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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


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[Moved to Beyond Tiki by Hanford]

This (Oktoberfest) was brought up in another topic, but I thought I'd open up an Oktoberfest topic! I dig Oktoberfest, particularly in Torrance at the Oktoberfest place!?! I would really enjoy getting together with the crazy tiki centralites next weekend there and do some chicken dancing along with a good hearty ooom-pah-pah in honor of that age old American tradition - beer (and... SVEN!!!) Anybody want to hook up there next Saturday (Sept. 7th)? I'll be there - you should too, and you should shake that bootie chicken-dance style dagnabit!

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2002-09-03 00:46 ]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-09-03 13:16 ]

Lady Velour and I are all ready to go to Oktoberfest at Alpine Village in Torrance. We were just checking out when it starts.


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this off theme, off topic, off rocker.
I can smell it it's all wrong.
I will never come back to this post again.
And as for you SMOGDOG, I will not tell my parents about you.
You big off topicer type trouble maker.


UNDENBERGS!!! H.b. has Old World too!! Used to hang at the Rathskeller many mooons ago.


Spambreather, you off-topicker...what time?

Hey you breacher of tiki topic verbage!

What time at Alpine?


The Alpine Village Tiktoberfest (did I actually just say that...) starts this Saturday at 6 pm and goes until 1 am, with stein holding, cow milking(!), log sawing and chicken dancing - stuff they DON'T do at the Weisen in Munich, but we seem to think they do...

I think meeting at 8pm at the entrance, dressed in our aloha best, of course (save the lederhosen for when Sven goes...) sounds like a good time; we can commandeer an easy-to-spot section for any folks who arrive later. If you bring your own stein, you don't have to use those damn styrofoam cups! I'd really like to bring my "Giant Ku", but I think he'd react adversely to anything without rum! Besides, as massive as he is, he only holds about half as much... (Note to Holden: ever think about making a 38-40 oz beast for such occasions?)

Anyhow, send me an e-mail ([email protected]) if you're interested, and I'll see if I can rustle up enough free passes for everyone that needs one! Howz dat soun?

8pm - at the entrance of the OktobertikiSchwankenfurterFest it is!! Off-topic is sometimes good for loosening up those creaky brick laying joints BAXDOG!!!

this should be good! Not Octobertikifestevenmunichism, but what will happen next!?.


I never layed that brick, I was not there that night.

I gotta start drinkin again!

Hey, do you guys realize Saturday the 7th is the first day of Oktoberfest? Just warnin' y'all, it might be crowded being the first day and all.

But, heck, I might even be there. I need something to do for my birthday after all!

Oh, and Sven won't be there, but "Sven" might. :wink:


It will probably be crowded. I have doubts that we will be able to commandeer a nice high-visibility spot for us all if we don't get there until 2 hours after it opens.

How was it?


Did anyone go?

And when does Oktoberfest at Old World start?


Yes, about 8 of us showed up. It was a blast. We are probably going to do another one before the Oktoberfest season is out. It is a natural for our crowd. Hopefully someone will post some pictures here shortly.

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