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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Latest Tiki treasures!!

Pages: 1 3 replies

rustbeltcat posted on 02/15/2004

Hey all, the latest additions to our collection,
2 smaller green Westwoods (Big thanks to Tikitanked!! Will get you the shipping asap)
a Otagiri Moai from the Hawaii Kai
an Orchids of Hawaii r-91(gift from NJ & my stepmom!!)
a UBastard Munktiki mug (Thanks to my wife!)
A great Tiki dress from E-bay (probably paid to much but you know)
and a Westwood Teapot, (have yet to receive it from e-bay)
Next weekend I'll be posting some realy cool stuff I hope! Maybe even some pics!
Later all

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/16/2004

Cool...if you post them, though, post them in the "Tiki Finds" topic where they belong.

rustbeltcat posted on 02/16/2004

Cool...if you post them, though, post them in the "Tiki Finds" topic where they belong.

Hmmmm, Seems that these since these were GIFTS, and e-bay purchases they were not really "Tiki Finds".
Maybe there needs to be a new topic called "Tiki Gifts"......
Thanks for the input Kahuna...

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/16/2004

Just keeps it where all can reference, as that topic tends to stay close to the top. And do post pics for the tribe to see...you never know when a cool previously unseen thing is in there..Mahalo!

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