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Looking for any information about this tiki!

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lostcasket posted on 02/07/2017

Looking for any details or information about this tiki. I'd like to replicate it. But unsure of scale or size. Any other reference photos would be helpful too.


tikiskip posted on 02/07/2017

Well you gotta think it's about ten foot tall if you look at the picture of them at the end of the porch.
Door is about eight foot and looks like two feet more on the tiki.

lostcasket posted on 02/07/2017

I think that might just be the perspective of that picture. Here it is again on the right side

Heath posted on 02/07/2017

Well, Skip is close.

The door looks to be standard size, 80" tall, so that would make the wall the door is in 96".
The porch has two steps and by current building practices, that would make it around 14" tall.
I'm guessing the carving is around 9' because it appears to sit a little below the roof line on the porch.

The one on Pee-wee's Playhouse looks like a flat version of it, probably around 8' tall.
Most likely has a shorter base.

4WDtiki posted on 02/08/2017

Lostcasket, seems like you have done some research on this tiki, you have two photos from completely different times and places, so what do YOU know about it? Any more pics of it? I know you came here looking for info but so far you know more than anyone! :wink:
Also, if you are going to recreate it, why does the original exact size matter, when you can make a new one to whatever size you wish?
Just wondering...

Welcome to the forum!

TheBigT posted on 02/08/2017

Looks like there's another thread concerning the website mentioned in the postcard. The website was created in connection with a Rob Zombie movie! And PeeWee's playhouse does seem to have a connection with this tiki.


lostcasket posted on 02/08/2017

On 2017-02-07 20:11, 4WDtiki wrote:
So what do YOU know about it? Any more pics of it?

Those are all really good points 4WDtiki! This is what I found...
As far as I know it originally showed up first in the 1987 movie "Back to the beach".
With Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello and a small appearance by Pee-wee Herman. Frankie and Annette appeared on Pee-Wee's Christmas special a year later. I'm assuming Paul Reubens got one on the statues. Maybe as a gift or a souvenir from the movie. Or could have even purchased one after the movie wrapped. It then appears in the second season on the Playhouse till the end of the series. This is where it gets weird..

Rob Zombie worked on the show as a production assistant. Later when he started directing, the same statues show up again in "Devils Rejects". This all I really know. I'd assume their in some prop warehouse now. Or even possibly privately owned.

Why I can't I just replicate it based on what detentions I want? Well I didn't actually consider that till it was mentioned. But I'm also painfully annoying with detail. Also really curious if their are two versions of the statue. But I'm still digging up screen shots. But will post in a later update.

...And I'm very glad to be here!

tikiskip posted on 02/08/2017

"This is where it gets weird.."

And your next words are "Rob Zombie" Ha! too true.

I thought the same thing, make it as close to original or more to
your needs as far as size goes.

Welcome, Good luck.

Hakalugi posted on 02/08/2017

Those Tikis were originally from 20th Century Props. At least one was sold at auction in 2009.
Here's a thread regarding the auction:

It has also appeared on Fantasy Island:

lostcasket posted on 02/08/2017

Based on the links that Hakalugi sent, I learned a little more. These tiki's have a great history!

They show up in 1979 in Fantasy island in a few different seasons. Oddly enough even with annette funicello in one episode.

After the Playhouse they appeared in 1991 "Eye of the storm".
I haven't found The movie, so I don't really have any screen shots.

They return in Rob Zombies Devils rejects in 2005. Until they were auctioned off in 2009.

The postcard and dummy website were made for the movie. Site is still active today.

Thanks Hakalugi!

4WDtiki posted on 02/09/2017

I find it interesting that there's so much fairly recent history on these, but nothing older. To me, they have a very 1960's look to them.
Makes me wonder, were they carved in the 90's as props to look like from the 60's, or are they actually from the 60's?
Maybe I'll dig out the BOT later and see if the style matches up with any of the OG carvers mentioned.

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