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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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MadDogMike posted on 12/30/2013

GMAN!!!!! Happy New Year!

JohnnyP posted on 03/11/2016


cy posted on 03/12/2016

Nice bumping JohnnyP, GMAN was always one of my faves and I miss him.

congatiki posted on 03/12/2016

And Johnny P was always one of my favorites too! A great era in Tiki Central carving, Johnny P, GMan, Benz, Mooney, GMan,
Basement Kahuna, ahh, those were the days.

cy posted on 03/12/2016

...seeksurf, kirby, tikimecula, tikibeat...

hiltiki posted on 03/12/2016

I missed Haikai one of my all time favorites, Marcus Thorn and more..

Lake Surfer posted on 03/14/2016

Johnny P... Are you still carving?

keigs20 posted on 05/07/2016

I too was always impressed by gmans work

GMAN posted on 09/10/2016

Greetings ladies. I can barely read this stuff on my phone. Who all is still carving and posting? Benny? Johnny? Conga? I sold or gave away nearly everything and moved to the forest. I joined the mountain man mafia and rarely venture off my property.

GMAN posted on 09/10/2016

I would like to hear from you guys. If not here, at LazyGEstate@gmail.com

Hunting seasons are fast approaching and I need to lay-in all my meat for 2017, so I'll be focused on that.....but please do check in with me.

Benzart posted on 09/10/2016

Me thinx you need a Bigger fone GMAN, Nice hearing from you, Happy hunting, Stay safe!

8FT Tiki posted on 09/10/2016

WOW, Gman and Benzart come out of the woods and drop in on TC on the same day. That is like old times eh Conga??? Wish you both well.

MadDogMike posted on 09/11/2016

I got all excited, thought you posted something new Gman! Good to hear to are alive and kicking. Hope you are using your awesome skills to carve up some bears or eagles in the forest.

GROG posted on 09/11/2016

G-DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Thanks for inventing the "G-string".

[ Edited by: GROG 2016-09-11 11:18 ]

AlohaStation posted on 09/12/2016

Still here. Glad you you checked in.

Creative Chimp posted on 09/28/2016

Holy crap its the GMAN!!!!! glad your well and miss your work carving master

GMAN posted on 07/10/2017


cy posted on 07/10/2017

I hope that means Hello rather than Goodbye.

TravelingJones posted on 07/23/2017
  1. G Diddy! 8)
hang10tiki posted on 05/10/2018


hang10tiki posted on 12/06/2019

Need a fix
Any updates?

Will carve posted on 12/07/2019

G wiz I hoped it would be G man.

cy posted on 12/07/2019

So much incredible work contained within these pages!

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