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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 02/20/2017

Wish List #7 the first Mermaid out of the mold for lunavideogames.

Out of the mold there's the excess bottom clay and mold lines to remove.

I also trim the bottom edge.

From the third mold I have the tail pieces to remove.

It's a tight fit but with clay it will work.

Next the end of the tail needs to be attached.

First I defined the tail from the base she is sitting on.

I curled and attached the tail in a way to protect it when the mug is in use.

All done and posing. Note: a space has been left between the neck and the braid so that a chain around the neck can be placed.

The bun has been made to look like Leia from Star Wars.

Next the two pieces will be attached. Happy Holiday, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 02/21/2017

Wish List #7 maybe these are the last photos of lunavideogames Tiki The Hut mug for his home bar. It is very possible that it isn't what he envisioned at all and this is the only one I will be making. It is going to be ultra large and heavy. More a decorative piece than a drinking vessel. Well a weightlifter wouldn't have a problem.

I made the mermaid the size that I could do many future projects with and I bet lunavideogames was thinking of a much smaller girl.

So here are the last steps to fine tuning this mug.

It's now the time to connect the mermaid to the mug. I did it first at the bench she is sitting on.

Here is how the attachment looks at the back.

lunavideogames wants a chair through the hand and around the girls neck so I built out the hand and made it go out far enough that it attached to the mermaids shoulder. This will give some strength to the attachments.

For every crawl mug and this mug too I completely re-carved every line to make them deeper. I wanted this mug to be very special so I did the extra work. It took me 1.5 hours per mug to re-carve the detail.

All done with sculpting. Unless luanvideogames says there is something else needed I will start to slowly dry the mug.

There could be more steps once I hear back. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/21/2017

Stunning Wendy
She came out great
And together, bammmmmm, they are awesome
Did I say wow?

danlovestikis posted on 02/24/2017

hang10tiki thank you very much.

Catch up time. We made a few trips out of town for thrifting and antiqueing. We had some good luck. These are our secret hunting grounds.

I use Couroc trays every day with my ceramic art. They stack together really well for storage. On each one is an artists design inset into the hard plastic.
They are collectable too so it's exciting to find one that is inexpensive. This one was $3.

We found many areas for Dan to search for records.

He brought home this many with none costing more than a dollar. He will clean and play every one making CD's of his favorite songs. He does this every day.

Until next time. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/24/2017


danlovestikis posted on 02/26/2017

hang10tiki you do most of the scoring but here's another day of tiki hunting that was successful.


But first here's a project that I have now added to my ceramics hobby. When my sponge sticks wear out I save the sticks.
When I have a bunch I cut off the shredded sponge and add a new one that I cut up from one large sponge. Some
hobby glue to keep it in place and they are good to use again. These are what I use to scrub the inside of the mugs after
bisque firing.

Back on the road to find more tikis for Dan. We found a shop with all these birds on top of their cages.

Dan got too close and one went on his back!

It was fun but it took 10 minutes to get it to return to the top of the cage.

We found this ash tray that we had never seen before. No markings so we don't know what company made it.

The wooden bottle opener was also new for Dan as was the Coco Joes with a pearl in it's mouth.

We had a successful day of tiki hunting. May you all have great luck on your hunts, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/27/2017

U guys are on a Roll


danlovestikis posted on 02/27/2017

hang10tiki no it's a parrot on Dan!


Wish List #7 our friend Robyn part of the Sacramento Ohana loves mermaids. I've made one. She is wearing her favorite seahorse adornment in her hair.

Right out of the mold and ready to work on.

I used the photo to make the seahorse. I make so many tiny things.

Now I've put it on her head.

She wanted scales on the tail so they were carved next.

All done and posing.


Here is one more that I've made to show one version of the mermaid with her hair down.

This one shows more of the steps to make the mermaid.

The tail of two mermaids.

The joy of making a blank that can be altered into any style. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2017

Nice work lil lady

hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2017

Saw this on eBay

danlovestikis posted on 02/28/2017

hang10tiki thank you so much. I have fun seeing those auctions even when they are a bust. I have it on my watching page now. 5 days to go.


Wish List #7 more fine tuning of the home bar mug for lunavideogames.

I added scales, one by one.

I did them front and

back and then "sanded" them with water and a brush.

Then I carved the base to match the tiki. All done and posing.

I hope it all stays together when fired. But for now it will take a month for it to slowly dry. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/28/2017

Looks great

lunavideogames posted on 02/28/2017

Wendy, it looks amazing! Thank you for all of your hard work on this one. I know it will turn out better than I could ever hope for.

danlovestikis posted on 03/01/2017

hang10tiki I am so happy that Treg and Psycho Tiki D inspired a Tahiti crawl mug that has now morphed into lunavideogames home bar mug. What an excellent run.

lunavideogames I hope that with glaze it will be as much fun as your octopus Tiki Bob mug. You always challenge me. Next up is hoping that they stay stuck together. I will dry them very slowly to have the best shot at that. If this is the only one of these I make I'm good with that so no need to try to find more buyers for these.

If someone who doesn't know you wants one with your bar name are you OK with that? You can answer under PM's.


Ceramics have a lot of behind the scenes work. I share it all on these pages so that every one can see the steps if they want to do this craft/art.

Once a year I take all the shelves outside and use a chisel to remove any glaze that dripped off of projects onto the shelves. The only reason this fired on glaze can be removed is that the shelf have a produce called Kiln Wash on them. It is like chalk and protects the shelves.

I have on gloves and a mask because Kiln Wash is a poison. Touching it or breathing it can destroy your health. I slowly mix it with water to make a paintable solution.

Dan and I found this table in our neighborhood with a free sign on it. We brought it home to use for these types of projects. After removing all the glaze spots I began the process of painting on the kiln wash. One layer in one direction and then I let it dry.

Then I do them all again in the opposite direction and let that dry.

After a third layer I put them out in the sun so that they completely dry.

While still wearing my protective gear I vacuum out the kiln to remove dust (some of it is old Kiln Wash). I even vacuum the elements (wires).
Then I use a wet cloth and wipe down the surfaces in the kiln shed.

Now I will be ready to fire the Wish List and Sacramento Crawl mugs.


The lawn we let die during this drought is coming back as weeds. The only problem is that they grow so fast that Dan has to mow twice as often. All the rain and sun if helping them grow with a vengeance!

There is so much to do that each day starts with a big smile of anticipation at the fun tasks ahead. I am so lucky to have you all to join me in this journey.

Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 03/01/2017

Weeds happen in my yard too. Best way to get rid of them is to let them get big for a week or so and get some of that "weed and feed" fertilizer. Get your lawn wet and sprinkle it on your lawn, more on the areas that have big weeds. They will be gone for a year.

I will want more than just one of those home bar mugs but thank you for being so open to my ideas. :)

danlovestikis posted on 03/03/2017

lunavideogames, that good stuff. I'm going to post this right now and see if I can flip to the next page. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 03/03/2017

Wonderful it worked. Now on to the next Wish List #7 project.

When I made a cannibal pot for IDoVooDoo last Wish List I told him that his was #1 but that when requested I would make more of them. He was OK with that so on this Wish List #7 I am making one for Lynn L. Bloom. She said, "don't change a "thing" Wendy". So I didn't all the parts are as close to the first one as possible.

I save the pot upside down so that it doesn't lose its shape. I started by adding the flames.

Next I built the logs for the fire.

I fine tuned it with handles and screws.

Now I began to build the body.

Yes Lynn asked that all the parts be the same!!!

After making the body I cut it up so I could place it in the pot and get it attached. First from the base of the rib cage down.

Then the upper body.

Then the arms.

Now that the guy looks freaked out enough I made the

severed head of his companion and attached it to the pot so it "floats".

Here are a zillion photos of it finished.

I love comments even the good the bad. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/03/2017

cy posted on 03/03/2017

Wendy that looks great! (You too H10)

Tikiwahini posted on 03/03/2017

Wendy he is perfect! I love the expression on his face. Thank you!

Danno posted on 03/04/2017

Haha!! I love it. Great (and fun) work!

danlovestikis posted on 03/04/2017

hang10tiki well done. I love my files of altered photos, kind of like when I alter a Tiki Bob..

Danno thank you very much. It is a creepy but fun thing to make

cy thank you. These are fun to make because they are so creepy

Tikiwahini thank you, I'm so happy he turned out how you wanted. IDoVooDoo was the model for the guy.


When I'm making the Wish List Dan has wishes and I have wishes. My wish came true. Dan gave me the gift of a few days labor to pull it off.

It all started when we stopped at a Goodwill on Arden way and found two perfect CD cases that were 7 feet tall. We bought them and the
next day we went to pick them up. Horrors, it was the worst rain so far with accidents everywhere. We were lucky we got them into the PT cruiser with the
back hatch up. We drove back home very slowly.

Dan removed his tiki art and posters so I could have the whole wall in the garage.

They were perfect.

We also pulled out some shelves from the kiln shed and set them up too. We hauled glaze and I began to put it on the shelves.

To make even more room we put up two of these wire shelves. One on each side of the beam. They hold our shipping boxes.

All the rest of the glaze is now ready to unload.

I will have to leave the glaze tests in the shed. I have run out of walls.

I need to dust! Now these shelves can be used for other supplies.

All my glazes are organized and in one place. Dan said I need to use some up and to stop hoarding them. He is right. I didn't know I had so much in the little shed.

We put the cupboards in place so that we could park the car and

still open the door.

My kiln shed is now cleaned up. I have space to put supplies that are not glazes.

My wish came true. Now it will be easier to pick out glazes to do the Wish List #7.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-03-06 08:44 ]

lunavideogames posted on 03/04/2017

Very nice Wendy! It is always good to get organized. Great to see!

GROG posted on 03/04/2017

Wendy Cevola said: "Wish List #7 my own wish came true with help from Dan." Dan removed his tiki art and posters so I could have the whole wall in the garage.

Damn! I thought you were going to say that he signed the divorce papers so you could marry GROG. :(

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2017-03-04 11:46 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/04/2017

Lots o work

And a Grog fly by

hang10tiki posted on 03/05/2017


danlovestikis posted on 03/05/2017

lunavideogames glazing will be so much more pleasurable now that I can find the jars more easily.

GROG I know you only want to marry me so that I will glaze all your bisque.

hang10tiki and hang10tiki how lovely. I wish we had more like that here.


This next Wish List #7 mug is for Jennifer Tirre.
It is a tree of horror. The drawing was done for her by Theo Stool.

As I looked at photos of these killers I noticed that they were all right handed.
So even though the drawing is artistically balanced I put all the weapons on the right.

I made the mug taller so that I could fit all these heads.

I had to be careful to make sure no air was trapped.


Wish me luck in making four of these well known killers come to life on this mug.

Creepy, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-03-05 07:53 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/05/2017

Kool concept
Can't wait

hang10tiki posted on 03/05/2017

I smell Birthday cake


GROG posted on 03/06/2017

"GROG I know you only want to marry me so that I will glaze all your bisque. "

You know GROG too well. :D

hang10tiki posted on 03/06/2017

JenTiki posted on 03/06/2017

On 2017-03-04 08:55, danlovestikis wrote:

All my glazes are organized and in one place. Dan said I need to use some up and to stop hoarding them. He is right. I didn't know I had so much in the little shed.

I do hope you secured those shelves to the wall. Otherwise, you'll have quite a mess on your hands next time the earth moves!

hang10tiki posted on 03/07/2017

JT- then again Dan-0 does like to roll around on the floor covered in glaZe

danlovestikis posted on 03/07/2017

hang10tiki here come the photos. She could require tweaking to each head.

hang10tiki Dan and I will both be official senior citizens.

GROG I do. I did 23andME and I am also a Neanderthal. If Dan runs off with Marina, the fire eating mermaid, I'll consider your offer.

hang10tiki you are making this so much fun.

JenTiki then it will be time to retire from ceramics and return to painting. They are not attached. Northern CA doesn't move much. Even when it hit Santa Cruz we just had some mild movement. I would be worried about Dan's tikis. We were with our insurance man yesterday and together watched the news video tour of our home. His mouth was open!

hang10tiki was that when he was with you?


Wish List #7 if it passes Jen Tirre's critique then the tree of Horror mug is done being sculpted.

Here are the steps leading up to the hopefully finished being sculpted mug.

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So what do you think? Any problems? Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-03-07 08:44 ]

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MaukaHale posted on 03/07/2017

Cowabunga! That's amazing

hang10tiki posted on 03/07/2017

That's awesome
Faces and wood grain

Good 1 Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/08/2017

Happy Birthday DAN-0

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Something about a Goof on Roof always makes me smile

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2017-03-08 06:15 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/08/2017

MaukaHale thank you I get so few comments that every one is super special.

hang10tiki thank you so much, you always make me happy. Jen OK'd it to be done.

hang10tiki Dan got a good start on his birthday with all your photos. He really laughed. I love the one with him lying down on the beach blanket.
This is such a lot of work to put up and it's all very appreciated. You are a sweetheart.


Day off from clay. Today I'll go and do whatever Dan wants for his birthday. So far he is making a CD of harmonica percussion music!

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/08/2017

Harmonica percussion ???

Is that when you use 2 harmonicas as drumsticks?

Have fun today...

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Philot posted on 03/08/2017

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hmmmm... Ash (Bruce Campbell) is kind on known for his epic chin. I can't tell from the pics you posted if you nailed it. A 3/4 side profile would probably show if you got it.

Not sure if Jenn requested caricature style or not. But if one was caricaturing Ash, they'd exaggerate the chin.

As a whole, that horror mug is coming together nicely. I have to admit when you started on it, I just wasn't seeing it.

lunavideogames posted on 03/08/2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!!!! Have a great day. Hope lunch is epic.

The Horror mug is looking great. I can see more of those will be made for others in the future.

Danno posted on 03/09/2017

From one Danno to another, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

danlovestikis posted on 03/09/2017

hang10tiki Dan really laughed at that image. It takes so much time to load photos that Dan feels that the two of you have a bromance going on. He is grateful! You treat him so well.

Philot Jen passed it as finished but if you have photos that would help me out I would tweak it. I chose his least handsome photo to use because all the other killers look mean. I was using tiny images, bigger would be better. I never watched these movies so these are new faces for me to see.

lunavideogames Dan was just in my room and got all these Happy Birthdays. He is celebrating the entire month.
I only want to make this one mug of these guys. Copying someone else's art won't get me in trouble if I only make 1.

Danno hey you can use all the photos that hang10tiki made when it's your birthday!


The story of Dan's birthday so far.

Our dear friends Frank and Sherry took Dan and I to Claim Jumpers for his birthday. We do this for each of our birthdays to make sure we never loose contact.
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Then on Dan's actual birthday we headed out at 7 am to go to Oroville for thrifting and antiqueing. Dan wanted to eat on the way in Yuba City
at the Laughing Orange. We couldn't find it in the GPS until we both remembered that it was the Dancing Orange.
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We went everywhere in town except to see the Oroville Dam. We figured with all the repairs going on they didn't need us to do a drive by.

Dan was in record heaven. At an antique store the albums with 25 cents each. He put them all into plastic sleeves and will run them through the record cleaner as he plays them. He found a rare Phil Spector Christmas album that really made his day.
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He found these from Hawaii.
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The topper of the day was a birthday card from MadDogMike and
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a whold box of presents from hang10tiki. He had none of these presents and was super happy. Thank you so much.
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Thank you all for the Birthday wishes for Dan and for being our friends. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/09/2017

Glad the box made it
Cheers my friend!!!

danlovestikis posted on 03/10/2017

hang10tiki he owes you a big hug.


SHOCK!!! Fox40 news just showed up to video our home. We let them in and gave them the tour. They hope to have it on the 10 PM news tonight and then on their web site after that. I will post the link as soon as it happens. We had fun with Sara Zendehnam and her cameraman Darren.


danlovestikis posted on 03/10/2017

SHOCK!!! Fox40 news just showed up to video our home. We let them in and gave them the tour. They hope to have it on the 10 PM news tonight and then on their web site after that. I will post the link as soon as it happens. We had fun with Sara Zendehnam and her cameraman Darren.


So much going on around here it's never dull!

Wish List #7 continues with a Wish from Theo Stool.

Here is his idea as he drew it for me. I called it the dead diver. He changed that to Diver Down.
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I thought about what molds I had and decided to use the cannibal bowl mold.
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I started by adding a lot of sticky clay.
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I save bottle caps to use as guides. I used this one to mark the clay where the opening into the helmet would be and then I cleaned up the clay around it.
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Next I started making pieces of clay for the other openings in the helmet.
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I glued them in place with sticky clay. Then I put the helmet into a plastic bag for the night.
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The next day I was able to trim the clay.
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I used my label scraper to tidy up the sides.
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Now it went back into the plastic bag for another night.
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I am following his drawing as closely as I can. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-03-09 19:21 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/10/2017

When I have the link to the Fox40.com video I'll post it.

Here are the photos that I managed to take during the tour.

When I said Yes they went back to their van for the equipment.
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Sara Zendehnam is the reporter and Darren is her camera man. Dan is my man!
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I told her about the Jungle Bird and La Mariana.
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Oh, Dan didn't want to be interviewed but it was time for him to do it. He built the jungle room and the collection is his.
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I told her about Tiki Oasis and the Sacramento Crawl.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/58c2228a.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=1db2e130b1674f03525b2b8c60444c28

It's always fun to see how they edit the video. They were here for a couple of hours but the video will most likely be 4 minutes long.
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I think I will go to bed now and watch it when we get up in the morning. I love to read in bed at night.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/10/2017

Another great mug in the works

I'm ready for the show

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