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Trader Vic's Orgeat Syrup shelf life?

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weasel640 posted on 03/30/2013


I hope some one can help me with this. Does anyone know what the shelf life is for Trader Vic's Orgeat Syrup? The only thing the bottle says is to shake well and store in a cool place. Their webpage does not even mention storage instructions or anything about an expiration time period.

I've seen other Orgeat Syrups listed as having 12-18 month shelf lives. However the Trader Vic's is a concentrate and I think it lasts longer.

I know it might be prone to separate over time but are there any signs to look for that it might be expired? Also what would happen if using expired Orgeat Syrup?

Thanks Much


thomamas posted on 04/02/2013

On 2013-03-30 12:03, weasel640 wrote:
I hope some one can help me with this. Does anyone know what the shelf life is for Trader Vic's Orgeat Syrup? The only thing the bottle says is to shake well and store in a cool place. Their webpage does not even mention storage instructions or anything about an expiration time period.

You should be able to use it until it tastes bad or grows mold.

When this happens will vary depending on the product. If it's mostly artificially flavored like Torani, it may last for many years. On the other hand, I had a bottle of Routin 1883 Orgeat go bad and it had an obvious odor and taste reminiscent of superglue. Presumably the cyanide compounds found in almonds were somehow involved.

TropicDrinkBoy posted on 04/02/2013

I agree. if it doesn't taste bad or show signs of mold floating in the bottle you are probably O.K. How long are we talking about? I've never seen it separate. Was the bottle open? These days the TV orgeat has plenty of preservatives.

ukutiki posted on 12/14/2015

I just picked up an old 12.8 oz bottle of TV Orgeat with a copyright date of 1946. The active ingredient is "essential oils". It has a preservative in it. The original price label says either 29 cents or 129 cents. Never opened and I don't plan to. Okolemalunugh.

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