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On This Day in Tiki History - 2023 Calendar Available

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MadDogMike posted on 01/18/2017

Click here to go to a download page for the free calendar graciously hosted by AceExplorer (Thank you Ace). Thanks to all who contributed dates and suggestions, especially Dusty Cajun. It is a PDF file, right click on the download link and "save as"

You can print it with your color printer with both sides of some cardstock and have it spiral bound. Or submit it to a printing. The best price I found for a single calendar was at Staples, submit online and pick up at your local store for about $28. The Staples version is adequate, not high gloss and 32 lb paper is not very heavy. But the back cover is black vinyl. Use a heavy hole punch to make a center hanging hole and flip the black vinyl around to the front, it will give great support to hang from. Or ask Staples for a self adhesive calendar hanger

Directions for the Staples website, click on the Document Printing. Professional Print. Browse Your Files/My Computer. Select pdf file. Continue. 8.5 x 11, Landscape, Scale to Fit, Double Sided, Head to Toe. Color Xpressions Elite Cover. Color Ink. Binding: Black coil. Bind Top Edge. Front: Clear plastic. Back: Black vinyl. Hole Punch: None. Use the arrows at the bottom to review before you print. 1st page is a greyed cover to represent the clear front cover, 2nd page is the printed front cover, then starts the calendar. Add to Cart bottom right. Then Check-out. You can register if you don’t already have an account or check out as a guest. You have to choose your shipping options or store pickup before you can check out. Let me know if there is something unclear about these directions.

I know it's a little late in the year but I have an idea for a Tiki Calendar. Since calendars repeat, 2017 is the same as 1961. My idea is a 1961 "this day in Tiki" calendar. But since I'm a lousy capitalist, my plan is just to release the MS Publisher file in the wild - you find a way to print it yourself :lol:

Looking for input on important dates in classic Tiki, mostly events before 1961 or birthdates of people who influenced Tiki before 1961 (although I did include Sven's birthday :wink: ) Here's what we have came up with collectively

1-Jan 1962 Samoa Independence Day
1-Jan National Hangover Day :wink:
2-Jan 1888 Drink straw patented
2-Jan 1990 Alan Hale, Gilligan's "Skipper" dies
3-Jan 2002 Juan Esquivel, Exotica artist dies
8-Jan 1935 Elvis Presley born, Blue Hawaii
8-Jan 1974 Irene Cora “Sunny” Sund Don the Beachcomber owner/wife dies
9-Jan 1924 Marvin Chin born, Chin Tiki restaurant
9-Jan 1935 Bob Denver "Gilligan" born
12-Jan 1876 Jack London born, author of South Seas Tales
12-Jan 1963 Tiki Tabu Apartments, Torrance opens
12-Jan 2000 Tiki Central founded
13-Jan 1950 Kon Tiki movie released
15-Jan 1979 Ralph Tyree died, Polynesian artist
16-Jan 1914 George "Pete" Wimberly born, architect Waikikian, Don the Beachcomber, Canlis, Taharaa
16-Jan 2014 Russell Johns, Gilligan's "Professor" dies
17-Jan Hot Buttered Rum Day
18-Jan 1778 Capt James Cook arrives in Hawaii
20-Jan 1918 Juan Esquivel, Exotica artist born
21-Jan 1998 John Joseph Patrick Ryan (Jack Lord) dies
22-Jan 1968 Duke Kahanamoku dies
22-Jan 1974 Leon Lontoc dies, Don the Beachcomber bartender
25-Jan 1963 Tahiti Restaurant Phoenix opens
26-Jan 1960 Boom Boom Room Lansing MI opens
26-Jan 2020 Minnie’s Modesto closes
30-Jan 1962 Kon Tiki Restaurant Tucson opens

1-Feb 1933 Arthur Lyman born, Exotica composer and artist
2-Feb 1917 Eldon Davis born, architect of Tahitian Village, Kona Kai, Humphrey's
2-Feb National Pisco Sour Day (1st Saturday in February)
3-Feb 1907 James Michener born, author of Tales of the South Pacific, Hawaii, Adventures in Paradise
5-Feb 1908 Moon Lueg born, Moon Islander and Moon Garden restaurants
5-Feb 2019 Tiki Tango opens, Atlanta
6-Feb 1985 Steven Crane dies, Luau and Kon Tiki restaurants
6-Feb Waitangi Day - New Zealand
7-Feb 1916 Steven Crane born, Luau and Kon Tiki restaurants
7-Feb 1953 Edgar Leeteg dies, black velvet artist
7-Feb 1973 Ports o' Three Bloomfield MI opens
8-Feb 1961 Ports o' Call restaurant Long Beach opens
11-Feb 1934 Tina Louise, Gilligan's "Ginger" born
12-Feb 1964 Charles McKirahan Sr dies, architect Mai Kai
14-Feb 1779 Death of Capt James Cook in Hawaii
16-Feb 1919 Reynolds McCullough born, co-founder of Reyn Spooner
16-Feb 2014 Tonga Hut Palm Springs opens
17-Feb 1896 Clif Sawyer Tiki designer (Luau, Lanai, Reef etc.) born
20-Feb 1703 Mount Gay Distillery founded
20-Feb 1908 Leon Lontoc born, Don the Beachcomber bartender
20-Feb 1918 Phil Moore born, Exotica artist
20-Feb 1959 Tahitian Studio City opens
20-Feb 1961 Kahiki opens
21-Feb 1931 Hangover helper Alka Seltzer introduced
21-Feb 1953 Waikiki Restaurant Minneapolis opened
22-Feb 1907 Ernest Gantt (Don the Beachcomber) born
22-Feb 2008 Jack Thornton dies, Mai Kai founder
23-Feb 1915 Jon Hall born, South Seas Film Star
23-Feb 2004 Joe Scialom dies, mixologist and creator of the Suffering Bastard
24-Feb 2002 Arthur Lyman dies, Exotica composer and artist
24-Feb 2016 Pagan Idol San Francisco opens
24-Feb World Bartender Day
25-Feb 1913 Jim Backus, Gilligan's "Thurston Howell III" born
27-Feb 1910 Charles McPhee the "Velvet Gauguin" born
27-Feb National Kahlua Day, make a Mr Bali Hai

1-Mar 1966 Clif Sawyer Tiki designer (Luau, Lanai, Reef etc.) dies
1-Mar 1993 Billy's at the Beach, Newport Beach opens
2-Mar 1953 Don the Beachcomber Palm Springs opens
2-Mar 2005 Martin Denny dies, Exotica composer and artist
4-Mar 1964 Trade Winds Oxnard opens
4-Mar 1995 eden ahbez dies
4-Mar 2012 Frank Walls dies, founder of Omni Hut Smyrna TX
4-Mar 2017 Reef Palm Springs opens
5-Mar 1955 Minnie’s Modesto opens
5-Mar 2017 Longitude Oakland closed
5-Mar National Absinthe Day
5-Mar Missionary Day (French Polynesia)
6-Mar 1958 Molokai Bar at the Mai Kai opens
8-Mar 1921 Alan Hale, Gilligan's "Skipper" born
8-Mar 2011 Herb Kane dies, Tiki artist
8-Mar 2019 The Bamboo CLub, Long Beach opens
13-Mar 1919 Wesley Herron, Kon Tiki chain contractor born
14-Mar 1922 Les Baxter born, Exotica composer and artist
14-Mar 1935 Sandy Warner born, exotica girl
15-Mar 1962 Castaway Restaurant Burbank opens
16-Mar 2009 Don the Beachcomber Surfside, Huntington Beach opens
17-Mar 1967 Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean opens
19-Mar 1900 J "Popo" Galsini, legendary mixologist born (possibly 1904)
19-Mar 1934 Havana Club introduced
19-Mar 1958 South Pacific movie released
19-Mar 1970 Kohala Mauna So. Burlington, VT opens
20-Mar 1919 Charles McKirahan Sr born, architect Mai Kai
21-Mar 1963 Tropics Motel Palm Springs opens
24-Mar National Cocktail Day
26-Mar 1957 The Traders Chicago opens
26-Mar Prince Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
27-Mar 1961 Mr Magoo goes to Hawaii - "Hula Magoo"
28-Mar 1903 Elmer "Bud" Bachtold born, General Manager and VP of Don the Beachcombers
28-Mar 1924 George Nakashima born, interior designer for many Polynesian restaurants
28-Mar 2015 Trader Sam’s Disneyworld Orlando opens
30-Mar 1962 Hawaiian I Duarte opens

1-Apr 1962 Adventures in Paradise TV show last episode airs
1-Apr Bacardi 151 wins international gold medal for best overproof rum (April Fools :wink: )
2-Apr 1963 Last episode of "Hawaiian Eye" airs
3-Apr 2019 Royal Hawaiian Laguna Beach reopens
4-Apr 1913 Frances Langford born, owner Langford Outrigger, Jensen Beach FL
4-Apr 1989 Robert Thornton dies, Mai Kai founder
5-Apr 1722 Capt Jacob Roggeveen arrives in Easter Island
5-Apr 1980 Final “Hawaii Five-O” episode airs
6-Apr 1965 He Ke Lau, Chicopee MA opens
6-Apr 2018 He Ke Lau, Chicopee MA closes
10-Apr 1911 Martin Denny born, Exotica composer and artist
10-Apr 1962 Mai Kai Theater, Livonia MI opens
10-Apr 1991 Natalie Schafer, Gilligan's "Mrs Howell" dies
11-Apr 1969 Polynesian, Redondo Pier, opens
12-Apr 2019 First Arizona Tiki Oasis
13-Apr 1904 Edgar Leeteg born, father of American black velvet painting
13-Apr 1958 Trader Vic's NY Savoy opens
13-Apr 2017 TikiCat Kansas City open
14-Apr 1913 Lewis VanDercar born, "Tiki's Andy Warhol"
14-Apr 1995 Sandy Warner dies, exotica girl
14-Apr 2007 Don Ho dies, Hawaiian musician
15-Apr 1908 eden ahbez born, Exotica composer and artist
15-Apr 2011 First Mojave Oasis event
15-Apr 2018 Don the Beachcomber Huntington Beach closes
17-Apr 1967 Final “Gilligan’s Island” episode airs
18-Apr 1902 Harry Owens born, Royal Hawaiians
18-Apr 2002 Thor Heyerdahl dies Kon Tiki sailor
20-Apr 1919 Frank Walls born, founder of Omni Hut Smyrna TX
20-Apr 1922 Joseph "Sepy" Dobronyi born, Tiki Bon Vivant
20-Apr National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day
21-Apr 1962 Seattle Worlds Fair opens
22-Apr 2006 Forbidden Island Alameda opens
22-Apr 2011 Eldon Davis dies, architect of Tahitian Village, Kona Kai, Humphrey's
26-Apr 1906 Bobby Butago born, 3 time world champion Tiki mixologist
26-Apr 1959 Hilo Hut Palm Springs opens
27-Apr 1521 Magellan dies in Battle of Mactan by Chief Lapu Lapu
27-Apr 1850 Alfredo Francisco Pellas Canessa, founder of Flor de Cana Distillery born
28-Apr 1947 Kon Tiki sails from Peru
28-Apr 1961 Tiki Ti opens

May is National Luau Month
1-May 1940 Don the Beachcomber Chicago opens
1-May Lei Day (Hawaii)
2-May 1929 Jack Thornton born, Mai Kai founder
2-May International Scurvy Awareness Day - "It's not just a cocktail, it's a cure"
4-May 1911 Francis Cabang born, owner and bartender Royal Hawaiian Laguna Beach
5-May 1949 Pago Pago Tucson opens
6-May 1966 First Official Aloha Friday
7-May 2002 Waltah Clarke Hawaiian Shirt Fashion legend dies
8-May 1903 Paul Gauguin dies, French artist
8-May 2010 Shag Store Palm Springs opens
9-May 1886 Facundo Bacardi dies, founder of Bacardi distillery
9-May 1930 Leland Henry born, Kahiki
9-May 2008 First Tiki Caliente Palm Springs
10-May 2002 George Cates dies, Exotica Artist
13-May 1942 Skipper Kent's Zombie Village opens
13-May 1987 Phil Moore died, Exotica artist
13-May 2015 Robert Drasnin dies, Exotica composer and artist
13-May World Cocktail Day
15-May Straw Hat Day
16-May 1994 Milan Guanko dies, Tiki carver
20-May 1959 Lanai restaurant San Mateo opens
21-May 1963 Hawaiian Luau opens Fontainbleau Hotel, New Orleans
26-May 1937 Don the Beachcomber Hollywood opens
26-May Lamprey Appreciation Day
29-May 2010 Joseph "Sepy" Dobronyi dies, Tiki Bon Vivant

1-Jun 1984 Moon Lueg dies, Moon Islander and Moon Garden restaurants
4-Jun 1862 Tonga Emancipation
4-Jun 2017 Wesley Herron, Kon Tiki chain contractor dies
6-Jun 1925 William Westenhaver born, Witco founder
7-Jun 1848 Paul Gauguin born, French artist
7-Jun 1989 Ernest Gantt (Don the Beachcomber) dies
7-Jun 2015 Moai Barge sunk off the coast of Florida
8-Jun National Name your Poison Day
8-Jun 2018 Lost Rivers Chicago opens
9-Jun 1957 Don Blanding dies, artist and founder of Lei Day
9-Jun 2019 Mamahune's, Kaapa, HI opens
9-Jun National Gin Day, make a Singapore Sling or Suffering Bastard
10-Jun 1932 Gardner McKay born, actor Adventures in Paradise Show
11-Jun Kamehameha Day (Hawaii)
12-Jun 1912 Alfredo Francisco Pellas Canessa, founder of Flor de Cana Distillery dies
12-Jun 2003 Francis Cabang dies, owner and bartender Royal Hawaiian Laguna Beach
14-Jun Bill Sapp born, Kahiki restaurant
14-Jun 1959 The Grass Shack burns down, Columbus Ohio
14-Jun National Bourbon Day, make a Tropical Itch
15-Jun 1941 Tropics Detroit opens
15-Jun 1971 Kon Tiki Waikiki opens
15-Jun 1990 George Nakashima dies, interior designer for many Polynesian restaurants
17-Jun 1960 Clifton's Pacific Seas closes
18-Jun 1906 Milan Guanko born, Tiki carver
19-Jun 1910 Joe Scialom born, mixologist and creator of the Suffering Bastard
20-Jun 1960 Ren Clark's Polynesian Village opens
21-Jun 1928 Herb Kane born, Tiki artist
21-Jun Summer Solstice, plan a rum sacrifice to the Tikis
23-Jun 1960 Samoa Restaurant Cocoa Beach opens
23-Jun 1963 Enchanted Tiki Room opens
23-Jun 1928 August Holland, Tiki Artist born
24-Jun 1961 Royal Tahitian Ontario opens
24-Jun 1961 The Surfrider, Wonder Lodge Bakersfield opens
25-Jun 1956 Oceanic Arts opens
27-Jun National Pineapple Day
29-Jun 1969 The Hawaiian restaurant Long Beach closes
30-Jun National Mai Tai Day
30-Jun 1921 Ralph Tyree born, Polynesian artist

3-Jul 1935 "Hawaii Calls" radio show first broadcast
3-Jul 1962 Mainlander restaurant St Louis opens
3-Jul 1989 Jim Backus, Gilligan's "Thurston Howell III" dies
4-Jul 1958 Islands restaurant Phoenix opens
5-Jul 1937 Spam production starts
7-Jul 1929 Ben Wilson born, Tiki carver and El Tiki owner (my father-in-law :) )
10-Jul National Pina Colada Day
10-Jul 1961 Pub Tiki Philadelphia opens
11-Jul 2005 Frances Langford dies, owner Langford Outrigger, Jensen Beach FL
11-Jul National Mojito Day
11-Jul World Rum Day
11-Jul 1961 Tahitian Village Downey opens
13-Jul 1961 Kona Kai Philadelphia opens
13-Jul 1970 Elmer "Bud" Bachtold dies, General Manager and VP of Don the Beachcombers
14-Jul National Grand Marnier Day, make a Flaming Kona Coffee Grog
15-Jul 1958 "Cinerama South Seas Adventure" premier
15-Jul 1965 Tahiti Lounge at Tiki Motor Inn, NY opens
15-Jul 1966 Hop Louie's Latitude 20 Torrance opens
15-Jul Orange Chicken Day
19-Jul 1957 Christian's Hut Honolulul opens
19-Jul 2002 First Hukilau - Atlanta
19-Jul National Daiquiri Day
20-Jul 1967 Trade Winds Motor Inn Spokane opens
22-Jul 2013 Ventiki Ventura opens
22-Jul National Mango Day
23-Jul 1959 Tiki-Jo restaurant Santa Monica opens
24-Jul 2015 Golden Tiki Las Vegas opens
25-Jul 1953 Beverly Hills Luau opens
28-Jul 1955 The Hawaiian restaurant Long Beach opens
29-Jul 1960 Ports 'o Call Dallas opens
31-Jul 1970 Black Tot Day
31-Jul 2013 Three Dots and a Dash, Chicago opens

1-Aug 1819 Herman Melville born, author of Typee, Omoo
2-Aug 2014 Longitude, Oakland opens
4-Aug 1965 Cook Islands becomes self-governing
6-Aug 1962 Kon Tiki Ports Chicago opens
7-Aug 1947 Kon Tiki arrives Tuamotu Islands
8-Aug 1958 The Reef Restaurant Long Beach opens
11-Aug 1955 Traders Beverly Hilton opens
12-Aug 1907 Mariano Balmeo Licudine born - "The Houdini of Liquids", Don's and Mai-Kai bartender
12-Aug 1921 Wallace Turnbow born, Islands Phoenix manager
12-Aug 1967 Mauna Loa Detroit open
13-Aug 1930 Don Ho born, Hawaiian musician
15-Aug 1945 VJ Day
16-Aug National Rum Day
16-Aug 1963 Benny Chan's Polynesian restaurant Salt Lake City opens
16-Aug 1977 Elvis Presley dies, Blue Hawaii
17-Aug 1877 Bill McCoy born, Prohibition rum runner
17-Aug Hawaiian Statehood Day (3rd Friday of August)
17-Aug National Thrift Store Day
18-Aug 2001 First Tiki Oasis - Palm Springs
18-Aug International Mermaid Day
19-Aug 1933 Debra Paget born, exotica girl
21-Aug 1959 Hawaiian statehood
22-Aug 1950 Kowloon opens, Saugus MA
22-Aug 1965 Trader Vic's NY Plaza opens
23-Aug 1965 Kon Tiki Cincinnati opens
24-Aug 1890 Duke Kahanamoku born, Hawaiian surfer
24-Aug 1984 Reynolds McCullough dies, co-founder of Reyn Spooner
25-Aug 1957 Polynesian Restaurant Torrance opens
25-Aug 2000 Kahiki closes
27-Aug 1955 Sven Kirsten born
28-Aug 1998 August Holland, Tiki Artist dies
29-Aug Chop Suey Day
30-Aug Trader Vic's Mai Tai Day

1-Sep National Papaya Month, make a Headhunter or Thurston Howl
2-Sep World Coconut Day
2-Sep 2005 Bob Denver "Gilligan" dies
3-Sep 2016 False Idol San Diego opens
4-Sep 1961 The Reef opens, Casper, Wyoming
4-Sep 2012 Wayne Coombs dies, Tiki artist and Mai Tiki gallery owner
4-Sep National Macadamia Nut Day
8-Sep 1865 Girolamo Luxardo dies - Luxardo cherries and liqueur
8-Sep 2012 Hale Pele Portland opens
9-Sep 2015 Shameful Tiki Room Toronto opens
11-Sep 2018 Inferno Room opens, Indianapolis
12-Sep 1981 Eli Hedley dies, Tiki carver and beachcomber
13-Sep 1922 Yma Sumac born, Queen of Exotica
16-Sep 1975 Papua New Guinea Independence Day
18-Sep 1945 Tonga Room opens
18-Sep 2009 First Luau at the Lake - Lake George NY
19-Sep International Talk Like a Pirate Day
20-Sep 1968 First “Hawaii Five-O” episode airs
20-Sep National Rum Punch Day
22-Sep 1972 Brady Bunch "Cursed Tiki" episode first airs
22-Sep 1996 Dorothy Lamour dies, South Seas film star
22-Sep 2015 Leland Henry dies, Kahiki
26-Sep 1918 Harry Yee born, mixologist Hilton Hawaiian Village
26-Sep 1959 Kon Tiki Portland opens
26-Sep 1964 First “Gilligan’s Island” episode airs
26-Sep 1967 "I Dream of Jeannie" travels to Hawaii
27-Sep 1966 Trader Vic’s St. Paul opens
28-Sep 1891 Herman Melville dies, author of Typee, Omoo
29-Sep 1784 Girolamo Luxardo born, Luxardo cherries and liqueur
29-Sep 1972 Brady Bunch "Pass the Tabu" episode first airs
30-Sep 1999 Ray Buhen dies, master mixologist Don the Beachcomber's, The Tropics, Luau, Tiki Ti

1-Oct 1971 Disney's Polynesian Resort Village opens
1-Oct 1996 Bobby Butago dies, 3 time world champion Tiki mixologist
5-Oct 1962 Mauna Loa Hollywood opens
5-Oct 1977 Webley Edwards dies, host of "Hawaii Calls"
6-Oct 1914 Thor Heyerdahl born, Kon Tiki sailor
6-Oct 1972 Brady Bunch "The Tiki Caves" episode first airs
7-Oct 1959 1st Episode Hawaiian Eye
8-Oct Lotu-a-Tamaiti (Samoa)
10-Oct 1914 Louis Armet born, architect of Tahitian Village, Kona Kai, Humphrey's
10-Oct 1966 Gilligan's Island "Voodoo" episode first airs
10-Oct 2018 Jan and Dean's Tiki Room opens
10-Oct National Vodka Day - Make a Chi Chi or Blue Hawaiian
10-Oct Fiji Day
11-Oct 1965 Explorer East restaurant Syracuse opens
11-Oct 1981 Louis Armet dies, architect of Tahitian Village, Kona Kai, Humphrey's
11-Oct 1984 Victor Bergeron (Trader Vic) dies
12-Oct 1963 Polynesian Cultural Center opens
12-Oct 1870 Dr. Johann Siegert dies, creator of Angostura Bitters
12-Oct 2018 Omni Hut closes, Smyrna TN
14-Oct 1814 Facundo Bacardi born, founder of Bacardi distillery
15-Oct 1959 Adventures in Paradise TV show first airs
16-Feb 1997 James Michener dies, author of Tales of the South Pacific, Hawaii, Adventures in Paradise
16-Oct National Liqueur Day
17-Oct 1970 Scooby Doo "A Tiki Scare Is No Fair first airs
17-Oct 2013 Tiki Iniki, Kauai opens
18-Oct 1938 Dawn Wells, Gilligan's "Mary Ann" born
19-Oct 1911 George Cates born, Exotica Artist
19-Oct 2019 Max's South Seas Hideaway opens Grand Rapids MI
23-Oct 2016 Jungle Bird opens, Sacramento
24-Oct 1963 Bali Hai Newport NY opens
26-Oct 1962 Hawaiian Room Emerson Hotel Baltimore opens
28-Oct 1835 Maori declaration of Independence
28-Oct 1901 Hilo Hattie born, Hawaiian performer
28-Oct 1949 Wayne Coombs born, Tiki artist and Mai Tiki gallery owner
31-Oct 1903 Eli Hedley born, Tiki carver and beachcomber, grandfather of Bamboo Ben

1-Nov 2008 Yma Sumac dies, Queen of Exotica
2-Nov 1969 Tur Maikai restaurant Kalamazoo opens
5-Nov 1900 Natalie Schafer, Gilligan's "Mrs Howell" born
6-Nov 1956 Kon Tiki Palm Springs opens
7-Nov 1894 Don Blanding born, artist and founder of Lei Day
7-Nov 2016 The Grass Skirt San Diego opens
8-Nov 1935 Mutiny on the Bounty movie released
9-Nov 1909 Ray Buhen born, master mixologist Don the Beachcomber's, The Tropics, Luau, Tiki Ti
10-Nov 1924 Russell Johns born, Gilligan's "Professor"
11-Nov 1902 Webley Edwards born, host of "Hawaii Calls"
12-Nov 2014 Latitude 20 New Orleans opens
12-Nov 2016 New Clifton's Pacific Seas opens
14-Nov 1924 William Krisel born, Mid-Century Modern Architect
15-Nov 1961 El Tiki opens, Imperial CA
17-Nov 1927 Robert Drasnin born, Exotica composer and artist
17-Nov 1934 Hinky Dinks opens
17-Nov 1961 Aloha Jhoe's restaurant Palm Springs opens
18-Nov 1954 Tropics, Dayton OH opens
18-Nov 1960 Mr Magoo shipwrecked - Robinson Crusoe Magoo
19-Nov 2002 Charles McPhee the "Velvet Gauguin" dies
20-Nov 1905 Frank Bowers born, muralist
21-Nov 1961 The Tahitian Pasadena opens
21-Nov 1996 Andres Bumatay dies, Tiki sculptor
21-Nov 2001 Gardner McKay dies, actor Adventures in Paradise Show
22-Nov 1796 Dr. Johann Siegert born, creator of Angostura Bitters
22-Nov 1916 Jack London dies, author of South Seas Tales
23-Nov 1923 Bill McCoy arrested for Prohibition rum running
24-Nov 1980 Mariano Balmeo Licudine dies - "The Houdini of Liquids", Don's and Mai-Kai bartender
27-Nov 1935 The Tropics Beverly Hills opens

1-Dec 1962 Don the Beachcomber Las Vegas opens
2-Dec 1953 Kalua Room Windsor Hotel Seattle opens
2-Dec 1962 Marina Lanai Apartments opens Seal Beach
4-Dec 2008 Frankie's opens Las Vegas
4-Dec King Tupou I Day (Tonga)
5-Nov 1887 Rhum Clement Distillery founded
5-Dec 1912 Waltah Clarke Hawaiian Shirt Fashion legend born
5-Dec 1933 Don's Beachcomber Café opens in Hollywood
5-Dec 1933 Repeal Day
5-Dec 1963 Trader Vic's St Louis
5-Dec 1964 Gilligan's Island "Waiting for Watubi" Tiki Episode first airs
6-Dec National Bartender's Day (1st Friday in December)
7-Dec 1913 Charles Ward dies, the "nephew" of J. Wray & Nephew
7-Dec 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor
8-Dec 2009 Smugglers Cove opens San Francisco
10-Dec 1902 Victor Bergeron born (Trader Vic)
10-Dec 1914 Dorothy Lamour born, South Seas film star
10-Dec 1969 Trader Vic’s Detroit opens
11-Dec 1964 Frank Bowers dies, muralist
12-Dec 1979 Hilo Hattie dies, Hawaiian performer
12-Dec 1986 Harry Owens dies, Royal Hawaiians
13-Dec 1963 Lin Fa Mai Tai Room, Terra Linda CA opens
13-Dec 1979 Jon Hall dies, South Seas Film Star
14-Dec 2016 William Westenhaver dies, Witco founder
14 Dec 2019 Restoration of San Francisco Tiki Bob
15-Dec 1959 South Pacific Hallandale FL opens
15 Dec 1988 Lewis VanDercar dies, "Tiki's Andy Warhol"
18-Dec 1931 Andres Bumatay born, Tiki carver
18-Dec 1940 Trader Vic Waikiki opens
18-Dec National Roast Pig Day
21-Dec Winter Solstice, summer is comin' back!
23-Dec 1909 Irene Cora “Sunny” Sund, Don the Beachcomber owner/wife born
25-Dec 1733 Molasses Act alters rum history
26-Dec 1939 Monte Prosers’s Beachcomber New York opens
28-Dec 1944 Club Zombie Cleveland opens
28-Dec 1956 Mai Kai opens
29-Dec 1974 John Lennon signs papers ending Beatles at Disney Polynesian Village Hotel
30-Dec 1920 John Joseph Patrick Ryan (Jack Lord) born
30-Dec 1948 Bill McCoy dies, Prohibition rum runner
30-Dec 1995 George "Pete" Wimberly dies, architect Waikikian, Don the Beachcomber, Canlis, Taharaa
31-Dec 1954 Skipper Kent's Polynesian Village opens

Looking for info on:
Louis Behan Velvet Artist Born 1929 ??
Louis Behan Velvet Artist Died 2002 ??
Bill Irwin Velvet Artist ??
Lou Sawyer Tiki designer (Luau, Lanai, Reef, etc.) 1905-1995?? Real name Laurence, born in the Basque region of Spain or France
Tiki-No North Hollywood opening date
Kona Club Oakland opening date
Zombie Village opening date
Bob Van Dorpe - first General Manager of the Mai Kai
Bob (Robert F) Thornton - date of birth (1931) co-founder of the Mai Kai
Appleton Estate founding 1749
Wray & Nephew founding John Wray died 1870 Charles James Ward (his nephew) born in Kingston Jamaica in 1837
Smith & Cross founding 1788
Myers's founding 1879 Fred L Myers born England about 1854
Dick Moano Tiki Cocktail author
Barney West, born about 1919. Birth name Cecil Westerberg?
Jim Casey - Carver
Richard Ellis - Carver
J. "Popo" Galsini - Kona Kai Bar Tender, creator of the Saturn death date
Andy Tonata - Mai-Kai Maitre'D
Tony Ramos, Don the Beachcombers
Dick Santiago, Don the Beachcombers
Bob Esmino, Don the Beachcombers
Ray Barrientos, Don the Beachcombers
Mike Gildea, "beatnik sculptor" and giant Tiki carver from El Porto CA
Omni Hut, Smyrna TN opened on what date in August 1960?
James and Ambrose Gosling, brothers. Dad William. James sailed to Bermuda in 1806
Frank Schirman, sculptor of Black Coral, like an "upscale" CocoJoe
August Paul Jordan, sculpted 17 ft Tiki outside of Tiki Tops Cafe in Oahu
Ruth Spooner, co-founder of Reyn Spooner

Added in 2020
El Tiki Imperial opens
Kon Tiki Waikiki opens
Tropics Motel Palm Springs opens
Tropics Detroit opens
Christian's Hut Honolulu opens
Club Zombie Cleveland opens
Bali Hai Northport NY opens
Tahiti Lounge NY opens
Mai Kai Theater Livonia MI opens
Mauna Loa Hollywood opens
Tropics Dayton opens
Lin Fa Mai Tai Room Terra Linda CA opens
Max's South Seas Hideaway opens
Alfredo Canessa born and dies
Rhum Clement Distillery founded
Jan and Dean's Tiki Room opens
Longitude Oakland opens and closes
Mamahune's Kaapa HI opens
Billy's at the Beach, Newport Beach opens
Joseph "Sepy" Dobronyi birth and death dates
Reynolds McCullough birth and death dates
James Michener birth and death dates
Jack London birth and death dates
Herman Melville birth and death dates
Dorothy Lamour birth and death dates
Jon Hall Jon Hall birth and death dates
Frances Langford birth and death dates
Adventures in Paradise begin and end dates
Gardner McKay birth and death dates
Elvis Presley birth and death dates
Tahiti Restaurant Phoenix opening
J. Popo Galsini birth date
The Reef Casper, Wyoming opening
Waltah Clarke birth and death date
Boom Boom Room Lansing MI opening
Castaway Restaurant Burbank CA opening
South Pacific Restaurant Hollywood, FL opening
Kohala Mauna So. Burlington, VT opening
Charles McPhee birth and death dates
Irene Cora “Sunny” Sund birth and death dates
Clif Sawyer birth and death dates
Tiki Cat Kansas City opening
Tonga Hut Palm Springs opening
Shag Store Palm Springs opening
Hilo Hut Palm Springs opening
Minnie’s Modesto opening and closing
Hawaiian I Duarte opening
Golden Tiki Las Vegas opening
Shameful Tiki Room Toronto opening
Trader Sam’s Disneyworld Orlando opening
Latitude 20 New Orleans opening
Trade Winds Motor Inn Spokane opening
Tiki Tabu Apartments opening
Tiki Iniki, Kauai opening
Hale Pele Portland opening
Three Dots and a Dash Chicago opening
Ventiki Ventura opening
The Surfrider, Wonder Lodge Bakersfield opening
Don the Beachcomber Surfside opening
Polynesian, Redondo Pier, opening
Ports o' Three Bloomfield MI opening
Hilo Hattie birth and death dates
Harry Owens birth and death dates

May we all get to have a chance to ride the fast one
Walk away wiser when we crashed one
Keep hoping that the best one is the last one

[ Edited by MadDogMike on 2023-01-13 21:46:21 ]

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Great idea MDM, I'll see what I can dig up in the archives.


Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Joseph Stephen Crane February 7, 1916 - Luau and Kon Tiki Restaurants should be on there for shure


Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Grand Opening of Disneyland July 17, 1955

Ray Buhen master mixologist was born in the Philippines on November 9, 1909

On April 28, 1961, the Tiki-Ti opened its doors.

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Don the Beachcomber opens at 1727 N. McCadden Pl located across the street from the original Café in Hollywood, California, May 26, 1937
The second Don the Beachcomber opens at 101 E. Walton Place in Chicago on May 1, 1940.

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Don the Beachcomber in Palm Springs opened March 2, 1953

Steve Cranes Luau opened in Beverly Hills July 25, 1953

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Skipper Kent's Zombie Village opens in Oakland on May 13, 1942

Skipper Kent's Polynesian Village opens at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago on December 31, 1954

Ren Clark's Polynesian Village opened in Forth Worth June 20, 1960

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

The second Trader Vic's opened on Ward Avenue in Waikiki on December 18, 1940.

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Don Blanding born November 7, 1894

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Victor Bergeron (Trader Vic) was born on December 10, 1902

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

San Francisco’s Tonga Room opened on September 18, 1945

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

Trader Vic's "The Traders" opens at the Palmer House hotel in Chicago on March 26, 1957.

Sunny&Rummy posted on 01/18/2017

Not specifically Tiki, but instrumental to the cause, I think Repeal Day (December 5th, 1933) should make the cut.

AceExplorer posted on 01/18/2017

Great idea! You may be able to find something tiki for every single day of the year. A couple extra ideas:

Witco opens.
Witco owners birthdays
Wayne Coombs birthday
Barney West birthday

Plus, to fill in some "open" days, what about the recent sinking of the tiki barge off the coast of Florida that didn't go so well, and other things like it.

You could use little symbols for "people""places" and "events" and list more than one item on any given day. A squiggly question mark for "weird tiki things."

Jeff Central posted on 01/18/2017

Robert Drasnin: Born November 17, 1927, Charleston, West Virginia

mikehooker posted on 01/18/2017

Loosely related:

July 21 1899 Ernest Hemingway born.

MadDogMike posted on 01/18/2017

Thanks guys!!!! I added those to the list above

AceExplorer posted on 01/18/2017

Hangover helper "Alka-Seltzer" born: Feb. 21, 1931

howlinowl posted on 01/18/2017

I had tried something similar a while back, thread died before it even really got started.


There may be a couple of dates in there that you may be able to use...

2-5 (1908): Birthday of Moon Lueg. Founder of the tiki restaurant "Moon Islander" in Titusville, Florida and the chinese restaurant "Moon Garden" in Fort Pierce, Florida. (although he didn't open the Moon Islander until 1967 so I don't know if he really qualifies for a 1962 calendar.)

August 12 (1921) - Birthday of Wallace E. Turnbow. Manager of "The Islands" in Phoenix, AZ. Co-authored the book "Introducing original Polynesian tropical bar recipes" with Dick Moano. Creator of the cocktail "Wally's Kanaka Punch", recipe listed in book above. (Wally might work... book was published in 1963 so I think it'd be safe to assume that he was working somewhere tiki in '62 or earlier.)

Good luck with your project.


AceExplorer posted on 01/18/2017

Adding to what howlinowl stated. Compile as much as you can, don't worry about "empty" dates, and get something published for downloading. Then continue to compile dates and information and photos for a more detailed calendar release at the end of this year -- for 2018.

Good luck!

tikiskip posted on 01/18/2017

Here is the one I did years ago for just the Kahiki.

Kahiki Timeline
1961 |(Feb 20th 1961 First day open) Bill Sapp and Lee Henry open the Kahiki after their Tiki bar, (the Grass Shack, burns down.(On Bill Sapp's birthday June 14th 1959 a Sunday) Mr Sapps year of birth?
Kahiki means "a joyous voyage to Tahiti" Citizens Journal Thursday March 23 1961, "Splendor of the tropics is setting at Kahiki"(artical name)

1970's | Moai out front are not lit from an order from the City of Columbus because of the 70's energy crisis.

1988 | After a slew of owners (Mitch Boyce), Michael Tsao buys out his partner and takes over the restaurant.

1995 | Tsao starts a frozen-food company next door to the restaurant.

1997 | The Kahiki is put on the National Register of Historic Places, And is the only tiki type place
on this list.

April 17, 2000 | Walgreens confirms that it wants to build a store where the Kahiki sits.

June 30, 2000 | Tsao says that he will sell the Kahiki to Walgreens but never reveals how much money it took.

July 2000 | Tikiskip hears on radio Kahiki is closing, calls Skip davis at Kahiki, no employees know of this news. Michael Tsao is in Hawaii at this time.

Aug. 25, 2000 | The Kahiki closes its doors before a private farewell party put on by Otto von Stroheim And Tiki news, Tickets are $100.00 each, the event sells out.

July 22, 2005 | Michael Tsao unexpectedly dies 10 weeks after the realization of his dream of moving the company into a bigger factory. The company is in debt and in mourning.

Nov. 15, 2005 | The Kahiki outlet store starts selling off the rest of their stuff. Mostly lights. 11/15/05

Sept 28, 2006 | Kahiki items in a warehouse go on sale, One moai and fireplace go to Vermont. The other Moai is in norwitch township in Ohio. The rest and last of Kahiki items go to Vermont as well.

2006 | A group of former Kahiki employees (Theang&seong), With Francis Llacuna a hawaiian born guitarist as entertainment ) opens a restaurant called Tropical Bistro,It closes on January 27 2008.

May 2007 | A Pittsburgh company buys Kahiki for $11.7 million, although the factory stays in Gahanna.

2010 | The company makes almost $50 million in sales a year and sells 70 products in groceries across the country. President Alan Hoover said it still makes many of the dishes from the Kahiki menu.

2010 Nov,27 | Vermont Moai is sold on ebay, Now the Moai will be living on the beach in Hampton, Mass.

2012 Sept, | The DVD of Tiki - Vol. 1 // Finally for sale, DIRECTED BY JOCHEN HIRSCHFELD & SCHLANGO With scenes taken by Tikiskip of the destruction of the Kahiki.

2013 Oct, The authors David Myers, Elise Myers, Jeff Chenault and Doug Motz release a book on the history of the Kahiki Supper Club being published by History Press.

2015 Sept 22, Henry, Jr. Leland W. Henry, Jr., 85, passed away.
Source: Dispatch archives And other.

tikiskip posted on 01/18/2017

What was the goings on Feb 22 (a Wednesday) 1961 first day of the Kahiki?

February 20, 1961 (Monday)[edit]
Jerry Garcia, an 18-year old drifter who had been discharged from the U.S. Army, survived a car accident in Palo Alto, California. He would later describe the event as "the slingshot for the rest of my life"."Before then I was always living at less than capacity," he would write later. "Then I got serious." Garcia would go on to found the Grateful Dead.

Top #5 songs in the USA

Chubby Checker - Pony Time
Lawrence Welk - Calcutta
The Shirelles - Will You Love Me Tomorrow?
Ferrante and Teicher - Exodus
The Miracles - Shop Around

On February 20th, 1961, the closest available weather station to Columbus, OH (COLUMBUS MUNICIPAL ARPT, OH), reported the following conditions:
High Temp: 37.9°F *
Low Temp: 21.9°F *
Average Temp: 30.2°F ( 24 )
Dewpoint: 23.4°F ( 24 )
Sea Level Pressure: 1030.8 mb ( 24 )
Station Pressure: 999.1 mb ( 24 )
Visibility: 9 miles ( 24 )
Wind Speed: 2.7 knots ( 24 )
Max Wind Speed: 8.9 knots
Max Wind Gust: n/a
Precipitation Amount: 0 inches I
Snow Depth: n/a
Observations: n/a

ZuluMagoo posted on 01/18/2017

June 23, 1963 Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room opens at Disneyland
October 1, 1971 Tropical Serenade opens at Walt Disney World

[ Edited by: ZuluMagoo 2017-01-18 09:29 ]

ZuluMagoo posted on 01/18/2017

xx xx 1956 Bob & Leroy open Oceanic Arts

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 01/18/2017

Looks like a few people have tried to tackle this :D
Mine's a little goofier

365 days of tiki
1/2 Drinking straw patented 1888
1/8 Elvis Presley’s birthday 1935
1/11 First discotheque opens in US 1963, death of tiki
1/14 Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite 1973 Elvis Concert
1/16 18th Amendment starts prohibition 1919
1/17 National Hot Buttered Rum Day
1/20 International Hat Day
1/22 death of Duke Kahanamoku 1968
1/26 Anniversary of the Australian Rum Rebellion 1808
1/27 Water Conservation Day

2/2 birthday of Arthur Lyman 1932
2/7 National Pisco Sour Day
2/11 birthday of Tina Louise, “Ginger” on Gilligan’s Island 1934
2/14 Death of Captain James Cook 1779 Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii
2/20 Kahiki opened 1961
2/22 Birthday of Donn Beach 1907
2/24 death of Arthur Lyman 2002

3/2 death of Martin Denny 2005
3/5 National Absinthe Day

4/2 last episode of Hawaiian Eye airs 1963
4/5 Last episode of Hawaii Five-O airs 1980
& Easter Island encountered by Jacob Roggeveen 1722
4/10 birthday of Martin Denny 1911
4/14 death of Don Ho 2007
4/17 last episode of Gilligan’s Island airs 1967
4/18 Thor Heyerdahl died 2002
4/28 Kon Tiki expedition leaves Peru 1947

5/1 May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii
5/13 World Cocktail Day

6/7 death of Donn Beach 1989
6/11 Kamehameha Day in Hawaii, United Kingdom of Hawai’i
6/11 Grease 2 with the Rock-a-hula Luau is released 1982
6/23 opening day Enchanted Tiki Room Disneyland 1963
6/27 Pineapple Day
6/30 Mai Tai Day

7/10 National Pina Colada Day
7/11 National Mojito Day
7/19 National Daiquiri Day
7/30 Kon Tiki spots land, Puka-Puka 1947

8/7 Kon Tiki expedition reaches Raroia atoll 1947
8/13 birthday of Don Ho 1930
8/16 National Rum Day
8/21 Hawaiian Statehood 1959
8/24 birthday of Duke Kahanamoku 1890
8/25 Kahiki closes 2000

9/13 Yma Sumac’s birthday 1922
9/20 First episode of Hawaii Five-O airs 1968
& first episode of Hawaii Five-O 2010, National Rum Punch Day
9/22 first Hawaii Brady Bunch episode airs 1972 Hawaii Bound

9/26 First episode of Gilligan’s Island airs 1964
9/29 second Hawaii Brady Bunch episode airs 1972 Pass the Tabu

10/1 opening day Tropical Serenade WDW (Enchanted Tiki Room) & opening day Polynesian Village 1971
10/4 National Vodka Day/National Taco Day
10/6 Thor Heyerdahl birthday 1914 & 3rd Hawaii Brady Bunch episode airs 1972, The Tiki Caves
10/7 First episode of Hawaiian Eye airs 1959
10/11 death of Trader Vic 1984
10/12 Polynesian Cultural Center dedicated 1963
10/18 birthday of Dawn Wells, “Mary Ann” on Gilligan’s Island, 1938

11/2 “The Kon Tiki Expedition” book released Norway 1948
11/7 birthday of Captain James Cook 1728
11/12 National Happy Hour Day
11/17 Hinky Dink’s opens 1934

12/5 21st amendment repeals prohibition 1933
12/7 Pearl Harbor 1941
12/10 birthday of Trader Vic 1902
12/28 opening of Mai Kai Restaurant 1956

AceExplorer posted on 01/18/2017

On 2017-01-18 10:17, Pittsburgh pauly wrote:
Looks like a few people have tried to tackle this :D
Mine's a little goofier

365 days of tiki

Bravo, Pauly! Those are FUN things!

JenTiki posted on 01/18/2017

Hey MDM, not to put a fly in your ointment, but 2017 is actually the same as 1961, not 1962. 1962 started on a Monday. 1961 started on a Sunday, as did 2017.

MadDogMike posted on 01/18/2017

You had me scared for a minute but my calendar is 1961, I posted it wrong here :lol: I will edit my initial post so as not to cause any more confusion

Great dates people, keep them coming. Great list Pauly, I will definitely use some of those

MadDogMike posted on 01/18/2017

(duplicate post)

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2017-01-18 12:05 ]

Dustycajun posted on 01/18/2017

So to be clear on the intent here, are we including dates past 1961/1962? If so what kind of cut off are you looking at MDM?


MadDogMike posted on 01/18/2017

Yes DC, I am looking for a cut-off of "about" 61 for this calendar. But include any 60s dates, maybe I'll do it again next year and the matching calendar will be later

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2017-01-18 12:06 ]

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017

George Nakashima highly acclaimed interior designer of polynesian restaurants born March 28,
1924 in Los Angeles.

Mauna Loa Restaurant Detroit opened August 15, 1967

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017

Milan F Guanko was born on June 18, 1906

MadDogMike posted on 01/19/2017

This one of those things about TC that has always been cool - ask for knowledge you ye shall receive.

Anyone got a good source for one-off printing? The best I have found is Staples. About $20 for color, plastic coil bound, local pickup which is about the same as a photo calendar from Snapfish or Shutterfly (but they won't let you customize the year). I found some places with lower prices but they jack you on shipping and some places give a better price but minimum order is 10 or 100. If you are pricing, I think it comes out to 28 pages (14 pieces of paper) for January 1961-January 1962.

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017

Eldon Davis, Architect Armet & Davis, Born February 2, 1917 Anacortes, Washington

Louis Armet, Architect Armet & Davis, Born October 26, 1914

Tahitian Village, Kona Kai, Humphrey's

Charles Mckirahan Born November 19, 1919 Architect of the Mai Kai Fort Lauderdale

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017

George "Pete" Wimberly Architect Born January 16, 1914

Waikikian, Don the Beachcomber, Canlis, Taharaa

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017

Kon Tiki Movie release date January 13, 1950

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017

Well I can't believe this one has not been added yet, I celebrate it every year.

National Mai Tai Day on June 30.


tikiskip posted on 01/19/2017

Henry, Jr. Leland W ( Lee Henry Kahiki) was born on May 9, 1930

MadDogMike posted on 01/19/2017

Anyone know when Barney West passed away? What his middle name was? I was looking for his birth date and have a few clues. He was 52 years old in 1971 (per a magazine article) which would make him born about 1919. Find-A-Grave shows a Barney Leroy West born 4/23/1918 and died 4/30/1986 in Maine. He had lived in Sausalito CA but was in the Merchant Marines and traveled extensively, he could have originally been from Maine. I wonder if that's him?

Dustycajun posted on 01/19/2017


No info found on Barney West. The list is looking good. Can you put a hard return space between each month to make it a little easier to review for new listings?

Hit the archives for some more dates;

Marvin Chin of Chin Tiki Detroit birthday January 9, 1924
Trader Vic's St Louis opens in the Bel Air hotel December 5, 1963
Trader Vic's New York opens in the Savoy hotel April 13, 1958
Trader Vic's New York moves and opens in the Plaza hotel August 22, 1965
Kon Tiki Ports opens in Chicago August 6, 1962
Kon Tiki Ports opens in Cincinnati August 23, 1965
Ports o Call opens in Dallas July 29, 1960
Kona Kai opens in Philadelphia July 13, 1961


MadDogMike posted on 01/19/2017

You've got some pretty extensive archives there Dusty!!!!!

Dustycajun posted on 01/20/2017

The Traders Beverly Hilton August 11, 1955


Dustycajun posted on 01/20/2017

Hop Louie's Latitude 20 July15 1966


Dustycajun posted on 01/20/2017

One more before the wrap.
Trade Winds Oxnard March 4 1964


Dustycajun posted on 01/20/2017

OK one more.

Tahitian Pasadena
Passport to paradise at the grand opening in November 1961.


AceExplorer posted on 01/20/2017

Just a thought or suggestion on the actual formatting of the events to appear at each day:

To help those who may not recognize each and every one of the names (like me) I think some sort of additional "relevance" clues should be included with each entry. For example,

Joe Schmoe, restauranteur, born today.
Operated "Joe Schmoe from Idaho" tiki
bar and restaurant in Akron Ohio.


MadDogMike posted on 01/21/2017

Good point Ace but there isn't enough room on each calendar date for that much info, especially days that have more than one event. I will try to put all that info on the first post of this thread so it will all be in an easily accessible place.

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