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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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Philot posted on 03/31/2017

[[post removed by user]]

[ Edited by: Philot 2017-04-07 09:07 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/01/2017


Wish List #7 this is for David Nelms. He LOVES Tiki Bob and I've made more of them than I remember for him.

The Tiki Bob coconut bowl without adornments. Here are the steps.

I cast and cleaned up a coconut bowl.

I cast four Tiki Bob's

I cleaned each one top to bottom.

One by one I cut the back until it fit the bowl.

Then I cleaned up the cut out area and added sticky clay.

I pressed them into the bowl.

I used my thumb to remove the excess clay.

Where my thumb didn't fit I used a wet paper towel to smooth it. Top and bottom.

I carved in the coconut texture on the bowl.

Then I carved the texture onto each of the Tiki Bob's.

I used a wet brush to "sand" the carvings smooth.

All done and posing.

It's great to be where I see the end of sculpting approaching. Two of the last projects will be the most challenging. I'm going to spend all weekend working to see what I can accomplish. Wish me luck, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-04-04 18:53 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/02/2017

There's always a bunch of things to be done to each Wish List project before it's done being sculpted.

For the Coconut Tiki Bob bowl I had to finish up the bottom and

then I re-carved the raspberries. Then

I smoothed them with a wet brush.

The I got out the Coconut Tiki Bob bowl for Chippy and did the same type of clean up on his bottom.

So after a busy day, oh yes I did more that will show up here, it is time for a good book.

I hope you are all out having a wonderful Saturday April Fools day. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-04-04 18:46 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/02/2017

Nice work Wendy

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2017-04-04 07:59 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/03/2017

hang10tiki I bet he has some real busts made to put all over the White House.


Wish List #7 lunavideogames Tiki The Hut mug number two.

This is what I call fine tuning. I go back once the mug is firm enough to lift and finish off the details.

The tail was far to thick to leave that way for firing so I carved out the excess clay.

All done.

Then I carved detail into the tail so that is was more a part of the Tiki/Jabba.

All done and ready to

slowly dry.

Monday morning. I think of you all going off to work. I do too but only down to the family room! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-04-03 07:06 ]

tikiskip posted on 04/03/2017

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2017-04-05 05:42 ]

lunavideogames posted on 04/03/2017


[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2017-04-04 19:35 ]

tikiskip posted on 04/04/2017

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2017-04-05 05:45 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/04/2017


Morning Wendy...

danlovestikis posted on 04/05/2017

Thank you everyone for cleaning up the mess. Lesson learned. I've asked Philot on remove his post and hang10tiki you might as well take the tiki in the mouth out too. I have requested that the poster who was offended also remove his remarks.

hang10tiki yes Houston we are back on track!

Wish List #7 update.

lunavideogames requested a total of four of his Tiki The Hut mugs. They are all done.

Mug number 3.

Working on mug #4

All on the table and drying slowly as I watch for any parts that start to separate. #1 is dry.


As far as the Wish List goes I have four clay projects in the works, I need to start 3 black velvet paintings and one more for Tiki Oasis 17.

Not on the Wish List I need to do the swap art for MadDogMike's swap that is open now for people to join in the fun. I need to continue the
work on the Sacramento Crawl mug due the first weekend in October.

Every day is a tiki day in my home. It makes for a great life. Cheers, Wendy

lunavideogames posted on 04/05/2017

Amazing! Thanks so much Wendy for making all my wishes come true :) Your talent is extraordinarily!!!

I am so excited to see how they glaze.

hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2017

Wendy your hard work is a true inspiration


hang10tiki posted on 04/06/2017

We picked up new hats for our morning walk

Looked down and saw this

Made me think of this

TikiAno posted on 04/06/2017


Yes, but.. (EDITED)

Don't you think (EDITED) ???

:wink: :wink:


Wow, they are really beautiful and (EDITED). Well (EDITED), Wen(EDITED)!

Jon, are you the Sponge (EDITED) or (EDITED) Vader?


lunavideogames posted on 04/06/2017

Can't wait to see what glazes you use.

[ Edited by: LunaVideoGames 2017-04-06 09:03 ]

GROG posted on 04/06/2017


[ Edited by: GROG 2017-04-06 11:42 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2017-04-06 11:42 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2017-04-06 11:42 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2017-04-06 11:43 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2017-04-06 11:43 ]

8FT Tiki posted on 04/06/2017

Well said GROG. :lol:

danlovestikis posted on 04/07/2017

lunavideogames when they are dry and bisque fired we will talk colors then. I will have the crawl mug AP's in colors you can look at to decide. Thank you for the compliment too.

hang10tiki Ah so is your carving.

hang10tiki this is funny beyond words. You gave me a big smile and a fun start to my day.

TikiAno, GROG, 8FT Tiki you also are very funny. I went too far and regret it. Over and done and lesson learned.

From now on just art and "Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-04-06 19:11"


Wish List #7 update. This Wish is for Nelson Osorio.... maybe. He had an idea but I am not sure I can do it. So I will make a bowl and he has the option of rejecting it.

Here are the steps it takes to make a platform after casting. The rim has got to go.

Here it is cleaned up. I don't know if this will work out or not.

Even though it is going to be used upside down I still filled and

smoothed the inside.

Since this is a platform rather than a bowl I shortened the side.

I forgot to cover it over and a few days later it was almost dry. A miracle that it didn't crack.

I was able to do all the carving. But first I made sure that it didn't rock in this position. I trimmed the sides until it sat completely flat.

I cast three Hot Tub Hula Girls for this project.

I added Hair and lower garments.

By the time I add so much clay they are mush and have to lie down for a few days to firm up.

This may be used to go behind the hula women to support the bowl.

This is the second bowl that I carved and it will be the top.

Done and


Now they will completely dry and be fired before I will put them together. The platform is too small to have the girls face outward so I may make another platform. Or I may have them sideways. I'm thinking about it.

This is going to be colorful no matter how I put it together. Thanks you all for being with me as I make all these wishes. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-04-06 19:47 ]

TikiAno posted on 04/07/2017

Wendy, very cool to use a bowl as a platform. Look forward to seeing this progress.

Still don't know how Treg had 18 or 19 Wish List pieces at once, but hey, who's counting?

(just kidding).

Wendy, since you asked, a few Tiki Ari photos, from this week's SD Ohana meet up at the Bali Hai. The boy now sees tikis everywhere, and on a good day can recognize and call out by name the different tiki styles in the Bali Hai showcase (still working on the pronunciation of "Marquesan," though).

He likes to point out the Goof on the Roof as we walk through the parking lot to the front, then gives Mr. Bali Hai a hug, and often a kiss:

His favorite place to hang out and point at tikis:

The little Zombie with a another Zombie:

Philot posted on 04/07/2017


Wish List #7 update. This Wish is for Nelson Osorio.... maybe. He had an idea but I am not sure I can do it. So I will make a bowl and he has the option of rejecting it.

I was able to do all the carving. But first I made sure that it didn't rock in this position. I trimmed the sides until it sat completely flat.

Done and


Man that took me a while to get what's going on here. You kept saying platform, I kept seeing bowl. This is going to have both.?! Gonna be gigantic.

Now they will completely dry and be fired before I will put them together. The platform is too small to have the girls face outward so I may make another platform. Or I may have them sideways. I'm thinking about it.

Maybe instead of having the hula girls sit in a Y , have them in a triangle, sort of knee-to-butt?

I'm liking the B I G piece with lots of deep carving going on.

danlovestikis posted on 04/08/2017

TikiAno he is just too adorable for words to express. I am really enjoying seeing him growing up. Treg just played his cards right!

Philot the knee to butt is the only way to go but as it turned out I had missed his last message where he decided on a traditional bowl with the girls around the sides. So now I'll just play with these pieces to see what I can make.


So today I stopped my work and went to look out the front door. Horrors! The attack of the snails.

I had never seen this before so I ran for my camera. I guess I could have walked because they were moving very slowly.

I got down to their level for a better view.

When I saw that some were trying to escape I went and got a paper bag. I put them all inside and then started finding them out in the weeds that once was our lawn area. I kept on filling the bag.

This is actually not all of them. Now what do you do when you can't bare to hurt them?

I got Dan and we drove a couple of miles out into the country and let them loose. They didn't try to run off because they were having an orgy!

I'm going to see what happens tomorrow morning. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2017

Wendy- can't wait to see this new project
Ano- great pics of lil ano
Wendy- :o

slowhandtikiman posted on 04/09/2017

Wow Feed that big one on corn meal for a week and the boil it, slice it and saute' it with crushed garlic!! DINNER!

hang10tiki posted on 04/09/2017

Slow hand- :(

Found more 70s - 80s Hawaii slides

These were my favorite


danlovestikis posted on 04/09/2017

slowhandtikiman I could watch you have it for dinner.

hang10tiki first set the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu a long time ago. Then the Place of Refuge on The Big Island. Good find.


The weekends are really slow here so while I work hard I hold back the tiki art work until the week starts up. Here are some catch up photos.

A few times a year we stop at a Goodwill in Roseville. Twice this year we have run into Rob aka slowhandtikiman.

He had a tiki haul and

after he snuck up on Dan he let Dan have a big wooden tiki he had found. Carved in Maui in 2014.

Rob you are such a swell guy.


Back to work, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 04/10/2017

Wish List #7 for Nelson Osorio aka Cybernel on TC. OK sometimes it just doesn't work out. But I'm sharing how I tried.
Nelson and I have come up with an alternate plan which I'll share when it's in the works.

If this would have worked I'd have leveled it before putting the girls on the bottom part.

Even with the center support removed there wasn't enough space to place the girls on the bottom platform.

Top view.

Next was a check to see how they fit on the outside of the bowl. They are leaning back too far to make this a good fit.

Top view.

So now I'll use up all these parts on other projects and start over for Nelson.

Cheers, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 04/11/2017

Great work as always Wendy!!

danlovestikis posted on 04/11/2017

zerostreet I just wrote on your thread and then clicked on mine to find your comment. How fun and thank you, Wendy


Using the Wish List parts to carry on. Dan had another wish which was for a set of Tiki Bob shackers. Well neither of us remembered to pour them out and they sat too long and the sides got too thick. They would be perfect for supports for a bowl. A match made in heaven!

I carved out the tops because this prevents air pockets.

Then I did carving on each Tiki Bob so that they matched the bowl.

I attached them with sticky clay.

Three prevents rocking so I didn't use the fourth Bob as a support.

All done and posing.

I still had one more Tiki Bob to work with. I made a cone of clay on the end of a ball tool and pressed it into the top of Bob.

I smoothed it around the sides. Now I have a Tiki Bob that can go into the bowl for burning a rum soaked sugar cube.

I'm not going to attach it.

All done. I have three hula girls that will go onto another bowl. I didn't use this one because it was already carved and it's too hard to prevent air pockets if I attached anything to the sides.

Cheers, Wendy

HopeChest posted on 04/11/2017

That is so cool, I love the non-attached Burning Bob.

hang10tiki posted on 04/11/2017

Hope- now that's funny, I just said out loud "now that's cool" then I saw your post

Wendy- now that's cool

danlovestikis posted on 04/11/2017

I absolutely love it when you guys talk to each other on my thread. Hope Chest I have done your mug and will post it soon for you to check over. Wendy

TikiAno posted on 04/12/2017

That is so cool.

How many layers of Bob can you do (vertically)??? I sense a "House of the Rising Bob" Wishlist item in the future.. ????

Great work as always, bummer about the measurements not working out.

danlovestikis posted on 04/12/2017

TikiAno just check out Babalu's thread for the stacked rabbits work. He really knows how to build them tall. This bowl sold to Chippy along with his Coconut Tiki Bob bowl. I guess I pulled a Bob out of the magicians hat!


Wish List #7 is for HopeChest. It is made to match a matchbook cover of a place that has meaning for him.

HopeChest check it out and let me know if there are any changes that need to be made.

Here is the matchbook that I copied.

I started by building up the grass base.

Next I added clay to try to match the grounds bumps.

When doing small add-ons I use tools to scrape clay down and onto the mug trying to keep all air out of the connection.

Now I just start to add blocks of clay and then I carve each one to match the matchbook.

Ready for inspection.

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I won't start it drying until I hear back. Wendy

HopeChest posted on 04/12/2017


That is just PERFECT!!!!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 04/13/2017

Another one hit out of the park

danlovestikis posted on 04/13/2017

HopeChest this is why I so the Wish List. It's so much fun to read these comments.

hang10tiki you wrote, "Another one hit out of the park" which is funny because the colors of the matchbook are the colors of his favorite team so
it's nostalgic two ways for him.


Wish List #7 this one is for Robyn part of the Sacramento Ohana. She loves mermaids, unicorns and glitter. She asked for a mermaid mug.

I started with the body. Looks similar to a banana I recently did on a Tiki Bob fruit bowl.
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Then I worked on the head and chest.
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I build the face with little pieces of clay that I work into place with a wet brush.
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Next I did all of her floating underwater hair.
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Then the seaweed at the bottom.
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After I did all the 3D seaweed I went back and carved into the mug some more.
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The easiest way to do small things or letters is to put on a block of clay and then to carve it.
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Next I built a couple of putter fish.
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When Jen Tiki suggested a tiny straw for strawberry seeds I was only able to find this straw that I removed from an air blast can. One day I will find the right coffee straw and have two tools. Thank you Jen Tiki.
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They sure look friendly.
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All done if it passes Robyn's inspection on fb.
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I'm getting much closer to the end of sculpting the Wish List. I will not ever run out of photos to share. Each step leads to the next and keeps me happily busy. Wendy

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MaukaHale posted on 04/13/2017


TikiAno posted on 04/14/2017

Wendy, wow, the Mermaid mug is awesome!

Lucky Tiki Chippy, overflowing with Bobs (I know, he can never have enough)!

Look forward to see what's coming next?!?!?!?

hang10tiki posted on 04/14/2017

Oh daaaaaaaang
She looks great
Love the puffer fish
Maybe a mug with puffers all over it in my future wish :)

danlovestikis posted on 04/14/2017

MaukaHale thank you. I've been seeing all your activities on fb. You sure do play hard!

TikiAno so glad that you like it. I would like to visit Chippy's Tiki Bob showroom.

hang10tiki puffers are so cute until you pick up a preserved one and get stuck!


During the Wish List I not only make things for Dan so he'll keep working for me I make things for myself that I've been thinking about.

For years I wanted to do a Rapa Nui Mug using their alphabet. Here's what I sculpted by printing the images and transferring them to the clay.

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I have already made the mold and did it badly. I'll show all the steps along the way. Cheers, Wendy

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bamalamalu posted on 04/14/2017

Agh! LOVE the Rapa Nui mug!
Can't wait to see all of these finished.

hang10tiki posted on 04/15/2017

Great idea....

I also have an idea for Rapa Nui mug
Another future wish list mug
I think you will be busy forever

danlovestikis posted on 04/15/2017

bamalamalu me too. I've never once gotten the cracked glaze to work. I'm going to give it a try with one of these mugs. I will fire it on the top and sneak it out of the kiln while it is a bit too hot. Maybe that will work.

hang10tiki you have wonderful wishes. I'll look forward to your design. I have the Wish List 8 binder already started because so many messages keep coming in. I would take yours too whenever it is ready.

The MadDogMike summer swap is on. Check it out and join in the fun. I've started mine and there's a lot of time to get yours started too!

I decided to use the green matchbook cover as my inspiration.
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I've got it started. I think you can see where I'm going with this coconut!
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We are all having so much fun, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-04-15 15:59 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/16/2017

Wish List #7 this maybe for Owen Wright. He has to see if I made his wish come true.

Owen requested a machete carve coconut so I got out my scary big knife and started to cut.
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I did uneven slices because if I was doing it with a machete they would be uneven.
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I added clay to the inside at the top so that it wasn't too thin. Next I added clay to the outside to make the shell.
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I used this tool to fuse the clay parts together and to form the shell around the coconut meat.
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Then it was time to carve the coconut texture.
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All done.
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Top view.
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To make the girls sit upright instead of leaning back I cut them in half and removed some clay from their stomachs.
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Then I put them back together with sticky clay and
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let them sit overnight.
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One by one I fine tuned the girls waists and other parts.
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I put them together to see how they fit. Looks like I need to remove some hair.
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I kept whittling away until they were as close as possible.
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I put a piece of sticky clay in place and push them all together.
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I bush the excess into place or remove it with a wet brush.
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I now form a platform on the top for the coconut.
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I carved some detail into the hair.
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I kept putting water on the sticky clay so it would stay sticky.
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I found out the hard way that you can't keep air from getting between large pieces that are stuck together. So to prevent an air pocket I carve out a hole.
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Then I press it into place. The excess clay around the heads will be removed with a wet brush.
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You can see where the clay is coming up through the hole in the bottom of the ccconut.
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then I add more clay.
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I wet these two tools to smooth the clay I had added.
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Done enough and it will be sanded when dry.
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Done and posing.
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What do you thinks about this style or mug? Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/16/2017

Swap mug, holy awesomeness, that is going to be killer......

Machete coconut, wow what a great look

Thanks for showing us

hang10tiki posted on 04/16/2017

Happy Easter

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HopeChest posted on 04/16/2017

I love how the girls are all ever-so-slightly different from each other.

danlovestikis posted on 04/17/2017

hang10tiki it's so great to be getting near the end of sculpting. I'm ready to move on to another phase. I'm so happy that what I've made also brings me joy in reading all these comments. Thank you.

hang10tiki Happy Easter to you too.

HopeChest thank you, that will really show up when they are glazed.


Here's some catch up photos.

Robyn requested that I add a starfish to her hula girl mug.
I made a tiny one and added it with a wet brush.
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I formed it and let it set up for a few hours.
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Then I used the Jen Tiki technique to make some circles with a tiny straw.
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I learned from Owen that green coconuts do not have the three dents.
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So I added some Mickey Mouse clay and let it set up.
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Then I carved it and smoothed the carved area with a wet brush and
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now it is done.
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Thank you for the visits and comments, both are appreciated, Wendy

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