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URGENT Trader Vic's Emeryville rescue mission

Pages: 1 6 replies

Otto posted on 11/27/2015

Trader Vic's needs your help Monday, Nov 30 and Tuesday, Dec 1
Trader Vic's is in danger of losing the ability to offer live music and entertainment (including any sort of amplified music such as a DJ)
This could seriously harm their business.

Please show up in person at the the Emeryville City Council Meeting on Tue., Dec. 1 and/or write a letter to the Eville City Council.
For more info see Trader Vic's press release in link below

Go here to write letter

Thortiki posted on 11/27/2015

Could someone clarify WHY live music has become an issue NOW for TV after all these years?

Staredge posted on 11/27/2015

My guess, not knowing any more than what's linked? New neighbors. The same sort of fools that move next door to an airport that's been there for 60 years and then complain about airplane noise.

croe67 posted on 12/02/2015

How did things go at the meeting?
Trying to find information online & coming up with no updates.

Dustycajun posted on 12/02/2015

Here is an article that summarizes the issues from the hearing.


Facebook reports that the City voted to table the ordinance amendment that would have affected Trader Vic's. The council motioned to defer any further action until it has reviewed the situation by personally attending events and monitoring sound levels for themselves.


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/03/2015

Hopefully they will have a few cocktails too!

Dustycajun posted on 12/03/2015

We should all chip in for a free drink for the Emeryville City Council at Trader Vic's. When they get there, the first one is on Tiki Central (its not bribery).


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