug, Now i need to get a couple more Munktiki mugs!!!

TikiTacky posted on 03/09/2014

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