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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Rare Otigiri Co. Mug

Pages: 1 10 replies

Beachbumz posted on 12/02/2015

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this mug by Otigiri before?? I was following it on eBay this week, ended today..

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/02/2015

I have not seen this one, someone here has to have one I bet, to bad you didn't get it
was the bidding to high?

swizzle posted on 12/02/2015

Wow! That's really cool Scott. Shame you didn't win it.

Beachbumz posted on 12/02/2015

I don't think I've ever seen this one before here on TC..Or anywhere actually.. Description said it had a couple hairline cracks on the rim which didn't look bad but sometimes by the time they get over here their in two pieces.. It sold for for around $160, thought it would go for more than that actually..
Would love to know who it was made for.. :wink:

Trader Tom posted on 12/03/2015

I was watching the auction also. I've never seen one either.

With the breasts, it reminded me a bit of the "Black Droopy Tiki Mug."

I was thinking of making an Ooga Mooga template for it, but was unsure what to call it. Maybe the "Whistler Tiki Mug" because of the small round mouth?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 12/03/2015

I do like the clean mid century mod look of it.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/03/2015

On 2015-12-02 16:49, Trader Tom wrote:

I was thinking of making an Ooga Mooga template for it, but was unsure what to call it. Maybe the "Whistler Tiki Mug" because of the small round mouth?

Great choice!
Btw, I too like the “clean lines” Lance

Beachbumz posted on 12/04/2015

I like it Trader Tom! The person selling it called it the Otigiri Nude mug.. :o

I like the Whistler mo' betta.. :wink:

TikiPug posted on 12/04/2015

She will look wonderful in our collection

Trader Tom posted on 12/05/2015
Beachbumz posted on 12/06/2015

Cool Jason!! Bring it to Maui next time you come so I can have a drink out of it brah! :wink: :D

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