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OHANA: Luau by the Sea 2016 tix on sale now!

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OHANA: Luau by the Sea returns to Fort Lauderdale September 30-October 2, 2016. All the fun of OHANA... plus The Mai-Kai... and you are cordially invited!

The fun starts Thursday, September 29th, with Ohana Vice, a throwback 80s kick-off party.

Then the main event begins Friday, September 30, with an afternoon of activities followed by the OHANA luau. Your luau dinner is included in your ticket price.

On Saturday, October 1 enjoy the OHANA marketplace, a charity silent auction, more entertainment and then an evening at The Mai-Kai starting with a special happy hour for our ohana from 5 - 7 pm in both the Molokai Lounge and on the Lanai.

Tickets are on sale now at http://www.luaubythesea.com/. A single $95 ticket price covers the whole weekend except for the Thursday night kick-off party which is a separate $10 ticket.

More information on schedule, entertainment, tickets, and hotel rooms is online at:

OHANA: Luau by the Sea and OHANA: Luau at the Lake are organized by the Fraternal Order of Moai Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. A majority of proceeds from these events are donated to the Easter Island Foundation to support scholarships for students from Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

Mahalo, and we hope to see you in Fort Lauderdale this Fall.

Looking forward to it.


Just got tickets. Can't wait. Hukilau high beginning to fade out.

Tickets are still on sale and will be until September 21. We have to cut off ticket sales two weeks before the event so we know how many pigs we need for dinner on Friday at the Ohana Luau.

And while you are now imagining yummy roast pig let me steer your imagination a bit away from the dinner table....

Ohana has a a few educational opportunities to offer this year starting with the legendary Medusirena the Fire Eating Mermaid sharing with you the story of the World-Famous Planeboat! Hear the interesting story of how Mr Hughes' (yes, that Howard Hughes, the guy with the airplanes and the flying and stuff) personal flying office came to be floating in the waterways in and around south Florida.

The beautiful and talented Ayme Harrison is going to teach you all about cocktail bitters, specifically how you can make them yourself. And if you don't recognize her name, Ayme is the driving force behind Kreepy Tiki, recently voted as one of the 22 best Tiki Bars in America by Conde Nast Traveler.

Polynesian Gods, Barrels of Rum, Rogues, Scoundrels and Geniuses.... Writer and host Paul Senft will take you through a discussion about the history of rum and its part in the evolution of the Tiki movement and the people behind it.

All of that and more is included in your ticket price. $95 per person and includes the full Luau dinner on Friday night! And now we're back to the imagining of the yummy pig.

Details, schedules, and new information as it comes available on the website: http://www.luaubythesea.com


My book will be arriving in the gift shop just before Luau. I'm planning on signing some or all of them while I am there for the release event. Depending on timing, there should be signed copies for Luau guests!

TikiCentralites - WillCarve and I will vending on Saturday. Stop by and say hello!

On 2016-08-25 10:28, AlohaStation wrote:
TikiCentralites - WillCarve and I will vending on Saturday. Stop by and say hello!

Will Carve and AlohaStation will not be the only talented artists in the Ohana Marketplace! And if any of you other creative types who make or sell Tiki things are interested there are still a few spaces available for you!

Check out the website to see who's vending and scroll down to the bottom to become a vendor yourself.


And I forget to include.....

The event is less than five weeks away! And tickets are only on sale until September 23, which is only three weeks away!

Get your tickets here: http://bit.ly/2btaIbV

Ohana Vice kick-off party on Thursday, Sept 29 - $10
Pusser's Rum is going to have prizes for the best Ohana Vice outfit so get out your 80's Best!

Ohana, Luau by the Sea on Friday and Saturday, Sept 30 and October 1 - $95
Seminars, Rumporium, and the Ohana Luau Dinner (it's a full dinner and going to be really yummy!) on Friday and the Ohana Marketplace on Saturday.

And, of course, the Mai Kai on Saturday Night. You don't need a ticket for the Mai Kai but you do need to make reservations directly with them. Phone 954-563-3272 and tell them you want to join Ohana for dinner on Saturday, October 1. It's the first dinner seating.

And if you have any energy left there is a 'Ohana is not quite over party' at the Kreepy Tiki on Sunday, October 2 starting at Noon.

Get your tickets here: http://bit.ly/2btaIbV


Aloha Swanky!!!

While its great that your book will be in stock, I'm a bit puzzled by your promoting it on this thread. You haven't exactly been supportive of the FOM or FOM events in the past, but perhaps this is a burying of the hatchet and new leaves are being turned!

Or perhaps you just have a book to sell... but I'm hoping its the former!

As you probably know, OHANA: Luau By The Sea is a charity event, raising money for underpriveledged kids on Pacific Islands. We had five scholarships last year due to the generosity of our sponsors, donors, and attendees! Having fun, and doing some good in the world. Its a great thing.

And its along those lines that I'm posting on here today.

Perhaps you'd be willing to donate the profits from any books sold during OHANA to the Easter Island Foundation? We'll help you move product, and the EIF gets some cash to help the kids. That's a win-win! Whaddaya say? Can we count on you to help out?


"raising money for underpriveledged kids on Pacific Islands. We had five scholarships last year due to the generosity of our sponsors, donors, and attendees!"

He got ya there Swanky,
But if Swanky DID do this would the amount of the donation go up or would the donation amount stay the same or even be LESS.

Don't go all bitch cakes on me it's a valid question as in the last few years the FOM has ADDED more events and one would think made more money but the donation amount was the same last time I looked.

If I am wrong let me know of this fact.

The reason I point this out is I for one am tired of the whole "it's for charity" scam going on in the world today, can't even go to the store without getting hit up.
Does the store get a tax break for that money they raise I wonder.

In the past some events have said "all proceeds go to Charity" well this statement was placed right after the Charity auction line in the event description so that referred to the auction only but looked like it was a blanket statement for the whole event.

Can you tell us how much the FOM donated to money for underprivileged kids on Pacific Islands in the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 year by year?
"As you probably know, OHANA: Luau By The Sea is a charity event"

In short are you giving a larger amount to charity, all charity you give to compared to the amount you take in?

So if the entity collecting money for "charity" makes more than the event gives to "charity" is it a charity event or part fund drive for your group?

The FOM has helped some valid Charities, BUT then the FOM needs to do this so they can be tax exempt, Be on Wikipedia and other helpful things.

HEY even Al Capone gave to charities.


I used to do a chili contest for the Kidney foundation, I wanted to be in a fun event I'm not Mother Teresa.
We did raise more money than anybody else every year, you got a cool trophy.
AND we LOST money! It cost us LOTS of our own money.
BUT when I asked the girls running it if they made a lot of money from the event they said "Oh we don't make ANY money from our events other than the black tie event the rest of the events just pay the bills"
As in their salary!
They were nice girls but never at the office and seemed to have a great gig.

Fun Charity facts:

Checkout charity, as it's sometimes called, has become big business for nonprofits and retailers. Charities love it because it raises money from the masses at little cost. Companies love it because it makes them look caring and generous, even if it comes on the backs of customers.

Earlier this year, Cause Marketing Forum, which helps charities and companies on fundraising partnerships, analyzed the 63 checkout campaigns nationwide that earned at least $1 million in 2012. Combined, they raised $358.4 million — more than a dollar for every American.

Americans gave more than $316 billion to charity last year, according to Indiana University's Giving USA 2013 report. The majority came from individuals; just 6 percent came from corporations.

Stores generally don't take a cut of checkout campaigns or charge a fee to the charity. However, in some cases, charities might pay a retailer a monthly fee to put a collection box at the register to give stores incentive to keep better track of the money, Borochoff said.

First Comment from Dan:

I was hoping you'd bring this up, Henry. It's become rampant. Since I do real volunteer charity work, I can assure you that corporate "charity" is a racket. As best 30 cents of your dollar converts to actually charity. After the cream is skimmed off by a handful of 'executive officers', lots actually goes into corporate charity pools. This is how some of the money a shopper thinks is going to breast cancer can be diverted to Planned Parenthood, since according to their definition of 'women's health', breast cancer and abortion go under the same umbrella.

Greg said (October 9, 2013):

Just to rub salt in the wound ... the company collecting our money then passes whatever amount collected to the charity and then gets a tax receipt for donating our money.

Ain't that a kick in the head.


On 2016-08-31 05:52, Bargoyle wrote:
Aloha Swanky!!!

While its great that your book will be in stock, I'm a bit puzzled by your promoting it on this thread. You haven't exactly been supportive of the FOM or FOM events in the past, but perhaps this is a burying of the hatchet and new leaves are being turned!

Or perhaps you just have a book to sell... but I'm hoping its the former!

As you probably know, OHANA: Luau By The Sea is a charity event, raising money for underpriveledged kids on Pacific Islands. We had five scholarships last year due to the generosity of our sponsors, donors, and attendees! Having fun, and doing some good in the world. Its a great thing.

And its along those lines that I'm posting on here today.

Perhaps you'd be willing to donate the profits from any books sold during OHANA to the Easter Island Foundation? We'll help you move product, and the EIF gets some cash to help the kids. That's a win-win! Whaddaya say? Can we count on you to help out?

I have contributed to your Lake George charity raffle recently, and worked at many of the early events when I was a FOM member.

The books in the gift shop make money for the Mai-Kai. I'll likely sign some or all of those books when I am there in 3 weeks and your guests will have the opportunity to support the Mai-Kai and get a signed copy.

We all support and spotlight the Mai-Kai. That's why we have these events in Fort Lauderdale! Lots of people would prefer to buy the book at the Mai-Kai knowing their money goes directly to support that institution. It might be possible to have books I sign set aside for your guests. I can find out when I am there.

As for my profit from the books, that's going to happen somewhere down the line if we manage to sell tens of thousands of books, if ever. I spent the last few years researching, traveling and working on the book project out of the love of the Mai-Kai and the great people who shared their lives with me and whose stories are in the book. At this point I am hoping to make enough to get a new roof on our house!

If the FOM would like to buy a bunch of books to sell to your guests to raise money for your charity, I could sign them when I am there in September. All that profit could go to your charity funds. I can put you in contact with the publisher for that.

"Mai-Kai: History & Mystery of the Iconic Tiki Restaurant" the boo

[ Edited by: Swanky 2016-08-31 09:56 ]



Thanks for the reply.


Our books are public record. I invite you to look at them.

Before I joined the FOM, I ran events, and took a loss on each and every one. Part of that was that I didnt want to make any money (and have to report it as personal income) and part was that I like to price things at a fair value... the kind of money I would be willing to spend to go to an event.

When I joined the FOM and started Ohana, I kept the same logic.

Dude, we have 6 bands, a pig roast, tent rental, performers fees, hotel function fees, etc etc... and we charge under a hundred bucks!

Who does that?

We do.

The Ohana ticket price barely covers expense. Some years it doesnt. But even if we lose money on the event, 100% of the proceeds from the silent auction go right to charity. They aren't used to cover any short-falls. Those go right to the kids.

In addition, any profits made on the event ADD to that donation.

Let me also add that there are NO salaried positions in the FOM or its 501c3.

So no, we aren't paying ourselves huge salaries. Its ALL volunteer work. All to do something good and positive and FUN. I can see how thats tough to wrap one's head around in this day and age (I know, I'm a cynic just like you), but its true.

The scholarships go to the kids with no "handling fees" or surcharges or whatever other shenanigans you think might happen.

So, I hate to burst your bubble, but apart from a lot of fun, and a bunch of money to help kids on islands, there isnt anything else going on.

All that being said, Skip, if you'd like to donate anything to the Silent Auction, rest assured that whatever number it sells for will go directly to a scholarship... and YOU get the tax writeoff. Not us.

I know you've got some great stuff in your collection. If anything has outstayed its welcome (beside us evil FOM people, I mean) we'd gladly accept it and do some good in the world with it.

Thanks for the opportunity to clear up any misconceptions anyone might have.

See ya by the Sea!!

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2016-08-31 10:19 ]

damn typos

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2016-08-31 10:20 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2016-08-31 10:26 ]

Ha! this is a good come back.
"If anything has outstayed its welcome (beside us evil FOM people, I mean)"
I have in the past donated to a FOM auction.

Well I remember the free and easy ways of the old FOM maybe.
Hey it's cash, and cash has a way of falling through the cracks.

On 2016-08-31 06:24, tikiskip wrote:
"raising money for underpriveledged kids on Pacific Islands. We had five scholarships last year due to the generosity of our sponsors, donors, and attendees!"

I have to confess.... It's not kids that are benefiting from our charity work. They are young adults, college age kids. "It's for the college kids" just isn't as entertaining to say.

Here are the beneficiaries of last year's FOM charity work, and this is only from FOM National... The local Chapters did lots of charity work as well. I know the South Florida locals do Tiki Bingo at the Mai Kai monthly and raise money for two local charities while having fun at the same time.


Getting back on topic....

Tickets are on sale now!


$10 for the Ohana Vice kickoff party.

$95 for the Ohana Luau by the Sea Friday and Saturday festivities.

Best deal you're going to get at a South Florida Tiki Event!

Did I mention that the Luau includes dinner?

Sorry, Chip, seems like a couple questions have been raised that should get an answer.

On 2016-08-31 06:24, tikiskip wrote:
Don't go all bitch cakes on me it's a valid question as in the last few years the FOM has ADDED more events and one would think made more money but the donation amount was the same last time I looked.

If I am wrong let me know of this fact.

You are incorrect. Donations to the Easter Island Foundation by the FOM have increased steadily from $1,252 in 2009 to $11,500 in 2015. Not all of our events benefit EIF so total giving was higher obviously.

As Bargoyle mentioned, and as you and I have discussed in the past, our tax filings are public record and our larger donations are announced on our public blog and social media so the numbers are out there.

So if the entity collecting money for "charity" makes more than the event gives to "charity" is it a charity event or part fund drive for your group?

Let's cut to the chase, you're asking if proceeds from charity events are used for other purposes. They are not. We pay our fraternal costs with membership dues and fees (and sometimes proceeds from non-charity events but they usually lose money to be honest).

We keep the fundraising event money separate and only use it for charitable purposes. And yes, some of that money gets held back. We do that so we have seed money for future events because hotels and caterers and entertainers and mug makers sometimes want deposits before ticket sales open. We also keep a rainy day fund in case one of our charity partners has a crisis and needs support. And so we can keep our commitments if, for some reason, we're unable to fundraise enough in a given year.

The FOM has helped some valid Charities, BUT then the FOM needs to do this so they can be tax exempt, Be on Wikipedia and other helpful things.

Also incorrect. We are tax exempt because we are a nonprofit fraternal order. Giving money to charity is just something we do for fun, it is not required.

But it is so much fun that we decided to create a foundation that is both nonprofit [u]and[/u] charitable because we think we can do more.

Back on topic....

There's this Ohana thing in a few weeks, people should go. It is Fun With A Purpose.


[ Edited by: rev_thumper 2016-08-31 12:45 ]

On 2016-08-31 11:32, Chip and Andy wrote:

I have to confess.... It's not kids that are benefiting from our charity work. They are young adults, college age kids. "It's for the college kids" just isn't as entertaining to say.

Point of order... once you hit your late-40s you can refer to anyone 29 and under as a "kid"... So I stand by my statement. :P

But for reals, that Ohana by the Sea thing is going down, and its gonna be crazy off the hook, and yes, it all happens to support the kids.

Have a blast and do some good in the world without even trying... on the cheap!!! Win-win-win!


Get those tickets quick!


Per Easter Island Foundation website….

We are thrilled, with the help of our partners and donors,
to be able to award the following ten scholarships in 2016:
Six Fraternal Order of Moai Scholarships (totaling $11,000)

Don’t know how they know how much will be given from an event not yet held.

And it looks like 2015 donation amt was $7000.00
So that is more.

$ 7500.00 was the amt for 2014
See it went down there, that’s what got me thinking and 2015 is when you started the Ohana event.

You can pay tax on an event or be a non profit either way your going to pay.
Thanks for the clarification.


Skippy, please take your axe and go grind it somewhere else. Go start a topic in bilge and complain about FOM all you want. THIS topic is about Ohana, Luau by the Sea. If you don't think the event is worth the effort then you are free to not attend.


Got it Chippy.

You should pay me to post on this thread, you got 200 hits to this dead thread today alone.


Skip -

You are mis-informed, as per usual.

Our EIF donations have gone up every year.
And as a matter of point, we donate funds to the EIF beyond their scholarships to support other good works they do for the island and the islanders.

You would be much better off not talking about things you have no idea about.

Knock it off and go find somewhere else to troll instead of doing Swanky's dirty work for him. Ya know, since he's got books to sell & doesn't want to soil his hands.

I'm really really tired of both of your immature bullshit. You are both ex-members with axes to grind so you make up lots of shit to spread untrue rumors about something you have been gone from for so long you have no idea what goes on today. Knock it off already. Nobody wants to hear it except for you 2 in your echo chamber.

Double postt

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2016-08-31 17:25 ]

Again, still, Getting back on topic....

Tickets are on sale now!


$10 for the Ohana Vice kickoff party.

$95 for the Ohana Luau by the Sea Friday and Saturday festivities.

Best deal you're going to get at a South Florida Tiki Event!



Swanky posted on Thu, Sep 1, 2016 5:56 AM

On 2016-08-31 16:54, croe67 wrote:
Skip -

You are mis-informed, as per usual.

Our EIF donations have gone up every year.
And as a matter of point, we donate funds to the EIF beyond their scholarships to support other good works they do for the island and the islanders.

You would be much better off not talking about things you have no idea about.

Knock it off and go find somewhere else to troll instead of doing Swanky's dirty work for him. Ya know, since he's got books to sell & doesn't want to soil his hands.

I'm really really tired of both of your immature bullshit. You are both ex-members with axes to grind so you make up lots of shit to spread untrue rumors about something you have been gone from for so long you have no idea what goes on today. Knock it off already. Nobody wants to hear it except for you 2 in your echo chamber.

Why are you slinging mud at me for what skip posts? Why are you accusing me of "immature bullshit"?

You are holding an event at the Mai-Kai and my book about the Mai-Kai just came out and is in the Mai-Kai gift shop. I offered to sign copies for your attendees or put you in contact with my publisher so you can offer signed copies to your attendees and use the profits for charity. This is a valid way for your group to support the Mai-Kai, enhance your guests appreciation of the Mai-Kai and potentially raise funds for your charity.

For the record, it appears the FOM donates 1/3 of it's income to charity which is damned high for any charitable group.

I have my tickets for Ohana: Luau by the Sea and I can’t wait. I went last year and had a great time. I expect this year will be even better.

I won’t be getting Swanky’s book Mai Kai: History and Mystery of the Iconic Tiki Restaurant at the Mai Kai because I already got my copy in the mail a couple of days ago. I have had it on pre-order from Amazon for months. The book is awesome but then I knew it would be; I saw Swanky’s presentation at the Hukilau a couple of years ago.

I was at Ohana: Luau at the Lake this past June. Professor Charlie Love spoke for two hours on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). He is an archeologist, anthropologist, and geologist. He has been traveling to the island for more than forty years for his research. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Easter Island Foundation. In addition to how informative his talk was it was gratifying to hear how much the contributions by the Fraternal Order of Moai are helping and just how much they are appreciated.

I will be volunteering again this year at Ohana: Luau by the Sea as I did this past June at Ohana: Luau at the Lake. I have contributed items to the silent auction and I have purchased items at the silent auction. I have fun at the events but there is an underlying purpose to the fun that just makes everything that much more satisfying. If you haven’t been to Ohana, north or south, you should try to attend and look me up – I will make sure you are welcome and meet the Ohana.

Only THREE More Weeks until the Ohana Vice Kickoff Party Starts!

Only TWO More Weeks to get your tickets!

Only ONE more week to..... umm..... September 15th!

Sorry, got all excited and realized too late I didn't have something for the One. Anyway...

Just three short weeks until Ohana starts! And it starts with the Ohana Kickoff Party, this year's theme is Ohana Vice. Dj's Tony Baloney and Smokey Winterbottom will be spinning the best music from the Miami Vice years and there will be Pusser's Rum drink specials all night long.

Get your tickets here: http://bit.ly/2btaIbV

And stay up to date by liking us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OhanaSea/

About this time of night in just three short weeks you could be sitting at the bar, or in the gardens, or at a dinner table, with a bunch of friends at the Mai Kai!

If you choose the dinner table in that forward thinking imagining you have to make reservations first.... call 954-563-3272 and tell them you want to join the Ohana for dinner on Saturday October 1st.


There's only ten more days to get your tickets to Ohana!


I know I already told you this awhile back but Ohana Vice is freaking hilarious. I know Bargoyle is repeatedly kicking himself for not thinking of it first.



We nearly sold out of signed books in the gift shop Saturday. You may still be able to reserve or pre-sell some for your guests if you try.

[ Edited by: Swanky 2016-09-19 17:51 ]

Luau by the Sea is coming soon. We have a fantastic line up for your Tiki weekend enjoyment. Learn how to make your own bitters, hear the history of a local oddity, learn to play the ukulele, see the original Mystery Girl, Ms. Nani Maka, dance with Medusirena the Fire eating Mermaid all on top of a luau dinner with live entertainment. So much fun to be had! Ticket sales close Friday at midnight. Get your tickets here. http://www.luaubythesea.com

Getting stuff ready for Saturday!

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