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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 04/28/2016

Welcome home
Can't wait to see the 3500 photos :)

Holler Waller posted on 04/28/2016

667 pix

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/28/2016

You're back!

Can't wait to post the photos. I think you took approximately 2,200 photos although you'll post a lot fewer. :)

8FT Tiki posted on 04/28/2016

Welcome back you guys!!! Wendy, in regards to the "project" I told you about, I have had my photographer here for round one and he will be back for more detail shots soon.
As for your photos.....I bet you clicked about 550. Looking forward to seeing them.
Your friend, 8FT Tiki

lunavideogames posted on 04/29/2016

1732 pictures!

Glad you are having fun on your time off Wendy & Dan!

Here is the first and likely only drink I'll have in this amazing mug. Mai Tai at Bali Hai. Everyone loved it and was really excited to see it at the meet up. Also this picture got 119 likes on Instagram :)

Glad to hear you are going to start posting again soon, I am excited to see pictures from your vacation. Hope your hands are feeling better.

ebtiki posted on 04/29/2016

3,612 photos - and I'b bet that number's still low!
Cheers, and welcome back! e.

WooHooWahine posted on 04/29/2016

Woohoo & Welcome Back! My guess is 1,969

MaukaHale posted on 04/29/2016

my guess is 1,327

Danno posted on 04/29/2016

Welcome Back!!

"One billion . . . ?", no, no Dr. Evil, most likely 1,000 pics.

danlovestikis posted on 04/29/2016

The contest has ended and now it's time for the math trail to the winner of the Hana Hou magazine with Brad Parker's interview. I took 1388 photos.

hang10tiki 3500 minus 1388 ='s 2112

Holler Waller 667 minus 1388 ='s 721

LoriLovesTiki 2,200 minus 1388 ='s 812

8FT Tiki 550 minus 1388 ='s 838

lunavideogames 1732 minus 1388 ='s 344

ebtiki 3,612 minus 1388 ='s 2224

WooHooWahine 1,969 minus 1388 ='s 581

MaukaHale 1,327 minus 1388 ='s 61

Danno 1,000 minus 1388 ='s 388

Thank you all for entering the contest. The clear winner is MaukaHale 1,327 minus 1388 ='s 61. Only 61 off, amazing. I will ship in a couple of days. Congratulations!


lunavideogames that's a great photo. Do you have more? I would love to see the mug with people looking at it.


Later today I will try to start the posts of our trip to the South Pacific. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-04-29 09:46 ]

lunavideogames posted on 04/29/2016

Oh man, I was going to guess 1372 but changed my mind at the last minute.

This was the only picture I got, had to take care of the baby and the mug... I think there are more pictures out there, I'll try to round them up for you.

danlovestikis posted on 04/30/2016

lunavideogames it is fun just knowing that others may have taken a photo.


Here comes the first set of photos of our trip to Australia and the South Pacific with Polynesian Paddy and his wife Barbara. This is our fourth trip together.

After 2 hours at the airport we left Sacramento.

After 1.5 hours we arrived at Los Angeles airport.

We sat at the LA airport for 4 hours and then flew to Sydney Australia.

Look how long the flight is.

20.5 hours after leaving our home we arrived.

The bus to the airport was full so the hotel had sent us a fancy new BMW with a driver on the right side.

Arriving at the hotel.

The Hotel Menzies had a tiki bar and restaurant, imagine that.
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Outside for a walk.
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The view from our room. After a bite to eat we went to sleep at 2 PM their time. We got up 12 hours later.
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The next day we started our walk. We eventually bought tickets on the red bus and saw some of the city. We got off at Darling Harbor and went to the zoo.
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There we met Nichole and
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the Croc hunter.
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We saw frogs and
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Then my favorite bird since I was 26 months old and my mom gave me a scrap book of National Geographic picture.
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I bonded with the bird. This is a real Cassowary baby. When they grow up they can rip you to shreds in seconds.
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Dan was almost eaten and I
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was terrified by this spider.
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The Koala slept through it all.
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Back on the pier we
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ran into a tiki restaurant with $5 taco's at happy hour. It was closed so I don't know if they were worth the price.
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We walked to the end and found this tribute to John Lennon.
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When we started back we heard our names being called. Of all the places in Sydney we ended up on the same pier.
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We had a nice treat and visit.
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Polynesian Paddy, Barbara and we got back on the red bus. We saw the bridge that is so famous and
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the Opera House.
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On the bus we didn't sit together due to crowding.
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We got off at St. Mary's church and
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walked all the way to enter.
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So worth it.
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Then we split up and Dan and I walked to the tower that is sprouting out of his head.
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This first view from the tower shows the bridge and the Opera House.
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The second more of the port.
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We peeked into the Tiki Bar. We'll return on our last night in Sydney.
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More Tomorrow, cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 04/30/2016

The next day in Sydney was without Dan. He didn't feel well so he stayed in bed. The tree of us walked for 7 miles.

First we walked to the Sydney Opera House and Barbara took this photo of us with Tiki Magazine. We carried an issue throughout our trip. It was fun for me since my interview was inside!
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The bridge can be walked up to the top if you want to spend $158 per person. We didn't do it.
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Not only did we walk here we took the tour.
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Inside. I couldn't take the stage because there were performers. We heard music and on another stage saw ballet auditions.
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Between the shells.
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I really look like a tourist!
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Now we left the Opera House.
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This photo is from yesterday's tower tour. I wanted to point out that the green area along the ocean is the Royal Botanical Garden. It's FREE!. We left the Opera House at the upper left corner and walked along the ocean to the tip. Then we cut to the left and went through the garden and back to the hotel. That's how we walked 7 miles as recorded on Barbara's Fit Bit.
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We were there for the 200th anniversary.
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You can walk with the ocean on one side and the garden on the other.
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Polynesian Paddy spotted a Vanuatu slit drum and we ran to take photos.
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Later he posed for this photo and then
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pretended to fall. You are missing the tourists that screamed laughed and took photos.
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Along the way there were unexpected sights. There was a show at the park in the evenings which used this dragon.
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It's hard not to take dozens of photos of the Opera House.
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Chuck aka Polynesian Paddy showing his strength.
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Walking home through the garden.
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Dan felt way better after a day sleeping. So we all had dinner at the Tiki Restaurant that had Caribbean food.
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The next day we will get on the ship. Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 04/30/2016

Looks like you had a great time!

hang10tiki posted on 05/01/2016

Great photos
That's a lot of walking
Love that slit drum
Hope Dan-0 got better fast
Thanks for posting the pics

danlovestikis posted on 05/01/2016

lunavideogames sure did and there's so much more to come.

hang10tiki it was hard to find tikis so this was one of the best. Dan was well the next day and for the rest of the trip However we got home and he started a cold. He's been sitting in a chair at night so that he can breath. Bummer.


There are many at Sea days on this cruise. Here's the start.

This is the route that our cruise will follow.
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There are many sea days where you just relax or do one of the ships planned activities or go to a show. Dan and I liked the in-room free movies.
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Starting point.
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The ship. Celebrity cruise line.
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Inside the ship watching elevators go up and down.
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The view from the top deck. The ship is 15 stories tall.
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The other side.
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Chuck ran for the ice cream and
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Barbara went to relax in the spa.
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Dan and I unpacked and hung out on the balcony of our room. Thank you CY for the cool tiki shirt.
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He read Tiki Magazine and
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teased me with my article.
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I reminded him his name is in there too.
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This is our third ship that has the Corning Museum of Art show on the 15th deck.
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We really enjoy watching the artists make glass.
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I told Polynesian Paddy aka Chuck and his wife Barbara if we won a piece we would give it to them as a thank you for going on this cruise. We have never won in the past and they have won on the other two cruises. They have a collection growing.
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I would like to win this Coconut Tree goblet for them.
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It goes from here to a box where like my ceramics it has to cool down overnight.
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It's been a few days at sea and Dan
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is still reading Tiki Magazine.
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Tomorrow will be New Zealand! Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-05-01 09:50 ]

danlovestikis posted on 05/01/2016

I just signed up for zerostreet's new book on kickstarter! How cool is it that one of our own is doing this? Really cool. Wendy

The Art Of Robert Jimenez - Strangewise No. 9

My Kickstarter Campaign for my pulp book Strangewise No. 9 has launched. Strangewise is a 70 page black & white soft-cover pulp-styled book written and illustrated by myself. It contains 3 stories, fake letter column, fake ads and more. I wanted to create a fully realized vintage pulp book or magazine and try my best to capture the feeling I get when reading the pulps.

Rewards include trading cards, tin signs, t-shirts and more and start at $9 (plus shipping)

Also, all prints at my Ebay store are on sale! Click the link below to check them out!

opyright © 2016 Tiki Tower, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you joined the Tiki Tower Newsletter.

Our mailing address is:
Tiki Tower
PO Box 260491
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

Robert you may post a link here on my thread. I couldn't figure that part out. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-05-01 11:52 ]

lunavideogames posted on 05/01/2016
Z Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cd67976564010f19d55603c8c7220017?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
zerostreet posted on 05/02/2016

Too kind of you Wendy! Thanks so much for the support!

Also, great pics as usual! Another fun trip!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiAno posted on 05/02/2016

Wendy, belated welcome back! I had a preview of a few that Chuck posted on Facebook, wow- sounds like a great adventure.

Look forward to seeing more- I meant to continue you and Dan's excellent adventure- not sure what happened, but think it had something to do with work/ Tiki Ari, and a quick trip out of town- oops!

I have to say, at first I thought this was certainly an odd name of a play... and maybe they spelled this differently down under...???? :wink:

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What? Inappropriate?

Treg, hopefully you bring Wendy's mug back on Monday to the Bali Hai since I was out of town for the last SD Ohana meet up!

Danno posted on 05/02/2016

Cool pics Wendy and Dan! Thanks for sharing what looks to be the beginning of an awesome adventure!

danlovestikis posted on 05/02/2016

lunavideogames thank you for posting the link to zerostreets kickstarter project. This should be a really fun one in which to participate.


zerostreet you are welcome. I wouldn't want anyone the chance to order all these fun things.

TikiAno so you think that the name of the hotel should replace Men on the bathrooms? Cute!

I hope he does bring the octopus. I love a photo that shows that it is in the Bali Hai.

Danno that it was. I hope to show my impression of each place we visited.

Thank you all for taking a look at the photos of another Polynesian Paddy and danlovestikis cruise.

We have arrived.
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Our first view of New Zealand.
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We took the tender boat to shore to begin our adventure.
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Polynesian Paddy went on a different tour where he paddled a war canoe.
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They climbed aboard and began the journey up a river.
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The highlight was a waterfall.
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He had a good time.
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Dan and I chose to go inland to see first a small forest of giant trees. This is what New Zealand looked like before it was mowed down by sheep ranches. My great-grandfather did this in Ione California way before I was born.
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The trees were not as large as the California redwoods but the were fun to see and to hug.
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Back on the bus we headed to a small town.
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We stopped for a bathroom break. The tour guide said it was special and
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he was right.
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Then back on the street we had 20 minutes to do a search for tikis.
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Dan spotted this one in a hair salon.
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I saw these in the window of a closed store. Eric October used to make stuffed tikis.
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In a thrift store we saw this plant holder. Oh no time to go.
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Next it was on to the Glow Worm caves.
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No photos allowed. They take you inside and water drips on your head. Once you are deep in the cave they turn out the lanterns and you are in total darkness. Then you look up and see the ceiling of the cave lit up by the little worms. It looks like stars.
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Back out of the cave was a fun but slightly dangerous hike through huge rocks back to the bus.
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Back on the ship we went to the glass show. The coconut palm was cool and out to see.
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[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-05-02 14:49 ]

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cy posted on 05/02/2016

Cool pics Wendy, thanks for taking a bit of me with you!

hang10tiki posted on 05/03/2016

Awesome photos

Did u bring home the plant holder?

And yes- you make that Cy shirt look great

Can't wait for more pics

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/03/2016

Oh, how I love your vacation pictures!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 05/03/2016

Great Pics....WooHooo!! Can't wait to see more :)

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2016-05-03 15:39 ]

Holler Waller posted on 05/03/2016

Fun Trip !

danlovestikis posted on 05/03/2016

cy it was very cold on the ship when in Australia and at sea. Dan brought it and I took it over. I wore it part of every day. Thank you.

hang10tiki no, we brought home almost nothing from this trip. At the end I'll post our souvenirs.

LoriLovesTiki thank you Lori, that makes the work worth it.

WooHooWahine you are the worlds best travel agent. It all went very smoothly. Thank you so much.

Holler Waller also very enlightening.


One more port to visit in New Zealand. This time it's at the city of Auckland.
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In 2013 we took a jet boat ride along the Rogue River in Oregon with my sisters family. The ride was beautiful and fun. Once in awhile we spun out and had a little thrill. So we signed up for the jet boat in Auckland.
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From the ship we could see the dock where we would get on the boat. I wondered where the river was at the port.
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Here we are after the ride. No cameras or purses etc. allowed on the jet boat.
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The reason. We went 100 miles an hour on the ocean. It was freezing and the water hit us like small pebbles. I found it fun. Dan hated it very much.
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After we went back to the ship and changed into dry clothes we were off to the Auckland Museum.
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I missed getting the front. This is the way to the back door.
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Inside there were the usual exhibits but we were on the search for Maori culture.
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Found it!!!
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Once back in the port area we went looking for art. Very little to be found and everything is super expensive.
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I bought a couple of shot glasses and then
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it was time to board our ship and to head to Tahiti.
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French Polynesia here were come!

WooHooWahine posted on 05/03/2016

The Jet-boat Ride Looks Fun!!! Glade survived your ride......WooHooo!! I remember My Dad telling me about his jet-boat ride adventure when he went to Aukland :)

danlovestikis posted on 05/04/2016

WooHooWahine I like speed. Dan likes relaxing. I'm lucky he lets me drag him to these places. Thank you for setting them up!


Still cruising and this time we had many days at sea. What was unexpected was that one day would be repeated because of the Date Line.
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There are two ways to dine. Buffet or dining room. The buffet has the best ocean views and
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you serve yourself. We like this buffet a lot.
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Sometimes the buffet has surprises.
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When there are many sea days we get to go to many glass shows. G Brian made this huge vase.
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The next day it was out of the cooling box. He is a friend of Marshal Hyde's who we all know as BoDHiGlass. He made glass tiki necklaces. They both work at the Corning Museum of Glass.
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Back at the glass show with Tiki Magazine. I wanted to show him my article.
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Sometimes we had a meal in the dining room with our traveling companions Barbara and Polynesian Paddy aka Chuck.
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We women appreciate our men!
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One night there was a party and
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we had fun watching the
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Tahitian dancers perform.
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On another night there was a sunset and then a late glass show.
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I had promised if they went on the cruise with us that if we won a piece of glass we would give it to them as a thank you. So every glass show I was hopeful.
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Well it finally happened. Dan's ticket won and he gave it to Barbara and she ran up to get the glass.
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Here she poses with Tayrn who made the piece. Whew the Thank you has been completed1 I knew I married a winner.
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Next stop will be Tahiti. Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 05/05/2016

Looks fun! I like the picture of the canopy of plants. A couple of the cave pictures look photoshopped, are you sure you were really there :wink:

Glad you won the glass, that is a funny story.

danlovestikis posted on 05/05/2016

lunavideogames how funny, I looked at them and they do look photoshopped. We were there. Here's one photo that I didn't post that was sideways.
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Once in awhile I forget about the "glitch".

The next island we reached was Tahiti.
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This is the city.
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As we arrived we passed a lot of industrial areas then the port came into view.
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The city up close.
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We got off the ship and wandered through a craft fair. The tiki was $250 we did not buy one.
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On the main steet we found a tiki gallery.
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Beautiful work.
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Out of our price range.
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Next we headed down the street towards downtown.
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We found a huge store dedicated to the art of tiki. It was amazing. No the prices were to high so we didn't buy anything. But we sure enjoyed looking.
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These $1,000 drums made us really appreciate the drum we bought from Buzzy at Tiki Oasis. We have terrific carvers in our own backyard.
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Most stalls in the openair market were shut down.
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Most streets were deserted.
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We drove a short time to reach the cities museum.
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Look who bought a shirt in Tahiti!
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We drove through towns for a couple of hours to reach a beautiful garden along the ocean. The drive is long and not pretty then you stay in the garden for 30 minutes and then it's back to the bus.
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After the garden we went here.
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Another opportunity for a Tiki Magazine shot with Chuck.
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Back on the bus for the ride back to the ship.
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On the way to the gardens and on the way back we saw nothing but walls covered in Graffiti. The tour guide said that crime on this island is very high so people protect themselves with the walls. They are building a second penitentiary right now because the first one is full. If you were walking you would only see walls for mile after mile.
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Back to the ship after a very long 5.5 hours.
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Along the way Dan found one tiki mug for sale and he bought it. The green one.
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It was made by a small ceramic school and factory. Check it out on-line. I wish there had been more of their art for sale.
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It was a fun day with our friends but sad because the island has such troubles. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/05/2016

Amazing batch of photos
Such a great trip

danlovestikis posted on 05/06/2016

hang10tiki it's been wonderful. Check out Moorea the best island.


Continuing on with our Australia and South Pacific Cruise we have reached Moorea.
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The island is so small that our tour will take us into the center of the island and then all around the outside of the island. This will only take a few hours.
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As we neared the island we could see the famous huts. Everything I thought we would see in Tahiti we will see on Moorea.
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Beautiful scenery as we get nearer to docking.
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The sharp peaks were there too.
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Our tender boat got closer to shore and then we were there.
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We walked down the small pier looking for our bus.
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We were met with smiles and song.
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We started on the tour and everywhere we looked was beautiful scenery.
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All of the road were too narrow for our bus. There were many times that cars had to back up looking for a spot to pull over so we could pass. There were many jammed up areas where people on foot had to help.
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On this island we saw one tiki out in the wild.
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Our ship out to sea.
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Last years Sacramento Crawl mug was based on the Bali Hai and now we drove past one on Moorea.
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Our bus driver stopped at the jewelery store he and his wife own and left us there for 45 mins. Way too long. Dan enjoyed looking
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at tikis for sale. Even the little ones were $100 to $400.
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They looked great but they were left behind.
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We got to see the huts over water closer up. We were even shown the one that Marlon Brando owned.
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The best tourist stop was at Tiki Village.
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You get to just wonder around taking photos and watching villagers work and sing.
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Everyone was so friendly and made us feel welcome.
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Notice the shell wall behind the lovely lady.
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Back at port there were more craft stalls to look at.
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Even these simply carved tikis were expensive.
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The ship was waiting for us and we boarded the tender boat. We like to get on the top for the best view.
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We were raced by a outrigger. We almost fell out of our seats when our boat gunned the engine to play. It was super fun.
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This is a perfect island but there is one sad thing we saw. There were many closed down resorts falling into decay along the beaches. The tourists didn't come to stay and the places closed and now they are just rotting away. Most looked like island huts, they were what we would love but these structures decay fast. There are fences and walls around them and no chance to go up close.

This tour was over way too fast.

Bora Bora photos tomorrow. Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 05/06/2016

Looks amazing. Thanks for sharing, you got some good pictures!

hang10tiki posted on 05/07/2016

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danlovestikis posted on 05/07/2016

lunavideogames a miracle because so many were taken through the glass of the bus window.

hang10tiki you really take great photos!!!


This will be our last stop in French Polynesia. In case you ever go They will take any money in any of these countries. We took Australian dollars with us but found they like US dollars even better. Everywhere they are used to tourists and they will take any currency. Tips are not usual but tour guides and bus drivers stand and hope for one. We didn't disappoint anyone.

Bora Bora is so small that you can drive all the way around the perimeter in 45 minutes and the speed limit is 45 miles per hour.
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As we arrived we passed this yacht.
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The only tall mountain had a cloud on top.
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The port was small and we tendered in from the ship.
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This island is very pretty but not as impressive as Moorea.
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They have many areas of the bungalows over the ocean. Almost no places to eat so I think that really helps Bloody Mary's.
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We finally saw one tiki in the wild with a cute little island boy.
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We arrived at the most famous spot on the island.
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I posed to document that we had been here.
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The restaurant wasn't open yet. The floor was all sand.
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Polynesian Paddy went to the famous bar to try one of their drinks.
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Inside the woman's bathroom was this tiki.
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To wash your hands you pulled a chain and the waterfall began.
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There was a wall of money and autographs.
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Back outside we just wandered around looking at the hut.
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We ran into this employee of Bloody Mary's who looked like Pierce Brosnan. He said they were no relation but were friends.
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When a famous person comes to Bloody Mary's they get their name painted on these signs.
I noticed that Pierce Brosnan had been there, his name in the second column.
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We gave a tip to the musicians and they insisted that we pose for these photos.
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At the open air market at the pier Dan asked how much for the tall tiki. $350. It's still sitting there. No bargains in Polynesia.
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We found the second tiki mug of our trip. It is a copy of the common bucket mug. On the bottom was just some word plus tiki. You would think they would copy something more unique. No we didn't buy it. They wanted $50 US money for it. Yes $50 not $5.
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The clouds settled in for the night.
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Back on the ship we looked out on the same boat we had seen in the morning. It was now lit up. For us it was time to put the light out.
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We will next head to Maui, Hawaii. It will take five days to reach Lahaina.

I will say it now that you just can't beat Hawaii. Each island is different and has so much to offer. You can spend a couple of weeks on each island without seeing it all. These beautiful islands are tiny. A few hours and unless you want to hang out on a beach that's it. It's much better to spend you money there. However Australia and New Zealand are really worth the horrific plane flight.

Until tomorrow, cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2016

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That's the wind song
I took that Tahiti cruiZe years ago

I know Famous people

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Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-05-07 21:32 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2016

Saw a great rainbow today

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danlovestikis posted on 05/08/2016

hang10tiki you made my day! Fun and beauty.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.


We are sailing away from French Polynesia and heading to Maui, Hawaii.
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Now it's time to find join in on some shipboard activities. First up the Mentalist show. If you want to be brought up on stage all you need to do is sit in the front row and pay attention to what comes up on the stage screen. Clap wildly when the performer comes put and smile a lot. I got to go up and be part of his first routine a long card trick. No flashes allowed so this was the best photo Dan took.
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We found a disco and took some photos. First Dan and
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then one while moving the camera.
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Then it was back to our favorite glass show.
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Watching melting glass is so much fun.
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The guys would join Barbara and I so that we would have their tickets for the glass raffle.
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Five days to get to Maui the triangle on the sign didn't move very fast.
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I decided to see how much room our souvenirs would take up in our luggage for the trip home. Most are just temporary tattoos. It was a good way to see Tahitian designs that I could carve on art project. I found a wooden knife in Moorea for $18 and surprised Dan with it. It will go into the checked luggage. One of my shot glasses didn't say Tahiti, unfortunately I didn't check it and it says hiti. They left off the Ta. Oh well. My best souvenir is the huge sea shell for $20. I saw it all around Tahiti and some shops sold it for $60 to $120.
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On a different sea day Barbara won the exact piece of glass she had hoped for and was very happy.
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It's not easy to win. You can't see them but there are usually around 30 to 50 people who have tickets. She is very lucky. Now she goes home with 2!
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We were given certificates for crossing the equator.
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For exercise Dan and I choose not to participate in all the classes provided. Instead each day we go up and down 8 or more flights of stairs and walk the hallways. On one such trip we found this display. The small one looks like the mug from Aloha Joes that was in Palm Springs.
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We went to the glass auction and saw pieces sell from $400 to $850 each. This is for charity.
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Later there was a party to meet the artists and we attended and looked at their work on-line.
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Getting closer to Maui.
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Dan likes to sit and stare at the ocean while I read.
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I must be homesick. I saw these boxes with Sacramento on them and it was so thrilling I took a photo.
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I allowed myself $1 to gamble with and I hit a jackpot of $1.50. First time I ever had so many 7's. At the end of the cruise I had lost $1.99.
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During the cruise I had stuck with food I liked rather than be adventurous but today I decided to try the knuckle sandwich. I hoped the knuckles weren't too tough.
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Dang it. Not a single knuckle just pulled pork. It was still yummy.
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After trying to win by going to every glass show on three cruises I didn't not win this vase Dan did. He won twice. I gave the vase to Barbara as a bribe to travel with us again. If any of you are interested in cruising and want to follow us on our cruises just let me know and I'll tell you our plans.
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Statue of Liberty. We are almost to the US of A. This is my favorite desert. Nope I didn't gain any weight on the cruise.
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Maui tomorrow. Thank you all for the visits and comments. Cheers, Wendy

Holler Waller posted on 05/08/2016

What fun - love yr pics n stories

danlovestikis posted on 05/09/2016

Holler Waller I thank ya for that and the visit too.


One last day in Paradise.
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As we cruised to port we could see Kaanapali Beach with all the huge resorts in the distance.
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Then the port of Lahina. We will tender boat to shore.
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I stood under the gigantic banyon tree in town.
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Dan looked at tikis.
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Looking down main street.
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We found Dole Whip!
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I tried to hitchhike back to the ship.
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The last day on the ship as we cruise to Oahu found us walking the decks. One last look at where the glass show was held. We will miss it.
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We are packed and ready to get off the ship.
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From our cabin we could see Aloha Tower. It's time to go to the airport.
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One of our own Brad Parker aka Tiki Art Shark was interviewed in this magazine.
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What luck to get to read it on the plane. They said we could keep our copies!
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We took off from Honolulu, Oahu and what fun to see Diamond Head crater and the shore from overhead.
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Vacation's over and now it was time for Dan to get to work on our front yard of weeds. Three weeks of growth. When we gave up watering because of the drought we didn't think about the fact that weeds grow so fast.
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Dan mowed them down, my hero.
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His trip treasures. Each shot glass has a tiki on it.
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Polynesian Paddy's glass collection grew by three on this trip. Barbara won one and Dan won two and gifted them. It's fun to see 3 cruises worth of glass in one spot. I hope the blue vase will be enough to have them travel with us again. It's fun to travel with friends.
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It's time to get back to some art work. Thank you for showing an interest in our trips. It makes posting so much fun. Thank you hang10tiki, Tiki Ano and lunvideogames for keeping my thread alive while we were gone.

Cheers, Wendy

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bamalamalu posted on 05/09/2016

Welcome home & thanks for sharing all your pictures! The Moorea ones are especially beautiful.

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TikiAno posted on 05/10/2016

Looking great, you two!

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danlovestikis posted on 05/11/2016

bamalamalu it was the most beautiful island. So tiny, the whole perimeter was about 45 miles.

TikiAno I like that photo. Thank you.


I just posted this under General Tiki.

PLEASE DON'T KICK ME OFF OF TIKI CENTRAL FOR THIS FAKE TRIP FOR MR. TIKI. I thought about asking for him but his weight would mean one less thing I could pack in my bag to come back home. So I made a phoney Mr. Tiki to take to Australia and the South Pacific.

The photo of Mr. Tiki II starts his journey in Sydney Australia. Dan posed first with the tower behind him.
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Chuck and I found an English phone booth downtown.
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Opera House.
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The Sydney Bridge.
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Built for a show at the Royal Botanical Garden.
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Auckland, New Zealand. The view from one side of our ship and
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then from the other side.
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At the Auckland Museum.
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Tahiti, French Polynesia.
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Moorea, French Polynesia.
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At the disco on board the ship.
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Lahaina, Hawaii.
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On the beach looking at the ship.
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Now Mr. Fake Tiki II is back at my home. I just couldn't resist. Sorry, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-05-10 21:05 ]

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TikiAno posted on 05/11/2016

Hmmmm...... you may have to take that trip again, Wendy & Dan- with a (renamed) Mr. Tiki 3?!?!?!?

8FT Tiki posted on 05/11/2016

No wonder I underestimated the number of pictures you took.

danlovestikis posted on 05/12/2016

TikiAno did Mr. Tiki II get lost?

8FT Tiki I expected to take far more photos than I did. The islands were so tiny and there were so few tikis in the wild that I just took the best view photos.


I will soon post the photos of the work on the Sacramento Crawl mug but first I have a few things to post.

A while back I post a lamp shade that I had decorated using a dried out black felt pen on a woven surface. This time Dan bought a black lamp shade and I decided to use up some gold felt pens that I'd had a long time.
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On our trip I found this book. I chose to do a Tahitian design.
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I just chose the first pattern and began.
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Then a second one.
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Oh No I have a space.
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I just altered the design to fit it in.
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Then I chose another design and
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when that was finished another one.
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I finished it up in around 3 hours.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5733fe75.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=926bac29c697786830cb9ac54aeb4197

Here it is without the flash.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5733fe6b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e67c282c43b3e04c23d9f89282f940b6

Now we have stored this in the closet until I make a lamp. Cheers, Wendy

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