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Kupa Kai

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Mashuka posted on 01/07/2016

Welcome to Kupa Kai. Seven months of solo effort with some assistance from my wife for that extra hand, but well worth it all Many thanks to all the good folks on TC who went before me and provided inspiration and know how.

bamalamalu posted on 01/07/2016

Holy cow, you were a man possessed! Fantastic.

mikehooker posted on 01/07/2016

Wow, incredible job!

ErichTroudt posted on 01/07/2016

Very Good. I remember having chat in PM with you a few years back about the ceiling and electric cords. Nice to see the finished product. Very well done. Congrats!!

MaukaHale posted on 01/07/2016

It looks like it has been there for a long time and not just thrown together. Very nicely done.

[ Edited by: MaukaHale 2016-01-06 20:51 ]

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swizzle posted on 01/07/2016

Very cool. I love all the lights.

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HopeChest posted on 01/07/2016

This is utterly amazing. My word.

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Kraken007 posted on 01/07/2016

Awesome! Love it! So when can we come over for a Mai Tai!? :wink:

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kohalacharms posted on 01/07/2016

Very well done; inspirational.

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BeerBuddha posted on 01/07/2016


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8FT Tiki posted on 01/07/2016

Seven months? What took you so long? No, seriously it looks fantastic. The only reason my space doesn't look that rad is because the Mrs. says " you have to have blank spaces for your eyes to rest." I think my eyes would rest just fine on another tiki or mug or album cover or velvet painting................

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TikiVato posted on 01/08/2016

Too cool. Awesome job.

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Danno posted on 01/08/2016

Love it!

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Slacks Ferret posted on 01/08/2016

That's how it's done! Great job!!

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/08/2016

Wow! layers and layers of tikiness.Luv it-great job.

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ab3dd6df23e94c71dfaa4f2dac2bd9cb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Fugu posted on 01/09/2016

That looks amazing! How did you wire all of your lights? I'm about ready to work on the ceiling in my room and am trying to figure out how to best hide the cords.

Mashuka posted on 01/09/2016

Thanks, everyone for your positive comments. Glad all my efforts weren't in vain.

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Pele Paul posted on 01/09/2016

On 2016-01-09 00:22, Mashuka wrote:
Thanks, everyone for your positive comments. Glad all my efforts weren't in vain.

OMG what an understatement!! love love love it!! awesome work on the walls, loving the lamps, and where can I find a nice black velvet painting? how much and is there an artist I should look for? love the one you have as a center piece at the bar! really a fun inviting place to get lost in! especially during bad weather, what a neat place to hang out!! wanna see more pix please!!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/09/2016

Pele, Mashuka is the artist known as "Shramek"
most of the art you see in the photos here, is his.

Here is his website: http://shramek.bigcartel.com

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Pele Paul posted on 01/10/2016

Thanks atomic tiki punk! great link!!!!
you rock!!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/10/2016


Great job!

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Longboard posted on 01/11/2016

the scull display is really sweet

where is you bar?

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hiltiki posted on 01/12/2016

Great job, you have an amazing place.

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GROG posted on 01/13/2016


GROG like.

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Dustycajun posted on 01/15/2016

WOW! Outstanding job, very inspirational.


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rumackay posted on 01/15/2016

Wow! That's amazing! Great job :)

Mashuka posted on 01/16/2016

Thanks everyone!

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JackLord posted on 01/18/2016

Most impressive.

Do you have a picture of what the space looked like before?

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danlovestikis posted on 01/18/2016

A delight to behold! Wendy

Mashuka posted on 01/19/2016

JackLord - Thank you. I do, but it was just a plain dull white room.
Wendy - Thank you

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bb moondog posted on 02/03/2016

My lord..that is a thing of OBSESSIVE BEAUTY
good to know another tikiite uses their wood mugs for swizzles--they
are pretty useless otherwise

Mashuka posted on 02/04/2016

Thanks bb moondog!

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Molokai Cocktail posted on 02/08/2016

Incredible! This is really, really beautiful; thanks for sharing!

Mashuka posted on 02/10/2016

Thank you Molokai Cocktail!

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faztiki posted on 02/10/2016

amazing! great details! I could get lost in there!

Pages: 1 34 replies