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Tiki Ahora!

Pages: 1 5 replies

Mister Naufrago posted on 09/15/2013

Press article about Tiki bars and Tiki related places in Madrid.


It's the first time Tiki reaches nationwide press coverage in Spain.

The article is not in the English online versión of El País and I'm afraid it's too long for me to translate it, but it's still an useful tiki traveller guide, and most of all, it says some nice things about my bar. :D

Zeta posted on 09/28/2013

Congatulations! Too bad there's no pictures of your bar in the article...

Zeta posted on 09/02/2016

The link is broken...

Zeta posted on 09/02/2016

Link is fine if you click from a PC.

tikicoma posted on 09/02/2016

Zeta it works fine on my Mac today.

Zeta posted on 09/02/2016

Yeah, its fine on my cell phone too... I guess the heard our complain...

By the way, two of the five places mention are closed... that I know of, maybe more.

Kona lei and Bora Bora R.I.P.

Pages: 1 5 replies