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Tiki on the Tonight Show! THURSDAY March 18

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Cherry Capri posted on 02/10/2004

okay fellow tiki fans here goes...

I am pitching a new lifestye entertainment show called Lotta Living. It's based loosely on the L.A. Conservancy Modern Committee and the Lotta Living community that my cousin Futura Girl has been building, along with some Tiki Central elements thrown in.

(About a year ago, I taped a test segment with Bamboo Ben and Crazy Al. And I plan to involve my friends at T.C. whenever possible and appropriate... and always spread good authentic information about tiki.) If given the chance - I will dispell the Jimmy Buffet connection :)

I went to a trade show in Las Vegas last month and they taped me and King Kukulele and C.B. Howlie pitching our show to Jay Leno.

I just got the call that they are gonna pick up the segment and air it on Wednesday night. The bit is they show the clip and then ask the audience if the show should get picked up.

Here's where Tiki Central comes in...

We need the following help:
If you are able to attend the taping - please do so. We could use the plants in the audience. It's taped at the NBC Studios in Burbank. They open the doors at 4:30, but they ask people to line up around 3:15

I am planning on showing up that afternoon to 'warm up' the audience outside while they wait in line. Hopefully King kuke and C.B. will be able to join me... I will be handing out matchbooks and a few t-shirts to lucky tourists. If you can't attend the show, we could use help from someone taking pictures of this whole shebang.

If anyone has publicist, p.r., agent friends with good connections that might want to jump on our bandwagon - send me a private message we need a "mgmgt. team" put together yesterday.

After the show has aired, please call NBC and ask for the Tonight Show. Ask innocently if they can direct you to more information about Cherry Capri (that crazy red headed girl, that show with the krazy uke player, etc...) DO NOT CALL UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN THE SEGMENT AIR - otherwise it will not look "real" 818-840-4444

I suspect there will be some celebrating at Futura Girl's house on Wednesday night. We gotta open that bottle of rum that HumuHumu brought over on my birthday! If you're in the neighborhood, come'on over...

Thanks for the grass root support. And the TIKI said, "Spread the mana across the airwaves and let the mai tais pour forth across the lands. And he saw it was good"

[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2004-02-26 01:12 ]

[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2004-03-18 23:43 ]

Swanky posted on 02/10/2004

Good mana to you gal!

tikibob posted on 02/10/2004

I am getting into LA on Wed morning.

This sounds like it could be pretty fun.

We have been to a Tonight Show tapeing before and it was interesting.

So is anyone else up for this???


Futura Girl posted on 02/10/2004

Show Your Solidarity! Wear Aloha Apparel!

McDougall posted on 02/10/2004

Call and Drink I can do, and of course watch, can't wait.

Futura Girl posted on 02/10/2004

guests will be
Meg Ryan - Against The Ropes
Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model
Music - Phantom Planet

OceaOtica posted on 02/10/2004

Good Luck!
will watch and make the call

TikiPug posted on 02/10/2004

I am almost 100% sure that I will be there. I will be bringing along my buddy who works the door at the Purple Orchid.

Humuhumu posted on 02/10/2004

I can help with the rum! I'll be working, probably until ~6. How can I catch up with you guys for the post-taping festivities?

bigbrotiki posted on 02/10/2004

Congrats Miss Capri, that sounds like a real possibility. Though I am unfree Wednesday I will be sending mana by thought power! Hope you get the gig.

BaronV posted on 02/10/2004

If I can stay awake, I'll try to survive through Leno's brand of "humor."

Here's a link to the Tonight Show's page where it looks like you can also e-mail them feedback -

Traderpup posted on 02/10/2004

Here's some ticket info for the Tonight Show:

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno/Tickets
3000 W. Alameda Ave.
Burbank, CA 91523

Tickets for a specific show are available the day of the show only at the NBC Ticket Box, located at NBC in Burbank, CA. The NBC Ticket Box opens at 8:00 a.m. All available tickets are distributed to the public on a first come, first-served two (2) tickets per person basis.

So I'm guessing we'd need tickets before lining up in the afternoon?

Unga Bunga posted on 02/10/2004

Good luck Cherry!!
I know it's gonna be picked up.
Just remember us when you get famous.
As a true ambassador of tiki, we know you will do great.
May the force of the Mai Tai be with you!

pablus posted on 02/10/2004

Nice move.

I'm certain you'll be swept up into the torrent of Hollywood's clique - make some money - produce a killer show and then move onto your next great idea.

Very very cool.

TikiHula posted on 02/10/2004

Wow, I am SO looking forward to seeing this!! Very exciting- congrats!!

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/10/2004

Hey MM goodluck! I am also going to send the tiki mana your way!

Futura Girl posted on 02/10/2004

*On 2004-02-10 06:52, Traderpup wrote:*Here's some ticket info for the Tonight Show:
Tickets for a specific show are available the day of the show only at the NBC Ticket Box, located at NBC in Burbank, CA. The NBC Ticket Box opens at 8:00 a.m. All available tickets are distributed to the public on a first come, first-served two (2) tickets per person basis.So I'm guessing we'd need tickets before lining up in the afternoon?

yup - I can confirm this - tic distribution begins at 8am --- ugh - i'll mid REMs at that point.. if anyone does go thie early- see if you can score 2 tix for cherry and hukilau brown.

Alnshely posted on 02/11/2004

Go! Cherry! Go!

Bianca Blue is rooting for you!
First the Jay Leno Show,
Then plenty more to do!
NBC, ABC, and FOX to name a few!
You gotta love a TV show that has tikis too!

Bamboo Ben's got the tikis,
The King forgot his brain,
If they don't sign the Lotta Livin' show then they must be insane!


I will be wearing my best blues, crossing my fingers and my cross my heart bra! Damn, this transporter device! What a time to be on the blink! Don't dispare, I will be sending my most powerful Lono Tiki Mana your way!
Your Adoring Cousin,
Bianca Blue

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2004-02-10 21:14 ]

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2004-02-10 21:16 ]

GECKO posted on 02/11/2004

If I can figure out da time it airs and da time its over I can call afta da show and say I'm a tiki carver from Honolulu and loved da show. As soon as they see da 808 area code on da caller ID they should know it's not a crank call.

I've been blessed with some good mana lately and would love to pass some to you guys on da mainland.

Cherry Capri posted on 02/11/2004

Thank you all for the mana - i am feeling it already and grinning from one earbob to the other!
:) :) :)
So Tiki Bob, Tiki Pug and Trader Pup... maybe I'll see you in line?

Thanks again everyone... mana from Big Bro Tiki! Now I'm really feeling no pain! And I haven't even had a mai tai yet tonight.

Futura says show up after 9PM and we'll have some cocktails, hand out for some laughs and then watch the show at 11:30 on her large TV.

weirduncletiki posted on 02/11/2004

You go, Cherry! I cannot make it to the show, but I'll certainly call up and give 'em a what for! Hopefully I can swing by the Futura House later and celebrate with you. Best of luck!

-Weird Unc

TikiPug posted on 02/11/2004

Unfortunately, I am under the weather. I got sick yesterday and feel like crap today. I will be unable to make it in person, but will be watching tonight, and calling tomorrow.

Good luck Cherry.

Futura Girl posted on 02/11/2004


we were told it WILL be shown, but the whole segment got moved to the week of the 23rd -
i will write with further details.... AAAARRRRRGGGGG!

Humuhumu posted on 02/11/2004

Aw, that sucks! Oh well, perhaps now with a bit more advance notice, more people will be able to attend the eventual taping.

On the plus side, we still have something to celebrate tonight -- Tiki Bob just made it into town! Who's up for Tiki-Ti?

SES posted on 02/12/2004

Maybe you need to notify people who said they would call just in case they don't watch but still call??? They might miss the bump announcement.

Futura Girl posted on 02/12/2004

All heck... who needs the Tonight Show with the Tiki Ti and friends like these... Cherry Asked me to post these for her.

da gang

kevin kidney shows off hiw xmas present... there is a tiki in the bottom of this poster OF COURSE!

the mysterious Sven roommate, Daniel!

Just what is Kooche doing to humuhumu doing anyway???

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-02-12 00:20 ]

Humuhumu posted on 02/12/2004

Kooche ate my brains! I'm stoopid now.

Futura Girl posted on 02/12/2004

On 2004-02-12 00:13, Futura Girl wrote:
the mysterious Sven roommate, Daniel!

This was Daniel's 1st time at the Ti and he spun the wheel and it appropriately came up with the Vicious Virgin!!!

martiki posted on 02/12/2004

That's what I get for falling behind on TC- personally, I'm glad you got bumped because I would have been kicking myself all over the street if I'd missed it!! Keep us posted!

OceaOtica posted on 02/12/2004

still feeling the effects of last night at Tiki Ti. went to meet up kooche and chiki, turned out to be a spontaneous Tiki Central shindig.
if you have not picked up one of chikitiki's tiki mugs that are available on his site, you are missing out. photos do not do those mugs justice.
Cherri, look forward to seeing the show, sorry it got bumped.
hope to see all of you and more at Tiki Ti on the 18th for the`Ona Tiki launch party.

BaronV posted on 02/21/2004

Any update on when Ms. Capri and "Lotta Living" be making their debut on Leno?

Tiki Lee's posted on 02/23/2004

It's the week of the 23rd!
Everyone keep your eyes & ears open so when Cherry drops the flag, we'll all be ready go, go, GO !!!

Futura Girl posted on 02/24/2004

i talked to the folks at the show and they said it will air Thursday night... so same deal...
I am sending Cherry over with the king and C.B. to 'warm up' the line.

Keep yer fingers crossed we don't get fooled again.

SES posted on 02/25/2004

I thought I missed it last night! Thanks for letting me know I can still catch it!

freddiefreelance posted on 02/25/2004

I think you should just press gang a group of So Cal tikiphiles into showing up @ the Tonight Show ticket line every day, even after they show your clip...

Futura Girl posted on 02/27/2004

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-02-27 00:41 ]

Futura Girl posted on 02/27/2004

I just heard from Swanky - our pitch was edited out... :(

What do you all say - Do we start a write-in campaign asking why wasn't the show mentioned?

Here's their email address:
RE: Pitch to America

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-02-27 00:46 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 02/27/2004

On 2004-02-26 23:08, Futura Girl wrote:
I just heard from Swanky - our pitch was edited out... :(

Well, the stuff they left in was nothing at all to write home about! B-O-R-I-N-G. Sometimes, they just totally miss it.


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino on 2004-02-26 23:39 ]

Futura Girl posted on 02/27/2004

Here's the link to the 1 minute Trailer

and here's the gang in front of NBC this afternoon:

SES posted on 02/27/2004

Great clip!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/27/2004

On 2004-02-26 23:08, Futura Girl wrote:
I just heard from Swanky - our pitch was edited out... :(

What do you all say - Do we start a write-in campaign asking why wasn't the show mentioned?

Here's their email address:
RE: Pitch to America

I'm thinking everyone should watch "Animal House" then write em' !!!

"What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

Turbogod posted on 02/27/2004

The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Shut up, he's on a roll!

Great trailer, hope we get to see the show in Baltimore.

Bike Shack posted on 02/29/2004

Hi all
I checked out the web sight, and the clip. And I sent my email asking about the show as directed by the web sight.
Good Luck

Futura Girl posted on 03/19/2004

Just got word from the East Coast - We would have had no idea otherwise... It's showing tonight!!!! March 18, 2004

Call or write the Tonight Show if you feel like it tomorrow...

Cherry Capri posted on 03/19/2004

Thank you to Sam Gambino for giving us the heads up so we got the show on home VHS.

Sam, a pitcher of mai tais is waiting for you at my house along with a guest bed to stumble into....

....no, really!

tikibob posted on 03/19/2004

So did it run???? Did I miss it?

Was it the same type of segment where the audience is asked if the show should be picked up or not?

Did it get picked up??????

BaronV posted on 03/19/2004

Caught the bit from last night's show on satellite just now (glad it came on in the first 20 minutes). i'm not one of those "Hollywood types," so if the show is "picked up," what does that mean?

Also, congrats on being the least ignorant looking/acting people in that segment...

Sam Gambino posted on 03/19/2004

On 2004-03-19 02:05, Cherry Capri wrote:
Thank you to Sam Gambino for giving us the heads up so we got the show on home VHS.

Sam, a pitcher of mai tais is waiting for you at my house along with a guest bed to stumble into....

....no, really!

Whoooa! Thanks, Cherry. Anything for a fellow TCer.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1521&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.samgambino.com%2Fw%2520assets%2Fmisc%2520paintings%2Fmisc%2520tn%2FArctic%2520tn.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8a3773ffa66f41ad0f482c79cc9e5d32

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