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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Tailgater, Sacramento 8/13/16

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MissHazzard posted on 07/28/2016

Atomic Angels 2nd Annual Tiki Tailgater benefit

This event is FREE with donation of school supplies for Mustard Seed School.
This event will feature:
Car show-Featuring great awards, new location has plenty of car show parking, and ample shade
Live Music- The Nickles Slots and the Soul Shakers
DJ Populuxe- will be spinning the best hawaiian, tiki, and exotica tunes
Authentic polynesian dancing with the beautiful Aloha Dancers
Vendors- LOTS of vendors this year! Lots of tiki vendors from around the state this year!
Woody Miller Art
Kona Ice
JJ Mai Tai
Tiki Topper
Beautiful Disaster Cosmetics
And many more!

Miss Hilo Honey contest

Limbo Contest

Coconut bowling

Great food and drink specials

Raffles, 50/50 and more!

When: Sa, 8/13, 3-9pm

Price: School supplies donation

Ages: All ages

[ Edited by: MissHazzard 2016-07-27 18:43 ]

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