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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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HopeChest posted on 10/04/2016

Fairfield! I'm up there often to visit the in-laws, there are some great places on Texas and North Texas streets to thrift shop. Those wood plaques are fantastic!

danlovestikis posted on 10/05/2016



Friday September 30th

We were off to a great start at Dave and Eva's Headhunter's Hideaway and Voodoo Lounge.

No one was waiting outside when we drove up at 1:01 PM so Dave ran out to score mug number 1.

Eva prepared food in the kitchen.

Dr. Tiki Mojo and Evan have a Wendy shelf of crawl mugs!

Debbie and her husband came clear from the state of Washington for our crawl. They also went to Minnie's in Modesto when the crawl ended.

They were lucky because we later on lost two crawlers in the quicksand but more was about to happen.

Laura, Dan and Marlene aka VampiressRN. Not only did Marlene organize this crawl she

brought her mom and niece to the party.

Her mom Lois had a bad fall while there and

was taken away to ER. The good news is that she's in re-hab and going to be better than ever. Not bad for 97 years old.

The second stop of the day was at Tank House on J street. Buddy was our host.

The last stop was at Brenda's Tiki Hut.

Lauren at his store Swanberg's - Tiki Shop. It was a rockin shoppin time.

The home of Barbara and Audrey is so much fun. I had an Orange Freeze on the way over and got a stomach ache. I spent this party on a padded bench on their front porch. I got to say hi as people came and went.

What a wonderful place for a tiki party. The home of Cecily and Bruce Dewing.

This was such a fun party but my stomach ache persisted until I had to ask Dan to drive us home. Yep Dan remembers how to drive.

The last stop at Deb's in Lincoln.

Lori West picking up her mug.

Tiki Hula saying goodbye as he heads to a new life in Florida. We will miss him so much but the internet will stop the tears.

Thank you hosts and VampiressRN aka Marlene for making this another over the top wonderful crawl. Now it's time to start to work on the crawl mug so it will be ready for next year.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/06/2016

Great photos
Thanks for posting

Hope your stomach feels better

Hula- have fun in Fl

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/06/2016

Thanks for the pictures! I was wondering where Tiki Hula was going and why. Now you and Dan have an excuse to go to Florida more often. :)

danlovestikis posted on 10/06/2016

hang10tiki I learned my lesson. NO orange juice on an empty stomach.

LoriLovesTiki Tiki Hula loves Disneyland. He would like to go there everyday. Here in California housing near Disneyland is very expensive in Florida not so much. So when the company he has worked for decided to close their office in Sacramento and they offered him a severance package he decided to make a huge change in his life. He is going to do his best to find a great job and home near Disneyland. We are going to miss him like crazy but we do hope to see him in Florida in the future.


danlovestikis posted on 10/06/2016

First if you are on the Southern end of the East Coast please evacuate. We want you all to be OK. You are in our prayers.


After the crawl the next step is to contact everyone who signed up for a mug. As we get answers we start to pack them up to ship.

I actually helped Dan this time. We double box everything to give them the best chance of making it to their destinations.

Dan said, "I want to walk them to the store". I said, "there are too many, too heavy, I don't want to even carry one a half mile".
He said he could do it all himself and put the 6 boxes into two bags.

When we got outside he decided that it would be better with a pole. So he stole a closet pole.

He said, "see this is going to work well". Bless his heart. I said, "I will walk with you".

So off he went with me trailing behind. You have a good view of our dead lawn. We take the drought very seriously. Not all of our neighbors have reduced their watering.

So he made it 1/3 of the way until the pain of the pole changed the look on his face. At that point I told him to stop and that I would walk back home and get the car. I was his hero, he is always mine.

I looked back to make sure he wasn't trying again.

A last look as I rounded the corner.

I made a U-turn to make loading easier.

I like the grin he gave me as he got into the car.

Off to the store we went. By the end of today everyone should have these boxes. Soon I'll be paid by everyone. I started work on the crawl mugs last January and this month is the payday. Money in the back is a great thing.

Thank you all for following our goofy stories. I do them for you! Cheers, Wendy and Dan aka my right hand man

hang10tiki posted on 10/07/2016

I know Dan-0 could have made it
I am thinking he was only pretending to be in pain
So you would go home and make him some cookies.

danlovestikis posted on 10/08/2016

hang10tiki Dan said he resembles those remarks!


Remember the wedding mugs? Well if you look closely you can find a few of them in these wedding photos. It's always fun for me to see where the art ends up once it has shipped.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kranda

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-10-07 19:29 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/09/2016

One question
Did Bob make it to the honeymoon ?


danlovestikis posted on 10/09/2016

hang10tiki I wish I knew because I would love more photos!


Catch up photos.

The best part of facebook is if someone tags your name to a photo you get to see and steal it.

Mahalo Tiki's booth at the Forbidden Island sale. He had my art on his table. It was fun to be there one way while the rest of me was at the Sacramento crawl.

Patrick McNeil has a computer program that takes a photo and makes it into a painting. My Zombie Torch was in this one.

Wolfgang's Grey Haired Hot Tub Hula Girl.

Tony at the Diamond Bar with another one.

If you have photos of my art you want to post here to share please feel free. My thread is for fun and is not taken seriously.

Cheers, Wendy

kingstiedye posted on 10/09/2016

sacramento collection

hang10tiki posted on 10/10/2016

Wendy- love the mug pics
King- nice line up

danlovestikis posted on 10/10/2016

kingstiedye, what a fun photo for me. Thank you so much.

hang10tiki I love love love these. You do such fun photos of your trips and us! Thank you.


Dan and I are still going on day trips hunting for tikis. Herr is our trip to the town of Martinez and Cordilia.

3 years ago we were in Martinez and I wanted this tray but passed when I saw a big scratch. Now that I use them and scratch them myself I asked for a discount. 50% off sealed the deal. I love these trays for work because they stack so well. I have a huge collection of them now.

Going up the stairs revealed a nice selection of tiki ware.

Down found a couple he couldn't resist.

I found 7 Nelson plates in a thrift store in Roseville. Here in Martinez I found the missing 8th plate. What a wonderful "find".

When we checked out we found that the cashier had been a seller at Forbidden Island the day before. Right across from Mahalo Tiki and my art!
She showed us the cat shakers she had bought there that day.

My kind of store!

I think the label should have said bar ware not tiki glasses. Nope we didn't get them. They are at Cordelia Station.

Dan and his sister and I will be heading off on another day trip soon.

We had horrible traffic going there and again on the way home. I tried hard to get up to this trailer for another photos but before I could they took an offramp and disappeared

What a fun day we had. Kathi found some cat bottles that looked midcentury but I forgot to photograph them.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-10-10 09:32 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/12/2016

Fun fun fun

danlovestikis posted on 10/13/2016

We had another day trip that I forgot to post. On this trip we went to all the antique stores and thrift stores in Turlock, CA.
We didn't find any tiki keepers but we saw these cool cats. Nope I didn't get them we have no wall space. Many stores had vintage
spaghetti hanging lamps and even on chunk lamp. They were all around $175. We are full up on those too.
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If you look close there are tikis on the sign. We didn't stop here. We have dead lawns and nothing to grow.
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If I am holding your mugs this weekend is a good time to come and pick them up. Just message me here or on facebook. Thank you, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/13/2016

My husband breaks things and I repair them. I've also done this for other collectors. We will start with Dan's.

First was his bookend that had the bottom broken off.
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Just glued it and touched up the paint.
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The this wonderful gift from hang10tiki needed some tweaking.
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I have been waiting for Dan to break this bowl. I just knew it would happen.
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I was able to glue it in place and wood putty the chip and
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then paint it to match.
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The funny thing is that now they are displayed together.
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Now it was time to work on kingstiedye's aka Bullet's repairs.

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I started with the Bumatay by Gecko'z because it only needed a touch up on the paint. I mixed two types to get this unusual color.
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All done.
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I also worked on a couple for Psycho Tiki D but I haven't been able to mix the right colors for his two. I've tried 10 times but neither has worked out yet. Hang in there Psycho I'm still trying.
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I filled the chip and when it dried I sanded and carved in the detail.
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Then I painted it to match.
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I glued on the arm and held it in place with tape.
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After it was done I painted it to match.
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Just glued and
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glued and
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Tomorrow Bullet aka kingstiedye will visit and pick up his
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Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-10-13 16:58 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/14/2016

Sorry, I don't notice the Vegas mug had a chip.
I like your eyes better.

Love that Gecko Bumatay mug

Great repairs


danlovestikis posted on 10/15/2016

hang10tiki I don't know if it had the chip before or after Dan's ownership. It's a wonderful mug and Dan is so happy you gave it to him. Repairs started my entire tiki journey so it's good to not forget how to do them. Once I brought supplies and repaired things at a friends home on the way to Tiki Oasis.


I ran out of slip for casting so it was time to go to Alpha Fired Arts in Sacramento on Alburn Blvd.
I go inside to pick out glaze while Dan takes the jugs for filling. We get them filled 1/2 of the way so I can add water and they are easy to mix.

Surprise!!! They had tiki mugs. You may buy an unglazed mug and then rent studio time and their glazes. You do the work and they will fire it for you.
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Here's their back storage room and
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here's Dan putting lids back on the filled jugs.
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Afterwards we went to a few thrift shops and antique stores before returning home. We liked this tiki but it weighed about 1/2 of a pound which to us means mass produced so we left it behind.
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Dan was thrilled to find a Hawaii goes percussion album.
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At another place we saw this huge painting on tapa cloth. $165. We have no wall space left so
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its still there on Marconi at the Discovery shop.
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Every day is a fun tiki day. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/16/2016

Another cool album for Dan-0

danlovestikis posted on 10/17/2016

hang10tiki he hasn't said if he played it yet but he plays albums and writes reviews of them every day.


Back when I was making the Sacramento Crawl mug I also cast a couple of bowls. I wanted to experiment on one with glaze. The other was a back up bowl.

Here are the steps to clean them up.
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ON NO! when a hairline appears during the drying days (I dry them for weeks in and out of plastic to prevent this) there is no getting rid of this crack.
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So plan two was to remove the bottom before the cracks reached the sides.
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I removed the bottom ring so that it would not look like a bottom.
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Then I began to carve designs.
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I use a wet brush as "sandpaper".
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I used tools to add holes.
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Now I can make a hanging lamp or use this as a base for a large tiki lamp.
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Then for more weeks I slowly dried these. No cracks came up in either. I sure hope I didn't already show these. I couldn't remember and they weren't labeled as having been shared.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/18/2016

Thank you all for the views. I keep posting even when there are no comments because I know I have visitors.

Mahalo Tiki aka Mary and Nelson put in a Wish for Wish List #7. Because I understand how long a run of mugs takes I stopped everything to make a sculpture for them so they could make a run of 100 mugs in time for Tiki Oasis 17.

They wanted a Tiki Bob Bomb for the theme of International Espionage.

So I went to work.

First I covered a styrophome ball with clay.
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Then I drew Tiki Bob.
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I sculpted him and took photos. He just didn't look right when made on a ball. Nelson and Mary agreed and I
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cut Tiki Bob off of the bomb.
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Back to the drawing board. I sent them a whole bunch of photos of vintage mugs. They found one they liked so I went back to work.
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This was what they had in mind. It passed the test so
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we met at On the Border and I handed it over.
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They will do everything from this point on. I'll have the fun of seeing it at Tiki Oasis. They have a surprise in mind.
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They will post the steps as they proceed and I'll grab them and post them here.

kingstiedye thinks this one should be named the Bora Bora Bomb. What do you think?

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/18/2016

Bombs away

TikiHula in da house

The Honu Hideaway
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The Golden Tiki
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Herbs and Rye
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danlovestikis posted on 10/19/2016

hang10tiki what fun. I sure wish we had been there too. You made his send off to Orlando so much fun. Any more photos to share?


Special Delivery to Bullet. I finished his repairs and Dan and I decided to take them to his home. It's always so much fun to see his collections.

A friend of mine gave me some King's things she won in an auction. She said I should find a fan to give them too. That was so easy. This hallway is all King's memorabilia. Bullet is the number one fan they have.
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He inspected my repairs and I passed!
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Some went right back into the collection.
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Can you tell which one I repaired????
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So much fun stuff. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/19/2016

That's all the pics
Work got in the way of our fun

Bullet museum looks awesome...

danlovestikis posted on 10/20/2016

hang10tiki you come here for a visit and we'll take you to visit all the cool tiki homes like Bullets. Also I want Janelle to see the Chinese Buffet with all the HUGE Asian wood villages.


Another set of repairs have been accomplished. This time for Psycho Tiki D.

He had chipped a Purple Orchid and a SHAG mug and hoped I could hide them.
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So first I used the Elmer's wood putty. Once dried I sanded it.
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Same with the SHAG decanter. This was such a large chip that I
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did it twice to get it filled.
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I spent an hour trying to match these purples and failed. So I gave up for awhile but today
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I got out more paints to mix and I got as close as I could and covered over the wood putty.
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Good as I can do them.
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Once they were dry I used ceramic sealer on both to make the acrylic paint water proof.
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OK Psycho Tiki D it's time to pick them up.

hang10tiki posted on 10/21/2016

We will have to make it up there for da Wendy tour
That's for sure

PTD- glad the Pro fixed those Kool mugs

danlovestikis posted on 10/22/2016

hang10tiki for sure.


Dan has filled our home with wonderful tiki art. At the same time all my trip souvenirs have gone into a drawer. I decided it was time to get them out.
Dan has always said that if you can't display it then why have it. So here starts the project to get my 300 shot glasses on the wall.

I collect these because on trips they are little pieces of art, they have the name of the place and take up almost no space in a suitcase. I just stack them inside of each other and roll them in newspaper. They have always gotten home without breaking.

This is the wall I want to use for my collection so all these things must move.
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The wall was now ready for my project.
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We cleared this wall so we could condense the art from this hallway and the bedroom.
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I lined up the art in the way I wanted Dan to hang it.
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All done and better than ever.
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This will hold a lot of shot glasses if I can just remove the extra wood pieces. So I went to work.
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Now the glasses were a perfect fit.
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On each day trip to a new city with thrift stores we hadn't been to I continued to collect any shelving that would work. I fit them together like a puzzle.
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While searching for all the shelves in thrift and antique stores I came across these Hawaii plates. One was missing but I bought the 7 anyway.
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A few weeks later I found the last plate in a different city. Imagine that! So all eight are hung along with my entire shot glass collection.
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Danno posted on 10/22/2016

Very impressive collection Wendy!! Nice display.

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8FT Tiki posted on 10/23/2016

OK Wendy, that's nice eye candy. First, that chunk lamp is totally in the way. Take it down and send it to me. What are friends for anyway. Now about those shot glasses. WOW, impressive grouping and super display tactics! I just hope you don't turn out to be one of those people who I run across at their garage sale letting dozens of their shot glasses go for 25 cents apiece. I suggest you do this: turn them all upside down and then select one and do a shot from it. Then rinse it and return to its spot turned right side up. Offer a shot to your guests, rinse and repeat. Then one day you can say you have had a shot from all of them. Have fun and cheers!

danlovestikis posted on 10/23/2016

Danno thank you. It was a fun project.

8FT Tiki if I had read your message about 4 hours ago I could have said that I never drink alcohol. However tonight we went to the opening of the new tiki bar in Sacramento called The Jungle Bird. They allowed a few people to attend so they could practice. I donated paintings and ceramics for the bar so we got on the list. I drank a rum drink for the very first time. It had mostly lime juice and it was very good. But shots, I don't think they are my style. But it was a fun idea.

I bought most of the shots at Goodwill and other thrift stores for $25 cents to one dollar. Then some were full price on vacations. I treasure them all.

I will post photos of the party tomorrow. That drink has made me sleepy. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/23/2016

Just when I thought "I'll bet I have more shot glasses than Wendy"
You win
Impressive collection

You had a rum drink for the 1st time
Please tell me you have a photo of that


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-10-22 21:17 ]

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TikiAno posted on 10/23/2016

Holy moly, it's been a while. I haven't even been stalking, just working away and being a bit of a recluse (and getting back into the clay studio).

Now I'm all caught up- amazing Sac Crawl (saw some photos on FB, and also from Moai Mike. Jon goes to the Mai Kai (and everywhere else), tons of Hula Girls, missing the Wish List (again), and lots of great stuff.

Sorry I've been a stranger for a bit (though I keep tabs on the Wendy and Dan show on Facebook, though I prefer TC, I'll tell ya.

Okay, just wanted to say hi, going to try to find my own thread and update it with some recent-ish ceramics stuff (been posting photos on instagram since it's a little easier).

Excited to see what the Wish List will bring!!!

Look forward to seeing documentation of Wendy enjoying a rum cocktail, too!!!

danlovestikis posted on 10/23/2016

hang10tiki we have some of the same shot glasses too. No photo of me with the glass but one photo shows Dan with our glasses on the table. These were complimentary as we entered the door. I got one thinking I would pass it to Dan but the strong lime flavor was enough for me to continue on.

TikiAno I wrote on your thread so here I'll just say it's so good to have you back.


On Wednesday October 26th at 4:30 PM The Jungle Bird tiki bar opens for business. The address is 2516 J street, Sacramento, CA.
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Those of us who were fortunate to get to be there for the practice run lined up early.
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Once the doors opened we were greeted with a complimentary rum and lime drink.
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One of the owners, Buddy, asked if they did it right. They certainly did. It's wonderful.
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I snapped a photo of his wife and her friend.
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Now it was time to ogle all the fun tiki décor.
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The bar from one angle and then
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I found a glass case full of tiki mugs. Woopie some of mine were in there too.
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There are so many good places to sit it was hard to choose. Dan grabbed a seat while I continued to explore. To his left is the first Rum drink I have ever consumed. Just in case I had Dan drive us home! Also the lights were done by Muskrat aka Keith Richards.
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I had given them two paint collages that I did by tearing paint off my pallet and sticking it on a canvas board. I told them they could hang them in the bathrooms. I found them in the hallway just outside. So if you have to wait your turn you can look at my art. It's so fun to be represented in this wonderful tiki bar.
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There is even an outdoor sitting area. The weather was perfect for an opening so it was a popular place last night.
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This gentleman is also an owner.
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I hope that whenever you are in Sacramento you will be able to go to the Jungle Bird. It's awesome. Cheers, Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 10/24/2016

Great pics, Wendy, looks like a fun place! Glad your beautiful paintings weren't relegated to the rest room(s)... :)

What, no action photos of you drinking rum drinks??

hang10tiki posted on 10/24/2016

A new spot for you guys to go to
That's great
Mugs and other art work up, awesome



Ano- welcome back :)

danlovestikis posted on 10/24/2016

TikiAno the restroom was my request, I was bumped to the hallway. It's all fun.

hang10tiki you have the Golden Tiki and now we have the Jungle Bird. Tiki is taking over city by city.

danlovestikis posted on 10/27/2016

We have been gone for a couple of days so here's a catch up on our activities.

Just before we left I found two sun god mugs in an antique store for Dan. They didn't have any writing but they did have the Japan stickers.
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On Monday we left for San Francisco. Along the way we looked for a place to have lunch. I had seen this sign for years so this time we stopped.
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We had a nice quiet lunch in the restaurant while just around the corner people were playing slots.
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We left home at 10:30 so we got to the Bay bridge around 12:30 because of the lunch stop. Well we were shocked that there were no lines. Usually it takes us an hour to get though this place. Today we zipped.
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No traffic on the bridge either.
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Both sections were so easy and fast.
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The reason we went to SF was to go to the airport to
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get passes for using shorter lines when flying. We had early morning appointments and the airport was also empty.
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I went first and then Dan. Now Homeland Security has our photo and handprints, left and right.
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After our appointments we headed to the San Francisco Zoo.
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It was due to rain so we brought an umbrella.
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You may notice that not only was the freeway and the airport free of people the zoo was empty too. It was open just for us!
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I kept falling into net traps.
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Dan is so brave!
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We saw baby flamingos.
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I was the tour guide for Dan and I took him to
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see a polar bear and a
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grizzly bear.
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After the zoo we stopped to watch the waves. The sky was grey and so was the water.
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We stopped at Olive Garden for a soup and salad lunch. $8 can't be beat when you can have as much as you want. Yummy.
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Now it was time to head home. Again there was NO traffic. I've never had it so good in SF.
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I had Dan snap so many photos because I had to prove we had the easiest trip to the city that we have ever had.
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Now we are back home and back to work. Tikis are once again ruling my days. Photos soon. Cheers, Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 10/27/2016

Wow, no traffic (vehicular or pedestrian) traffic in SF, sounds like your lucky day! Did you and/or Dan buy any lottery tickets by chance? :wink:

Hmmm... where are you two planning on using the new Global Entry passes???? I wonder....

hang10tiki posted on 10/27/2016

No traffic
No people
Sounds like a TV show
At least no zombies

For the most part

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[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-10-27 07:48 ]

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MaukaHale posted on 10/27/2016

You and Dan are always having new adventures in your life!

hang10tiki posted on 10/28/2016

I still can't believe they changed "the most interest man in the world"

danlovestikis posted on 10/28/2016

TikiAno if only there was no traffic for every trip. We will use our passes next year. But first I have to work on the next crawl mug and Wish List #7.

hang10tiki I'm so glad you posted that zombie photo. It made me remember to watch out for more of them this Monday.

MaukaHale Dan prefers to stay home. I'm just successful and dragging him out of the house.

hang10tiki I think it happened when he gave to many interviews to places like ET. He lost the mystery. He earned 10 million doing the ads so it could be he's also retired.

I have some more catch up photos to share. I took these from facebook.

hang10tiki the Trader Vic's girl you gave Dan has now moved to his garage man cave. She is the center of attention.
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Stephanie and Jeremey Sherlock went to the Jungle Bird where they took photos of my art and posed with it. The "paintings" are done with scraps of drying paint from my easel. I peeled and stuck them on a canvas board. It took years to do these. Every time I had paint available I pulled out one of 10 canvases and stuck it where it worked.
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Three of my mugs in the upper left corner at the Jungle Bird.
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Greg Gee's (three in the middle) blue Tiki Bob's were from a past Wish List. He is showing the backside of two of them.
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Jonathan Chaffin Horror in Clay just got the Witco and the photo just happened to show my Tiki Bob decanter.
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Nate and Shannon Kranda's wedding came and went and now two of the wedding mugs are on their mantel.
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Chippy's kids wedding happened and he presented the Bride and Groom with their custom Tiki Bobs.
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These photos were so much fun for me. I hope you like them too. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/29/2016

Cevola art is everywhere

Thought I'd show you a pic of the pumpkin winner at one place I work at.
Not sure what department made it but it was a good 1

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danlovestikis posted on 10/30/2016

hang10tiki time goes by so fast. I entered the pumpkin carving contests at the hospital where I worked. I think your photo shows a real winner, I'm glad I didn't compete against that one.

I started at working backwards in my albums and didn't find my pumpkins until 1992. Here are some blurry photos.

A haunted house.
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A vampire.
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A very blue something or other.
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1992 I did ET call home.

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I know I did a few more but to find these I went through dozens of albums and got worn out. It was fun looking at Dan and I over the past 39 years.

Happy Halloween, Wendy

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4WDtiki posted on 10/30/2016

Wendy, I just love those paint chip paintings!! I haven't heard of that technic before, but it makes a great effect!

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MaukaHale posted on 10/30/2016

Great pictures of another day!

danlovestikis posted on 10/30/2016

4WDtiki thank you. I can't remember if I ever shared them before. I still have the rest of them behind a couch. I've stopped making them because each one took so many years because I don't often paint.

MaukaHale now that you have slept in the Buzzy bedroom I wonder how you are doing back at home?


Here are all of my Scrap Art works. Each is composed of hundreds of scraps of paint removed from my pallet when doing other paintings and stuck on canvas board. When finished they were sealed with fix.

All custom framed. The two that were more tiki hang in the Jungle Bird.
These are custom framed and are for sale. 21 across by 17 down. $150 plus shipping. I'll name them now.

Sun Spots.
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Fire and Ice.
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Flying over Georgia.
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Junkyard Dog.
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The approach.
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I'll post them on facebook also in a few days. I enjoy comments as much as selling them. Thank you for the visit. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/30/2016

Those pumpkin photos are awesome

Dig the Wendy leftover paint paintings too


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