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BENZARTs Carvings, FIRST thread 04-09-2006

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I'm home, All went well. I'm Electrified!
Can't lift anything over 8 lbs for the next 6 weeks. Have to wear a neck brace for 5 daysso the electrodes don't move. I'm fine . Heres some stuff I have in the work

for Hale Tiki

and for Gecko

Maybe for nice fishey

and some for JungleTrader

some other stuff mixed in there.
FLOUNDERart, I do have some larger pieces of wood but only one large enough gouge to work it with.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-02-22 10:04 ]

Definately for Nice Fishy. Is #5 mine?


Great work ben, yes that one was one of mine. great start on the new ones.


Nice Fishery, you were #10 on the list but the list has gotten all out of whack. We'll have to figure it out. I would hate to bump anyone out and I have a Terrible memory.
Next on the list was Polynesiac but Poly wanted Cocobolo which is #6, the next one. So Who wants it?

Cool stuff, Ben...glad your surgery went well..and to think I'm nervous about having some teeth cut out...I should just shut up! Brad will be thrilled to have something by you in there. It should have a Ben Davis, an Ed Crissman, a Leroy Schmaltz, a Wayne Coombs, a Milan Guanko, an an Ely Hedley at the very least

All's cool. Just let me know when I'm up.


Thanks,BK and don't belittle the oral surgery, that is some of the worst I've ever had. Just think, Soup and juice for the next 2 weels and I'm having steak and potatos. Also, Brad will be thrilled with your carvings in Hale Tiki. You don't give yourself enough credit for the Fabulous pieces you create. I would be thrilled to have one of your tikis and I will some day.
Nice Fishey, I'll PM the list and see where it stands and let you know as soon as possible. Is there anything in particular you would like? Maori, Marquesan. you name it and I have Cocobolo, Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry and a Chestnut log with NO Worms from a barn built in 1892 or there abouts.Name your poison

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-02-21 19:20 ]

Benz, happy to hear your surgery went well.
Thanks for including the "in progress" pictures - it's always fun to see tikis taking shape. It's also cool to see that every carver here has their own style, not only for the art, but how they get started with uncovering the tiki. Nice work.

Looking forward to #6...

GECKO posted on Sun, Feb 22, 2004 2:22 AM

Da baddest braddah on TC! BRADDAH BENZART!!

Can't wait till you stop buy da islands! I'm gonna be like a sponge on your brain!

can't wait to see it but take your time. Take care of braddah Brad for his grand opening.

Tanks' bro...SCHWEEEET!!


You better get busy if you are gonna have enough together to vend at Hukilau in September! You will be there right? You gotta at least come meet the ohana and drink in the spirit. It'll have you swingin' the hammer real soon...


For Sure, For Sure, I'll be there with my Wahine, Sherry.I dont' drink the spirit any longer but I will enjoy everyones company and can't wait to meet all you guys.
Hopefully I'll be weighted down with pendants hangin' around my neck and a few other surprises. But you know they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions right?


On 2004-02-21 14:14, Benzart wrote:
I'm home, All went well. I'm Electrified!
Can't lift anything over 8 lbs for the next 6 weeks. Have to wear a neck
brace for 5 daysso the electrodes
don't move. I'm fine .
Heres some stuff I have in the work

for Hale Tiki

and for Gecko

Maybe for nice fishey

and some for JungleTrader

some other stuff mixed in there.
FLOUNDERart, I do have some larger
pieces of wood but only one large enough gouge to work it with.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-02-22 10:03 ]

I'm glad the surgery went well, Benzart. My prayers are with you. You're also cranking out some beautiful work. Can you put me down for a $50 job carved from the 1892 barn wood? I'll leave the style, etc. to you.



Sam, I'd be glad to. I can't wait to get into that 100+ year old Chestnut.

Just email me with payment details, (when and how you want payment, where to send it, etc.) and I'll get it to you. Thanks!


If that big warrior is for Brad, Ben, I'm going to try to quickly turn out some Maori style mouldings to go with him and maybe make him the crown of a Maori "house gable" type doorway...Wahaddaya think?


BK, that would be great. I Hope I can get him done quickly enough and that he will be worthy of beung there. The wood is juts some 2X6s glued together at an angle to give a little depth. It isn't a very good piece of wood, but I will do what I can.


[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-02-25 05:56 ]


Heres one I did for TikiBuds Seven year old son
He saw my work and told his dad he wanted him to come up here and whip my ass till I gave him one. I figured I better make the kid a carving.Actually when a kid is tikiwashed at 7 then he gets what he wants.

I hope to br carving again by early next week so get ready.


Nice Moai! I'm working on a simular design, chin jutting out. Is that mahogony?


McDougall, Yes that is Magogany.
Here is #7 Not quite finished. TikiBud wanted a full body tiki.

It still needs some detail and the finish.

This is 1 coat of sealer Shellack.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-03-04 15:16 ]


Hey Ben the carvings are absolutely Awesome. I don't know where you are on the list, But put us on it! Let us know and we will figure out what we want or what you would like to do! thanks, Ric

[ Edited by: OnaTiki on 2004-03-04 20:48 ]

GECKO posted on Thu, Mar 4, 2004 11:52 PM

better jump on these carvings now peeps befor he gets tired and makes all of these into molds and turns the rest of his work into resin charms.

Beautiful stuff. love da full body tiki!


Thanks a lot guys.
OnaTiki, there are only 11 on the list and you make 12. I should get cranked up pretty soon and get some more done.
Gecko, Flattery will get you Everywhere.


Thanks Ben...#12 is a great #. looking forward to it! E us when your ready...

[ Edited by: OnaTiki on 2004-03-05 13:03 ]


Hey Ben, once again Thanks. I know we've PM'ed back and forth, But my Son and I wanted a "public" Thank You for your time.


My Pleasure, You are welcome.
Can't wait to hear your sons reaction to his Moai.
Thanks again.
Jungle Trader is next!

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-03-05 18:02 ]

Oh man, I thought the Maori face were incredible, jeez, those last two are killer. I got to take Geckos advice and start savin some clams. Keep it up Benz, those are way cool.



Please put me on that awesome list.
You rock.


Great stuff Benz, I too like the full body tiki. Its funny I have carved a few small tikis for some friends and I think they take just as long as the big ones. I noticed in one of your photos it looks like you have a flex shaft carver. I was going to buy a foredom to play around with but they are kind of spendy. I was wondering if you knew if the cheap versions are worth buying or should I just spend the big bucks and get the foredom. I thought you might know.


Thanx keigs.
Yeah I have an Old Foredam here, something a cheap version will never be. If it means not being able to get one, go for the generic version. But, when you become acoustomed to it, you'll end up buying a good one anyway.
Of course there are some good Inexpensive shafts out there. What is your primary use going to be , a rotary or recriprocating tool? I'll do some research and get back to you about it.


The truth is I dont know how much I would use it. Probably mostly for rotary. Usally the stuff I carve has no need for a lot of detail because after I burn it it disapears anyway. It would be just for fun something to kill time at night when I get the urge to carve and cant because of noise. But you are right, might as well buy the good stuff because sooner or later I would anyway. Thanks for the info if you find out more I am all ears.


Keigs, check out E-bay for Flex Shaft tools, Here is a link to a decent deal http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2695209122&indexURL=2#ebayphotohosting. Old but add new brushes and good for another 20 years.
Another one http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2695845539&category=34087

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-03-06 20:29 ]


Thanks Benz, damn those look fun!


The Fun begins when you turn it on. You can get Recip handpieces for the foredom too.

OK, I can't stand it, I gotta get on your list. Your work is true proof of the infinite variety Polynesian art offers. Each piece like no other.
I just made a good sale on e-bay, please whittle me a baby, Moko face, Marquesan, or Moai, I love them all.
In case you didn't get my book yet, I send you one with the moolah.


Thanx bigbrotiki.
No I didn't get your book but I'd Love one and you are now on the list at # 14.
Damn, I'll never get stuff done for HukiLau'04 at this rate.
I Have Registered and paid Vendor dues for Hukilau 2004 and I will be there with hopefully a Good selection of goodies in several forms.
In the mean time however, TCrs come first
Thanks Again

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-03-08 04:47 ]

Benzart, private message me your mailing address and I get a book out to you, you need some entertainment in your state (I don't mean Florida, but your neck).

Hey Benzart,

Mine should be coming up soon, right?

Hey Benzart,

Mine should be coming up soon, right?


Nice fishey, yes you should be coming up pretty soon. I have'nt been carving because of the surgery, but starting yesterday I,m free to do what I want, so I'm in full swing now.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-03-13 14:45 ]


These are going out to TikiBud and his son

Tikibud has put his wife on the list further back. These are Numbered 7 and 8
Thanx tikibud


Ben, Dollars are coming your way.
Thanks for everything,


Here are some of the latest. I have about 6 more in the works in various stages of completion.

And finally HaleTiki warrior is roughed out..Thought I would never get thisthis far..

That Maori is the nicest one yet.

Damn those are nice! Just let me know how much brah, and the clams are on the way.

Ben, I love them all! Especially the top two in your last post. Can't wait to see them in person on Saturday.

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