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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Tiki Wonderland / Wall of tiki

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FLOUNDERart posted on 02/19/2004

I have been having an excellent tiki collecting week.
I got rid of some of my extra mugs trading with TC's Kono.
Total: 4 new mugs.
At an estate sale I scored 2 Tresure Craft mugs, a tiki candle and some Coco Joes.
Total: 2 new mugs.
At a flea market I scored some well needed Westwood mugs since I had none in my collection.
Total: 2 new mugs.

Now here is were the Tiki Wonderland comes in. I finally got to go see the "wall of tiki" at FatuHiva's house. First let me start by saying Fatuhiva is a really cool guy with a beutiful family, and that it was a pleasure meeting them.
When I arrived we sat and talked for about 45 minutes which seemed like 4 hours knowing that behind one of those doors is the biggest stash of mugs I would ever see.
He showed me around his poolside oasis where there were tikis hidden behind exotic plants which he seemed to be very passionate about. Pics here:
On the pool deck were lying four keigs
carvings being prepared to hang.

OK! I can't handle it anymore, show me the mugs.

After the door opened I spent the next few minutes trying to pick my jaw off the floor.

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Absolutly amazing. This pic probably only shows about a quarter of this mans collection.
What was this thread about? Oh that's right collecting. Fatuhiva picked out one of my paintings that he couldn't live without, or maybe it was the wife who picked it out. Oh, yes it was her. We figured out a fare price per mug divided the price of the painting, carried the one, added three squared....30!!! That's right he opened up a closet door with six shelves of mugs he was getting rid of and said pick 30! Christmas in Feb. Well here's my picks plus the four I found.
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I'm finally happy with my collection.
Total this week: 38 new mugs.

How lucky I am just to live this close to Fatuhiva.
I can't thank him enough.

Original Art by Flounder
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[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2004-02-19 20:38 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 02/19/2004

You are the Master Collector.
Look at that big grin. You look like your about to orgasm.
Congrats on a great collection!

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Johnny Dollar posted on 02/19/2004

hey flounder, spread some of that good tiki karma around...

congrats man, very impressive! j$

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Kailuageoff posted on 02/19/2004


Just remember "those whom the gods would destroy, they first make successful".

(Did Fatuhiva have an orange tiki w' knife Hawaiian Inn mug?)

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JonPez posted on 02/19/2004

Great score, Flounder!
Amazing collection, Fatuhiva! It made me want to cry!
Geeeez. Now my collection isn't going to seem so impressive when you see it tomorrow, Flounder... Ah well, maybe if I put in some mirrors, it will seem like more...

Hey, Fatuhiva.... Care to part with a TikiBob mug for a poor fellow Floridian? :wink:

FLOUNDERart posted on 02/19/2004

On 2004-02-19 13:29, Kailuageoff wrote:

Just remember "those whom the gods would destroy, they first make successful".

(Did Fatuhiva have an orange tiki w' knife Hawaiian Inn mug?)

I know he had an orange paddle sucker but I'm not sure about the knife. I didn't see one but they are stacked in rows and he has more in boxes I think.

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fatuhiva posted on 02/20/2004

Glad you had a fun time and that you like the mugs Flounder :)

One particular moment of note is when Flounder pledged to go surfing with me or he would flow me 10 paintings for free- just kidding

Seriously, there is a longboard in my garage crying "floounder.. floooounder.. why do you ignoooore me?"

KG- you know thats a good question. I'll have to look. I know I have an orange paddle sucker, but im not sure if I have the knife in orange. How many colors did those hawaiian inn mugs come in? I think I've seen green orange and like a mustardy color(?)

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laney posted on 02/20/2004

On 2004-02-19 13:04, FLOUNDERart wrote:

He showed me around his poolside oasis where there were tikis hidden behind exotic plants which he seemed to be very passionate about. Pics here:

Wow, sorry to change the subject but, the red leaf on that Dypsis is beautiful. Are you into palms? Are you an IPS member? I know they have a problem with Ganoderma fungus in Florida, I got it here in CA. It's killed many of my mature palms. Have you heard anything about this in FL?

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laney posted on 02/20/2004

On 2004-02-19 20:36, laney wrote:

On 2004-02-19 13:04, FLOUNDERart wrote:

He showed me around his poolside oasis where there were tikis hidden behind exotic plants which he seemed to be very passionate about. Pics here:

Wow, sorry to change the subject but, the red leaf on that Dypsis is beautiful. Are you into palms? Are you an IPS member? I know they have a problem with Ganoderma fungus in Florida, I got it here in CA. It's killed many of my mature palms. Have you heard anything about this in FL?

Amazing collection BTW

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MauiTiki posted on 02/20/2004

fatuhiva, I'll go surfing with you anytime... But you've got to come to Maui. I even have an extra longboard or two.

I'll trade you some Hawaiian Clip-art for a mug from your closet.


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fatuhiva posted on 02/20/2004

Ah that poor red-leaf palm. That was back before the harsh summer hit and it started looking sickly. I ended up having to give it to a neighbor who had more of a shaded canopy in his yard. I havent checked on it lately- but its been kinda could so its probably pretty stunted right now.

I'm not sure about that particular fungus, but from time to time i spray a fungicide on the fronds/buds of my palms that arent performing up to par.. it seems to keep them goin.

Maui- I have a friend who lives there, and I'm going to be visiting him sometime this year- he doesnt surf, but I definitely plan to- I could use a SURF GUIDE dude! I dont wanna go charging into some reefbreak I know nothing about and get put through a cheese grater like some haole kook hahaha

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TikiGardener posted on 02/20/2004

To quote Monty Python's LIFE OF BRYAN

"You lucky Bastard...You lucky, lucky, lucky Bastard."

Congratualtions, Lucky ( and talented )!


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MauiTiki posted on 02/21/2004

On 2004-02-19 21:47, fatuhiva wrote:
Maui- I have a friend who lives there, and I'm going to be visiting him sometime this year- he doesnt surf, but I definitely plan to- I could use a SURF GUIDE dude! I dont wanna go charging into some reefbreak I know nothing about and get put through a cheese grater like some haole kook hahaha

fatuhiva -- Let me know when you are comming. I surf every Sunday during the summer and most Sundays during the winter. Put me on you're calendar, and we'll surf! So what, don't want to trade an old Closet tiki mug for a CD?

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Atomicchick posted on 02/21/2004

No wonder the Tiki Bob mugs are so scarce, Fatuhiva has them all!!!! I want one, just one. :)

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