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Kahuna Kevin's Voodoo Bamboo Tiki Mug - Ltd. Signed & Numbered Pre-Orders Open!

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Kahuna Kevin posted on 11/03/2016

Aloha everyone! Some very exciting news tonight... My upcoming Voodoo Bamboo Tiki mug being produced by PopTiki of Colorado is open for Pre-Orders at: https://www.kahunakevin.com/collections/kahuna-kevins-tiki-mugs/products/kahuna-kevins-voodoo-bamboo-limited-edition-tiki-mug-by-poptiki-of-colorado

Many details are on the page. In short, test glazes for the limited edition start in about 2 weeks, production soon after. Crossing my fingers for shipping orders before X-Mas, but I want this to be stellar, so I'm setting a Jan. 2017 tentative date. Never rush an artist, and good things will happen. Big MAHALO for your continued support. Enjoy the sneak peek at the first raw mug out of the first mold... and my original concept sketch below.

[ Edited by: Kahuna Kevin 2016-11-02 21:19 ]

Kahuna Kevin posted on 11/25/2016

First Voodoo Bamboo test glaze out of the kiln. Also now showing the rope & talons. Next test glaze will be green. As of this posting over half the numbered & signed limited editions are pre-sold.

Thanks for supporing an independent mixologist, author & publisher!
Official Website: http://www.KahunaKevin.com

[ Edited by: Kahuna Kevin 2016-11-25 11:40 ]

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