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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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MaukaHale posted on 10/30/2016

Hi Wendy,

The following weekend was the Denver Home Tiki Bar Tour. Two great weekends of meeting nice people.

hang10tiki posted on 10/31/2016

I just updated the post on:

General Tiki
Hawaii 5-0

Added season 10

Only 2 more seasons to go

Have a great day you two!

cy posted on 10/31/2016

Wendy those paint chip pieces are fantastic!

TikiAno posted on 10/31/2016

Great paintings, Wendy- love that technique and you really make all of those images come alive with the additional texture of the style.

Great pumpkin pics- we didn't carve any this year (coincidentally because my son's birthday is on Halloween?), but here's a crazy carve I stole from a friend of mine- their work aways does pumpkin carving contests, gingerbread house contests, etc, and her team's work is always over the top.... not so scary but very creative.

Happy Halloween!!!

danlovestikis posted on 10/31/2016

hang10tiki pulling those out to show you really took me down memory lane.

MaukaHale the crawls are so super fun. We need to plan better so we can make it to the one in South Bay.

hang10tiki I will take a look. You work really hard finding and putting up all those photos. Thank you.

cy thank you. I was just checking out your carvings on fb. Wow. Your work is so much harder than clay and I've had carpel tunnel and a trigger thumb. Take care of those hands.

TikiAno That a fun pumpkin design. There are so many ideas and just not enough time.



It's time to wrap up another holiday.

We wish you all a fun and safe night. Wendy and Dan

kingstiedye posted on 11/01/2016

this is my new favorite picture. happy halloween, friends!

MaukaHale posted on 11/01/2016

Dan and Wendy, do you remember the hat I bought at the thrift shop? I used it for a Halloween costume and won a prize worth $30. I made a profit on my investment.

bamalamalu posted on 11/01/2016

Wow, Wendy, those extra-paint paintings are wild! Incredible.
Thanks for all the fun pictures, finally catching up.

Happy Halloween!

(I wish this were my dog)

hang10tiki posted on 11/01/2016

Me too

How was that visit to the proctologist?

TikiAno posted on 11/01/2016

Jon, hahahahahahaha.

danlovestikis posted on 11/02/2016

kingstiedye that made Dan so happy.

MaukaHale that hat was made for you. Congratulations on the win. This is a great story.

bamalamalu thank you for looking. If no one looked it would be like a tree falling in the forest, does it make a sound if no one is there to hear it?

hang10tiki and with Dan that makes three.

How was that visit to the proctologist? ABout as much fun as being hit by the tree falling over in the forest!

TikiAno I think I'll send him back for another check up.


If you have ever been to our home you may have seen all the shell lamps I've enhanced. I see a lamp and if the deal is good I can't resist it.

I have a stash of sea shells and a tube of goop glue. I use tape to keep the shells in place.

Gluing another shell to the side.

I just fill in every spot I can but I don't put so many that I can't change the light bulb.

All done.

Lit up is fun too.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/02/2016

Come to the light

danlovestikis posted on 11/03/2016

hang10tiki come to our home.


It's time to share a huge bowl I made this summer. I have so many photos to share this will take three days. So here goes.

Years ago a friend of mine from when I worked in Nuclear Medicine went to Easter Island. I asked her to let me use her photos from art. I finally got to it.
Here are some of her photos with one of my HUGE bowls. I printed them in the size that would work for the bowl.

I started by pouring in Blue Caprice by Duncan and swirling I around to coat the inside very well.

Once that was done I flipped the bowl over to glaze the bottom and sides with Dark Sapphire CN glaze also by Duncan. This is a self glazing underglaze.

After I wiped off the excess Blue Caprice I brought the Dark Sapphire up to the edge. I did four layers of this glaze and then let it dry for a few days. I didn't put it in the sun because if so many layers dried too fast they could crack.

Now that the blue was dry I started to paint the hills of Easter Island.

I flipped the bowl to get closer to the bottom edge.

This time I did dry them out in the sun. The drought in California is still severe so we do not try to keep a lawn going.

I wiped off the bottom edge with a wet paper towel and then let the bowl dry for a few days.

Now I took Jan's photos and cut out the tikis. Then I placed them around the bowl to see if they would all fit.

To keep the tikis accurate and to keep the size smaller rather than larger I used this part of each photo to trace an outline.

One down many more to go.

I took a carving tool and removed glaze so that there wouldn't be a thicker area running through the head of the tiki once it was fired.

Now it was time to start the next step.

It is so much fun to share all the steps. More tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/03/2016

This is going to be good

Philot posted on 11/04/2016

oh wow, I've been wanting to see you do a "painting" on a bowl for years.
This is going to be fun to watch.

danlovestikis posted on 11/04/2016

hang10tiki Ah, thank you. Glitches are always waiting to happen.

Philot It's good to have you watching after all these years. I've a few done in the past, check out the last page on my Gallery post in case you missed them. A couple of fogcutter mugs and one bowl. I hope to do more in the future. I've made some fogcutter mugs and they are ready to glaze. Here are more photos of this bowl.


More on the Easter Island Moai bowl.

Here's my thought processes on this bowl. The bisque fired bowl is covered with CN underglaze which self glosses and seals the bowl.
I want the Moai to feel like rock so for them I am using underglaze with no clear gloss on top.

One by one I used Jan's photos to paint the Moai onto the bowl.

Next I went back and added grass at the base of each moai.

I made this bowl back when I was doing the Hot Tub Hula Girl touch ups. I always work to fill my kiln.

At this point I had no idea how this will look or feel once it is fired. This is an experiment.

Wish me luck (ha ha, it's already done, more photos tomorrow). Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 11/04/2016

Wowwww... beautiful work on that bowl, Wendy! Your technique (and talent) is sooo impressive!

Look forward to see how it looks out of the kiln- but I'm assuming pretty darn great?

Watching you outline and begin the paint reminded me of lunavideogames' home bar- Treg, thoughts??

lunavideogames posted on 11/05/2016

Yeah TikiAno, the texture really reminded me of my mural. It looks really great, very similar to my bar. Great job Wendy, I am sure that the lucky ones to receive this are very happy to have a tiki bowl to cherish.

hang10tiki posted on 11/05/2016


Can't wait to see it after the kiln dose it's part!!!

danlovestikis posted on 11/05/2016

TikiAno thank you so much. Treg post a photo here so we can all see your mural.

lunavideogames Treg post your mural. This is the first one with the Moai so Dan is taking it.

hang10tiki here ya go right out of the kiln!


Ok first let me say that the sky has glaze skips that will need to be re-glazed and all the grass disappeared so I will re-do that as well.
I am really happy to see how the Cover Coat underglaze of the Moai was not absorbed by the CN glaze that was behind it. The grass was CN on
CN and that was absorbed. A good learning experience.

Most of the light areas are from my flash or the over-head light. The skips are small and right above the hills.

It will be a long time before I've made enough pieces to load the kiln. But one day this will be finished and shared. I will touch up the Moai also.

Comments are welcome. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/05/2016


danlovestikis posted on 11/06/2016


The above is a link to an article in the Sacramento Bee about the new wonderful tiki bar the Jungle Bird.

I got credit for a mug that I didn't make in this article, Tiki Farm made it. But how fun for me to be mentioned in an article about a terrific new tiki bar in Sacramento, CA. The Jungle Bird is everything you would want a tiki bar to be. I have art displayed in glass cases and on the wall I just didn't do the coconut mug. I did one with their signature tiki and logo but for now it's a 1/1. Please go here you will love it.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-11-06 09:32 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/06/2016

hang10tiki I hope to do many more paintings on mugs and bowls in the future. It's fun to change it up. I have so many ideas my head is bursting!!!


Well guess what. I have finished up all the shipping of mugs and now I'm already ahead of schedule. It is time to work on the Sacramento Crawl mug for 2017
and Wish List #7. The fun is about to begin.

So here is how I get started.

During the open period I received many requests to hold a place for a custom project. I wrote them on post-it notes and stuck them in a folder.

Now I have taken each name and put them on a Wish List #7 binder. Many of them are no more than the persons name. Some will drop out some will come up with over the top designs for me to create. If you are just one of my "names" then get to work I need your project idea. At the moment there are 53 in the binder that could be a years worth of work so it's good I'm starting early.

Next Dan and I went to Alpha and filled up all the empty jugs.

I've put Dan back to work.

Some I prepped with water so they are good to go.

This year I have actually started on the crawl mug in the month of October, right after the 2016 crawl ended. There is a story that goes with this years design that I will share.

I'm excited to have these projects to look forward to. I don't go in order. If I feel like doing a Tiki Bob that's what I do, if I feel like doing something really hard then that's what I do. Every day is fun because I never know until I look at the binder what I will choose for that day.

I hope you will all join me as I work through each project. I post because I enjoy your comments even when they are short. Then I know I'm not alone here.

Cheers and here's to the next year, Wendy and Dan

danlovestikis posted on 11/07/2016

Hi Friends, here's a post to help a friend. Jason Shelfow on facebook is selling these two lamps he made from my Tiki Bob's.

Here is one that he made and sold in the past to CD Tiki!!!

Here is Jason's information.
Tiki J's custom lamps & shades, on FB.
TIKI_JS on Instagram. And the pair is still available! Thanks!
They can always text me @ 808-938-6677

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-11-07 18:37 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/08/2016

That folder looks full
Lots of great ideas in it I'm sure
Can't wait

Nice Bob lambs

danlovestikis posted on 11/08/2016

hang10tiki hummmm should I make a Bob Lamb? That could be really cute.


Election Day is here. We voted so long ago that this has been a long wait.

Meanwhile as soon as I finished boxing all the Sacramento Crawl mugs I began to cast items for Wish List #7. That way when I start a project I can just pull what I need from what I've already cast. Then whatever is left over becomes extras that I sell or Mahalo Tiki sells. Either way I never waste a thing.

I also consider the time between the crawl and the end of the year my play time. If I get started on a Wish List project then that's even better.

Here's some of what I've done starting 9/24/16

I began by casting bowls. These are used for a whole lot of projects from the Hot Tub Hula Girls to Frankoma small tiki bowls.

I store them upside down so that they don't settle and lose their shape.

This will be a cannibal bowl.

I decided to destroy one of the two Zombie Torch mug molds. These two pieces went into the garbage can.

The piece with the zombie I saved. For a very long time I have wanted to make large necklaces and wall hangings with this guy. I started by building a clay dam to hold in the slip.

I poured it in.

Two hours later I poured out the excess slip.

A few hours later I was able to remove it from the mold.

For 13 days I cast one per day. Here I am using the tool that Tiki Ano gave me to add detail. Thank you Tiki Ano it's works really well.

To this one I carved stones.

To each backside I added a bar so that it can hang on a wall or have a neck chord added.

I varied how I cast them so that they would each be a bit different.

Now they will dry slowly over time. Thank you for the visit, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/09/2016

Nice bling

danlovestikis posted on 11/10/2016

hang10tiki I hope to make them special so Bling it will be.


More casting for Wish List #7.

I've just been casting some of everything. This head will be altered for a wish or just for fun.

When I cast I keep in mind how much room I will need to spread them out for drying. I judged this to the inch. I have two fans blowing on the pieces.

Some molds must be topped off with slip every 10 to 15 minuets so that the cast is uniformly thick. I decided to see how it would work out if I added a funnel to the top of each mold. I sealed them in place with sticky clay.

I filled up the molds and the funnels. When I returned in 2 hours the funnels were almost empty.

But almost meant I made a mess removing them. Now as I look at the photos I realize all I needed to do was pour some out before I took them off. I had to clean up all these molds.

Dan is still my wonderful helper. We empty the tiny molds together. The big ones he can do alone.

He also does all the clean up except for the molds.

The Hot Tub Hula Girl and the Frankoma tiki are really small.

Even though the girl is small she is a 5 piece mold.

I cast a couple of HUGE bowls in case some of the wishes are for bowls like the one I just did with Moai.

Cheers, Wendy

Philot posted on 11/10/2016

On 2016-11-09 20:58, danlovestikis wrote:
hang10tiki I hope to make them special so Bling it will be.


More casting for Wish List #7.

The Hot Tub Hula Girl and the Frankoma tiki are really small.

Hey Wendy, obviously the molds for the hula girl are first generation since that's your sculpt.
What about the Frankoma items? Did Joniece Frank give you the original scultpts, or are these your rendition?

danlovestikis posted on 11/10/2016

Hi Philot, go to page one of my thread here for the entire story of this little tiki. It is not only first generation it is the story of a tiki that survived the horrific fire and was saved from the rubble. It is original and not of my making. Because of how it was fired it is larger so that when I cast it the cast fires and becomes the correct size. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/11/2016

I've cast everything that I could think of for Wish List #7. If you held a place it's time to send me the project.
For those of you who sent the project information I will contact you as I start your project if necessary.

On this day I decided to cast another Maori lamp. As I started pouring in the slip Dan mentioned that it looked thick. I agreed but since it's such a large cast I didn't think the slip would have trouble poring back out.

2 hours later Dan poured out the slip but didn't use the flashlight to check. The next morning I looked inside and could see all the slip that didn't pour out.

When I opened the mold the cast melted like the wicked witch of the west.

It's not a total waste. I put this mess into plastic and I'll use it as sticky clay when I do custom projects.

At a thrift store we found some more TV trays. I've covered them with casts and

I've filled the garage shelves one

by one.

Then I filled the dining room table, one end

and then the other.

Now I have all the casts ready to grab to do each Wish. I'm looking forward to another run of great ideas. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/11/2016

Oh dang
That's a lot of work all lined up
Can't wait

TikiAno posted on 11/11/2016

As Jon would say... "this is going to be good."

Glad you used/ liked that tool, Wendy! (I admit that I haven't used it in quite a bit, but thanks for the reminder!) :)

Bummer about the Maori lamp, I'm sure it's remains will be used for something great.

danlovestikis posted on 11/12/2016

hang10tiki one project at a time, step by step. Each day is fun.

Tiki Ano the lamp clay will be gone in no time.


Wish List #7 progress report.

I did this black velvet painting and matching mug for the Tiki Oasis 16 art show. Loki Tiki and his wife took it home.

It was based on these Disneyland tikis.

I have two wishes for similar paintings and mugs. So I started by ironing the black velvet.

Then I cleaned it well with a roller of sticky tape.

I stretched the cloth onto cardboard cut to fit the frames.

I had extra cloth and frames so I did them as well.

During the Wish List I will hop from one project to the next and then back again. I put aside the paintings for now and started on the mugs. I built the tiki on a fogcutter mug.

I make extra mugs as I go because I like to have extras just in case something cracks in the kiln.

I finished the tiki and

then I supercarved the mug.

I did some woodgrain on the tiki and now it will slowly dry for a week.

One down and many more to go. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/12/2016

Love love love it

danlovestikis posted on 11/13/2016

hang10tiki my aim is to have you say that about your wishes when they are done. Thank you.


Wish List #7 progress report.

I have started cleaning up some of the casts and after a few days I had these done.

I cast and cleaned up some of the Frankoma tikis for bowls on the Wish List.

I cast a few more of the run of 100 of the crawl mug for 2016. This one is for Heath.

I hand build the tops.

It is set aside to slowly dry in and out of a plastic bag. This will be a purple pineapple for his wife.

I cast a couple of HUGE Maori Lamps but I didn't have any wishes for them so I'll experiment with them.

I cleaned it up and

started carving the sides.

I decided to add to the eyes. The shadow makes one look tipped back. It isn't. I will do special glazing and detailing with glaze on the body.

The rest I carved.

I place a hole at the bottom for the chord.

I build a removable lid for the top. This makes adding the lamp parts easy.

Everything I do right now is getting me ahead since I wasn't going to start until the end of December.
It's fun just doing this and that right now.

Thank you for being here, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/14/2016

Wish List #7 progress report. I have one Zombie Torch on the list. I am making two just in case.

They come out of the mold very rough and in need of help.

I clean them up and upside down.

I have five flames that I hadn't yet used. I selected one and

since each flame is hand made I customize the top of the mug to fit.

I like the detail to really stand out so I re-carve every line around the mug.

There are many.

Close up.

With the flames.

It's fun to be working on the Wish List again. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2016

Love dat mug

danlovestikis posted on 11/15/2016

hang10tiki it loves you back!


Wish List #7 progress report.

I made a super carved Tiki Bob for a wisher and then found out they wanted him to hold a 16 ounce Mai Tai. I don't know how much my Tiki Bob's hold. I'm going to have to pull some out of Dan's collection to see if the short, medium or tall versions do or do not.

This is a medium tall Tiki Bob.

Without and with a flash.

I have so much fun with Tiki Bob that Dan should worry. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/15/2016

16 oz Mai-Tai
That's like 4 of them

TikiAno posted on 11/15/2016

Mo' mai tai, mo' problems.

Mo' Tiki Bobs, mo' bettah.

That lamp is going to be KILLER, and those torch mugs always dazzle.

Love that new carved Tiki Bob, too. I don't think it holds 16 oz, but a "standard" mai tai glass holds anywhere from 9 to 11 oz (methinks), which should work??

danlovestikis posted on 11/17/2016

hang10tiki wow, I even know what a Mai Tai looks like. I saw a lot of these brown and yellow drinks on our trip and I asked the waitress what they were. Nope Dan didn't know either. Did we have one? No but I did live it up with some diet colas.

TikiAno Thank you

Mo' Tiki Bobs, mo' bettah. GOOD I WAS WORRIED

That lamp is going to be KILLER, and those torch mugs always dazzle. I'LL TRY WITH THE GLAZE

Love that new carved Tiki Bob, too. I don't think it holds 16 oz, but a "standard" mai tai glass holds anywhere from 9 to 11 oz (methinks), which should work?? HE REQUESTED !@ OZ. I'M WAITING TO HEAR BACK.


Even though I have been posting most days Dan and I were on a wonderful trip to Kauai. Every day was special. We did have a rough trip home. The food delivery truck ran into our plane which grounded it for 8 hours, then the luggage dispenser when we landed kept breaking down for an hour. Also Dan had us go to the airport in Kauai four hours early. So we had a 23 hour day from when we got up until we got to our home. But it was all worth it. Thank you Karen aka Woo Hoo Wahine for all the work you did to make our trip perfect. Photos soon.

uncle trav posted on 11/17/2016

Beautiful work Wendy!! Your creativeness and talent are never ending.

hang10tiki posted on 11/17/2016

Long day at the airport

WooHooWahine posted on 11/18/2016

E Komo Mai Home!!! So Glad You & Dan had a Tiki-rrific Trip!! Bring On Those Pictures.....WooHoo!!! :)

danlovestikis posted on 11/18/2016

uncle trav wow, I guess this is why I am posting here so much. The comments like yours just brighten my days.

hang10tiki it was but we kept smiling because we had places to relax, eat and read. So many people are in a bad way right now that we are grateful all the time that we are having such good lives. However I did end up with a very bad headache.

WooHooWahine thank you so much for making our trip special. You are the best ever travel agent and dear friend.


DAY ONE of our trip to Kauai, Hawaii

Dan's first selfie taken on the plane. He'll figure it out.

I remembered the way to the Marriott from when we stayed there 10 years ago. Only it turned out this was the wrong Marriott!

It was a great mistake on my part because they had since built a Duke's on the beach.

It was beautiful inside and since it was 11 am we had lunch followed by

the famous Hula Pie.

We walked the beach and grounds and then headed to

the correct Marriot hotel further up North as I had requested. Karen got us a huge ocean view room for the price of a regular room.

This was the view.

The pool also faced the ocean.

Dan tried the hammock and

couldn't get it to hold still.

After a few choice words he got up and we left to play some more.

I hope you enjoyed our first day in Kauai. There will be 14 more to come. Cheers, Wendy

kingstiedye posted on 11/18/2016

oh, i wish there was a video of danno losing that wrestling match with the hammock!

danlovestikis posted on 11/19/2016

kingstiedye I wish I'd taken a video. So far I haven't figured out how to post videos on facebook. I did some later in the trip.


Day 2 of our trip to Kauai.

We rose with the sun.

We had breakfast at our hotel and then found all these tikis in the lobby. Nope we didn't buy any.

Dan did pose with one of the tikis in front of our hotel.

Woo Hoo gave us a gift certificate and we went shopping. I got shot glasses and Dan got a T-shirt. Thank you Woo Hoo, you made our trip very special.

This place was called a thrift shop but this tiki table was $1400. Nope we didn't get it.

We found a real tiki place.

We had a good lunch. We had food but I thought you would like this photo better.

This is where we sat. Chongolio.com makes mugs for them.

We stopped at a thrift store and I found a Trader Vic's mug for $2! Yep we bought it.

I like being silly.

We never went inside of this restaurant. The owners Auntie died and so they closed.

During our trip the sky threatened to rain but it never did. The drought is in Hawaii too.

We were able to get parking to go to the dry cave.

I love walking clear to the back. It's creepy in there.

That's Dan at the opening waiting for me to come out.

Then it was off to a garden.

This is about a 1.5 hour walk with beautiful plants.

Even a stream which makes a soothing sound.

This church is in more paintings than any other in Hawaii. It is in Hanalei.

On our way back to the hotel we stopped to look at the taro fields.

This ends day two. Cheers, Wendy

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