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Here are a few of my recently carved tikis

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Tuga's Tikis posted on 08/29/2015

I came across this site while searching for ideas and insperation for my tikis. Wow, there are some really talented people here. Here are a few of my latest tikis. Aloha

[ Edited by: Tuga's Tikis 2015-08-29 16:35 ]

[ Edited by: Tuga's Tikis 2015-08-29 17:03 ]

Will carve posted on 08/30/2015

Plenty inspiration here.
You like the big boys too.
Looks like you've got this Tiki thing
down pat.

cy posted on 08/31/2015

Nice Tuga!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/02/2015

Thanks guys! I'm doing a location carve tomorrow, I will post some pictures as i go.

bkrownd posted on 09/02/2015

Love 'em!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/02/2015

Day one of the location carve went well. Made good progress. This has been a difficult tiki for me because of the shape of the log (still in the ground). It's leaned back and has a abnormal curve to it. Should have it done tomorrow and will post more pictures from the finished piece.


[ Edited by: Tuga's Tikis 2015-09-02 13:40 ]

hiltiki posted on 09/02/2015

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/02/2015

Thanks Hiltiki! That was kicking my butt! I have to get used to the uploads

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/03/2015

Here is a quick Moai head that I did last night for a friend, thought I'd share.

jimsflies posted on 09/03/2015

You carves are awesome! Are you generally using pine or?

Might be interested in getting a larger one carved for the Kio Wai Lounge. Or maybe a couple lessons...been wanting to get into a carving myself.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/03/2015

On 2015-09-03 05:49, jimsflies wrote:
You carves are awesome! Are you generally using pine or?

Might be interested in getting a larger one carved for the Kio Wai Lounge. Or maybe a couple lessons...been wanting to get into a carving myself.

PM sent

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/03/2015

Well day two was a bust. I was really hoping to get this one finished up, but the rain moved in. I'll have to return next week and finish him off. Just some odds and ends left the the stain/sealer.

TheBigT posted on 09/08/2015

Nice carves, Tuga. Love to see some more of your work.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/08/2015

Here is my latest creation. I call him Baby Kon he stands 3' tall and weighs approximately 50 lbs.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/11/2015

Finally got over and finished my location carve this morning. This is the finished piece. On to my next project!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/18/2015

Here's my latest tiki totem. When finished it'll be a three faced totem standing 6'5" tall. I'll post more as I continue!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/18/2015

Here's a closer picture.

Chainsaw10 posted on 09/18/2015

Very nice stuff! That triple headed threeki is lookin great:)

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/21/2015

Finally got back to work on the Freaky Threeki. Like most I have a full time job. I also have a really bad fishing habit that I have to attend to weekly. Anyhow, this is where I am at this point in the project. He needs to dry out a little then I'll sand again and seal it up. I'll post the finished totem in a few days.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/26/2015

Freaky Threeki completed! On to the next project.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/26/2015

Picked up a load of new stock this morning. Two more loads to go. Gotta get stock piled for winter!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/28/2015

Am I crazy? This is Kon! He is just under 8 ft and is pretty damn heavy. I was recently offered $700.00 for him which I turned down. I told myself that I wouldn't let him go for less then 800. What's the general consensus here on what to charge for our work? I under stand that everyone is different and all pieces are too, but is there a general rule of thumb? I have about 10 hrs of time into this piece.

AlohaStation posted on 09/28/2015

Pricing is the toughest part of trying to sell your carvings. If you have a finished tiki its easier to establish a price (you know how much work went into it) - trying to establish pricing on commissions is much more difficult. I say stick tour guns and demand what you expect - After all, you probably have more than 40 hours into it. Would you work a full-time job for $700/week? Most of my carving works out to be less than $10/hour! and people think I'm expensive!!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/28/2015

Thanks. Your right it's hard to figure out at times, but you also made a very good point about the job.

DHTiki posted on 09/29/2015

I think you're pretty close on the pricing. What I've read here, many folks use the $100/foot method. Use that as a base and vary it up or down based on complexity/time spent/etc.

You've only got 10 hours in that? Good grief, that'd take me weeks! Nice job...


Tuga's Tikis posted on 10/06/2015

Spent some time picking up new logs for the winter stock this past weekend. This is the part I hate worst, but a necessity if I'm going to be able to stay busy this winter.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 10/09/2015

Added some detail to Baby Kon.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 10/09/2015

Pre-carving meditation.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 10/10/2015

King Gotapee

Tuga's Tikis posted on 10/14/2015

King Gotapee is finished. On to the next project. Aloha my friends!

TheBigT posted on 10/15/2015

haha, love the name!

Jeff Bannow posted on 10/30/2015

My wife and I are the new owners of Baby Kon and Freaky Threeki. Great pieces! We will make sure to give them a good home.

Watango productions posted on 10/30/2015

Some nice carv'ns ya got goin there Jeff. What kinda wood are ya using?

Watango productions posted on 10/30/2015

Ooops! Nice work Tuga

Tuga's Tikis posted on 11/20/2015

Haven't carved much this past month. I was busy collecting logs for winter so that I can stay productive. I also went to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan deer hunting. While there I did carve this tiki face on a dead pine. It's in the middle of nowhere and is sure to stir up questions once someone happens upon it. I'll be busy carving again next week and will post as I go. Aloha my friends.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 12/16/2015

Finally was able to get back into theTiki Shack today and start carving again. This is what I got done today. Don't have a name for this dude yet. I'll post pictures when I'm finished and I should have a name by then. Aloha!

AlohaTexasTikiCo posted on 12/17/2015


For the Love of Tiki posted on 12/17/2015

Good looking Tiki.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 12/17/2015

Thanks guys that means a lot to me!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 01/07/2016

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Here is a 18" tiki I completed this morning. His face was inspired by a piece done by AlohaTexasTikiCo which is amazing! This tiki is carved out of mulberry wood, first time I've used that. Found it to be soft and easy to carve also took stain well. This is also my first small tiki. I tend to carve bigger guys, but found this one fun.

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HopeChest posted on 01/07/2016

I love that guy! Man is he awesome.

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Grand Poobah posted on 01/09/2016

love the turtle guy, especially how you handled the feet. The last guy looks cool too. I like how you handled the top. I am assuming that is rope? How did you do that and make it stay?

[ Edited by: Grand Poobah 2016-01-09 04:09 ]

Tuga's Tikis posted on 01/09/2016

On 2016-01-09 04:09, Grand Poobah wrote:
love the turtle guy, especially how you handled the feet. The last guy looks cool too. I like how you handled the top. I am assuming that is rope? How did you do that and make it stay?

[ Edited by: Grand Poobah 2016-01-09 04:09 ]

Thanks Poobah, On the last guy I cut the rope into 1 1/2" pieces (it's the same rope you see around the neck and head). Then hot glued (black glue) each piece on. Once the glue cooled I untwisted the three strand twist giving it the look you see. Very simple to do. Give it a shot!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 01/09/2016

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Here's a picture of the last guy from the rear. You can see where I attached the rope with black hot glue. I named this guy "Kupa Loa" meaning strictly forbidden. Aloha.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 01/17/2016

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Hello Tiki Nation, here's my latest creation! Aloha and stay tiki my friends!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 01/25/2016

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My wife wanted a place to put the stirring stick at the bar. This is what I came up with. CHEERS!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 01/25/2016

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Here's a change of pace and one large tortuga!

Tuga's Tikis posted on 02/01/2016

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Chips were flying this morning. This guy is 4' tall and 18" in diameter. I'd guess he's approximately 200 LBS currently, but will lighten up. I'll post more progress pictures as I go. Stay Tiki!

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