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El Dorado 151?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Kraken007 posted on 01/24/2016

I asked the guy's at Golden Tiki in Vegas what they use for their 151. Turns out it's El Dorado 151 Demerera. I had never heard of it. Anyone have opinions on it?

[ Edited by: Kraken007 2016-01-24 15:13 ]

[ Edited by: Kraken007 2016-01-27 06:35 ]

swizzle posted on 01/25/2016
HopeChest posted on 02/09/2016

To be fair (and unless I'm mistaken), that thread is for the old bottles that El Dorado isn't making anymore (unless, like Appleton Estates recently, it's just a rebranding).

I bought a bottle of this El Dorado 151 about 7-8 months ago because it was a Demerara and I couldn't find Hamilton - I've barely made a dent in it. I found it to be pretty damn harsh and not too dissimilar to Bacardi 151 so I kind of gave up on it. Unlike their 5-year, which I find to be fantastic value for what you get, I feel like this stuff is cheap for a reason.

lunavideogames posted on 02/09/2016

Not the best 151, especially in tiki drinks. It is a white rum with not a lot of flavor. I barrel aged mine and that made it better, but I still don't really use it in much besides in falernum.

Edit: I have not been to Golden Tiki or tried any of their recipes. I believe that you could make a great drink with it, just saying that it would be easier to make a tasty tiki cocktail with a more flavorful rum. I agree that other El Dorado rums are top notch.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2016-02-08 21:43 ]

swizzle posted on 02/09/2016

On 2016-02-08 20:40, HopeChest wrote:
To be fair (and unless I'm mistaken), that thread is for the old bottles that El Dorado isn't making anymore (unless, like Appleton Estates recently, it's just a rebranding).

Whether it's for old bottles or not, it's for the same product, new/different label or not. Another thread has been started for no reason, about exactly the same thing (overproof El Dorado) when the old one could have been bumped and added to.

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