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Don the Beachcomber's ON THE MOVE!

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/18/2017

Fresh off the boat from my latest Tiki Bar build.....

Tiki Cat in KC, Mo.!!!

Here's the first batch of new stuff....

We'll have 16 - No Tiki Drama Signs for Free !!!

One per person/ family/group or gang :wink: see ya'll soon Only at Don the Beachcomber!!!

More soon.......

RevBambooBen posted on 04/19/2017

We'll have a few big ass Tapa Cloth drum lamps hanging out at Don The Beachcomber Tiki Makeke this Saturday 4-22!!

Left over tapa from my recent build at Tiki Cat KC !!! Hanging lit pics soon.....

Gallon of paint to the right for size :wink:

RevBambooBen posted on 04/20/2017

Here's a 4 foot Bamboo Ben Bar that we'll have Only at Don the Beachcombers Tiki Makeke!!!

Ready to become a Tiki Bar if you just put a Tiki mask on the front!!



RevBambooBen posted on 04/20/2017

And another Bamboo Ben Retro Tiki Bar with Tapa Cloth from my latest Tiki Bar Build

in Kansas City Missouri!! TIKI CAT KC !!!

More sOOn!!

RevBambooBen posted on 04/21/2017

Here are the Tapa Lamps with left over Tapa Cloth from my latest build

in Kansas City Mo called Tiki Cat.


RevBambooBen posted on 04/24/2017

A GIANT MAhalo to everyone who brought some Bamboo Ben home with them!!!

We left with 1 Tapa drum lamp!!!

MAhalos !!!

Se Y'all July 10th!

I need to build more stuff.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/09/2017

Save the Tiki date!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/16/2017

The Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber has more music, vendors and artists than you can shake your coconuts to!! Saturday, June 10!

Bamboo Ben
Beachdude, Inc.
Big Toe Art
Boney Betty
Buzz Rhino
C-Ya In California
Calwise Spirits Co.
Clee Sobieski
Cool Gee
Crazy Al
Culture Cove
Deadhead Rum
Doug Horne
Fancy Fruits
Freaky Tiki
Go Tiki
Hart Warmers
Hawaiian Import
Henley Woodworks
James Mulligan
Johnnie Velour Ceramics
Josh Press
Jungle Ginger
Jungle Modern Ceramics
Kapalua Designs
Ken Ruzic
Laura Harper
Leilani Loves Vintage
Lynn McGuire
Miss Tiki Oasis Sassy Stiletto
Ms Formaldehyde
Nalani’s Closet
Nelson’s Tiki Hut
OB Tiki
Poly Hai
Power Jive Records
Red Belle’s Boutique
Retro Ruthie
Rick Kess
Ron Monster
Second Chances
Shawna Tice
Smokin’ Tikis
Surf City Hawaiian Shirts
Sweet Siren Designs
Tee-Ki Togs
Tiki Al
Tiki Bongos
Tiki Caliente (Crew)
Tiki Gonzo
Tiki Pops
Tiki Swag
Tiki Tony
Trader Pup’s Outpost
Tropical Classics
Vicki’s Tiki Moon Art
Vintage Surf
Zen Tiki Lounge

Entertainment By:
The Ding Dong Devils
Kimo "Steel Guitar Master"
The Tiki Creeps

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/16/2017

Be sure to tag us in all of your #TikiMakeke photos and on Instagram @DontheBeachcomberHB.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/21/2017

We'll have some of these on the 10th!

While supplies last! Come early and stay late!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/23/2017

Smokin' Tikis will be a featured vendor at the next Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, June 10! The beautiful Francesca Esker is posed next to one of their newest creations..

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/23/2017

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/25/2017

Need a reason to get out to the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, June 10? Well, here's over 60 reasons why!! Stay tuned for more special surprises!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 05/30/2017

During the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, June 10 enjoy live music by
Cocotiki Entertainment,
Kimo the "Steel Guitar Master,"
The Ding Dong Devils and
tHe TiKi CReePs!!
You might just want to stick around, because Ukulena & Her Smitten Kittens will be performing in #DonsDaggerBar that night from 9:00p.m.-12:00a.m. No cover!

16278 S. Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
(562) 592-1321

[ Edited by: Don The Beachcomber 2017-05-30 10:36 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 06/05/2017

We'll have these 4- 42" long x 6" deep Outrigger mug shelves that I made out of The Royal Hawaiian Laguna Beach
leftover parts of the entryway install I just did for them last week. Own a part of history!

Only at Don the Beachcombers Tiki Makeke!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/05/2017

We'll have 2 of these 24" L x 6" d Tiki Mug Hut Shelves.....

And 2 of these 36"L x 6"d Tiki Mug Hut Shelves too!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/06/2017

So when my work Tee's get to grungy I bulk order new ones, save 1/2 for me and my crew and release the rest
into the wild.
Limited edition, these sizes only! While supplies last :wink:
Available Only at Don the Beachcombers Tiki Makeke!

White Tee XL & L.
Black Tee XL
White Tank XL

Don The Beachcomber posted on 06/06/2017

hiltiki posted on 06/09/2017

Looking forward to this, hope to see Everyone tomorrow.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 06/09/2017

hiltiki posted on 06/12/2017

Some pictures from yesterdays event.
As you walk towards the building you can see the fabulous sign from far away.

The front door was made by Bamboo Ben

As you walk around the corner you see all the vendors who are outside.

Inside, the front room which usually is a dinning area is full of vendors.

I took a lot of pictures, will post more later.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 06/13/2017

Mahalo for stopping by the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber this past weekend!! We hope to see you back on Saturday, July 15! Save the date!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 06/13/2017

The Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber returns on Saturday, July 15! Doors open from 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. $10 (cash) Admission includes $10 Food & Cocktail Voucher! Children 14 years & younger are FREE.
We will be hosting over 50 of your favorite new & returning Artists & Vendors!
Enjoy the world's BEST Mai Tai and sip n' shop with live Hawaiian music played by Kimo the "Steel Guitar Master" from 11:00a.m.-2:00p.m. Dine in our Longboard room with our island inspired cuisine and live Polynesian Entertainment by Chief of the OC & Hula Wahine's with sets at 11:30a.m./12:30p.m./1:30p.m. We have more live music for you in Don's Dagger Bar with your favorite Hulabilly band; The Hula Girls from 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m. America loves Tiki!

hiltiki posted on 06/14/2017

More pictures from last Saturday, sorry for delays, it takes me for ever to upload.

Ok now as you enter the main room these art pieces greed you

some of these vendors you might recognize

some of Thor's pieces were amazing so here you go

I love these pieces

Ok this is it for now more later. :)

hiltiki posted on 06/15/2017

Some more pictures from second room, the bar, the band, the dinning room and the hula dancers.

The second room

dinning area and hula dancers

On to the bar and the entertainment

Hate to leave but I needed to go to Hi time Liquor, its a nice 10 to 15 min drive down PCH to Hi time from Don's. the ocean looked beautiful.

Until next time.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 06/27/2017

Thank you "hiltiki" for sharing the photos from the last Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber! We hope you can make it out to the next one on Saturday, July 15.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 06/28/2017

The Hula Girls will perform live in Don's Dagger Bar from 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m. at the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, July 15! Be sure to get their NEW merch & tunes available now at http://www.thehulagirls.com

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/11/2017

"This Saturday at Don the Beachcomber! The Hula Girls return to the Tiki Makeke (Marketplace). It's a daytime show that starts at 1pm. We'll have Jungle Beach Party CDs and other merch there.
Hope you can make the scene!" -The Hula Girls

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/13/2017

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 07/14/2017

Which vendors will be there tmrw? I need new supplies for the Lei Low Lounge. Like those shelves from BB and more crap to put on said shelves...

CosmoReverb posted on 07/14/2017

On 2017-07-14 06:49, Hau 'oli Tiki wrote:
Which vendors will be there tmrw? I need new supplies for the Lei Low Lounge. Like those shelves from BB and more crap to put on said shelves...

Here's the list that they posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. Dunno about any recent additions or deletions though.

[ Edited by: CosmoReverb 2017-07-14 10:57 ]

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/14/2017

Praise the Tiki gods!!
Artists & Vendors July 15 for the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber:(UPDATED)

Bamboo Ben
Beachdude, Inc.
Big Toe Art
Buzz Rhino
C-Ya In California
Clee Sobieski
Cool Gee
Crazy Al
Doug Horne
Elly Karipides
Fancy Fruits
Freaky Tiki
Go Tiki
Hart Warmers
Hawaiian Import
Henley Woodworks
Hula Hideaway
John Von Frond
Johnnie Velour Ceramics
Jungle Ginger
Kapalua Designs
Lake Tiki
Lynn McGuire
Matt "Tikiman" Willis
Miss Nouvelle
Moonshine Mama’s Handmade Accessories
Ms Formaldehyde
Nalani’s Closet
Outline Island
Power Jive Records
Rawformed Jewelry
Reesenik's Gonesville
The Restless Native
Retro Ruthie
Rick Kess
Ron Monster
RumRunner Mike
Second Chances
Shawna Tice
Smokin’ Tikis
Stilettoed Devil
Surf City Hawaiian Shirts
Sweet Siren Designs
Tee-Ki Togs
Tiki Al
Tiki Bongos
Tiki Gonzo
Tiki Pops
Tiki Swag
Tiki Tony
Vicki’s Tiki Moon Art

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/14/2017

The talented Tiki Tony collaborated with the amazing Tiki Diablo and created the highly anticipated "Submarine Mug." The mug has already SOLD OUT during Pre-Sales!! Be one of the first 40 to pick up your preordered "Submarine Mug" ONLY at Don The Beachcomber's Tiki Makeke! Doors open 10:00a.m.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/18/2017

The Volcanics will be our featured band at the next Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, September 9 performing in #DonsDaggerBar from 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m.

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/19/2017

Even the OC WEEKLY made it out to this past weekends Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber! Be sure to join us next time with live music by THE VOLCANICS on
Saturday, September 9!

Photo Gallery Part One:

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/19/2017

Save the date!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 07/20/2017

The OC WEEKLY sure did get a lot of great photos of Friends & Ohana at this past weekends Tiki Makeke! See you all on Saturday September 9 Don's Tiki Makeke "End of Summer Beachcomber Roundup!"

OC WEEKLY Photos Part Two:

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/22/2017

Enjoy the live sounds of The Volcanics in Don's Dagger Bar from 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Only at the World Famous Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, September 9!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/22/2017

The Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber's September 9 "Beachcomber Roundup" is excited to announce the Official Artist & Vendors Line-up!

Doors Open 10:00am-3:00pm

Bamboo Ben
Big Toe Art
Buzz Rhino
C-Ya In California
Clee Sobieski
Cool Gee
Culture Cove
Deadhead Rum
Doug Horne
Elly Karipides
Fancy Fruits
Freaky Tiki
Go Tiki
Hart Warmers
Hawaiian Import
Henley Woodworks
James Mulligan
John Von Frond
Jungle Ginger
Kapalua Designs
Ken Ruzic
Leilani Loves Vintage
Lynn McGuire
Mahalo Tiki
Matt “Tikiman” Willis
Miss Nouvelle
Moonshine Mama’s Handmade Accessories
Ms Formaldehyde
Nalani’s Closet
Nelson’s Tiki Hut
OB Tiki
Outline Island
Poly Hai
Power Jive Records
Rawformed Jewelry
Reesenik’s Gonesville
Retro Ruthie
Rick Kess
Ron Monster
Second Chances
Shawna Tice
Smokin Tikis
Stilettoed Devil
Surf City Hawaiian Shirts
Sweet Siren Designs
Tee-Ki Togs
The Restless Native
Tiki Al
Tiki Bongos
Tiki Gonzo
Tiki Guy Studio
Tiki Pops
Tiki Tony
Trader Pup’s Outpost
Vicki’s Tiki Moon Art
Vintage Surf

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/22/2017

Only at Don the Beachcomber's Tiki Makeke in Huntington Beach, Calif!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/24/2017

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/24/2017

You might just want to stick around after the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, September 9! We'll have Los Straitjackets performing in the Hidden Village that night with limited tickets still available now at http://www.donthebeachcomber.com

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/25/2017

Be sure to join the OFFICAIL TIKI MAKEKE AT DON THE BEACHCOMBER Facebook Group!!! For all things Tiki Makeke!! Click or Copy link below:


.....all the cool tikiphiles are doing it..

Don The Beachcomber posted on 08/25/2017

Only 10 clams !!
Includes $10 Food/Cocktail Voucher!! (perfect excuse to try Don's World Famous Mai Tai!!!)
Kids 14 years and younger are FREE!!
Live Hawaiian Entertainment!
Live music by The Volcanics!!

September 9 at Don the Beachcomber's Tiki Makeke!!! 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. In Surf City, Calif!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 09/07/2017

The Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, September 9 in Huntington Beach will feature your favorite new & returning vendors!!

Bamboo Ben
Big Toe Art
Buzz Rhino
C-Ya in California
Calwise Spirits, Co.
Clee Sobieski
Cool Gee
Crazy Al
Culture Cove
Doug Horne
Elly Karipides
Fancy Fruits
Freaky Tiki
Go Tiki
Hart Warmers
Hawaiian Import
Henley Woodworks
John Von Frond
Jungle Ginger
Kapalua Designs
Ken Ruzic
Leilani Loves Vintage
Lynn McGuire
Matt “TikiMan” Willis
Miss Nouvelle
Moonshine Mama’s Handmade Accessories
Ms. Formaldehyde
Nalani’s Closet
Nelson’s Tiki Hut
OB Tiki
Out1in3 Island
Poly Hai
Pop Culture Explosion!
Rawformed Jewelry
Retro Ruthie
Rick Kess
Ron Monster
Second Chances
Shawna Tice
Smokin’ Tikis
Stilettoed Devil
Surf City Hawaiian Shirts
Sweet Siren Designs
Tee-Ki Togs
The Restless Native
Tiki Al
Tiki Bongos
Tiki Gonzo
Tiki Pop
Tiki Tony
TikiGuy Studio
Tikiyaki Orchestra
Trader Pup’s Outpost
Vicki’s Tiki Moon Art
Vintage Surf

*Rum Barrel mugs will be available for $45! While supplies last!!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 09/07/2017

Don The Beachcomber posted on 09/14/2017

 The Loons & Los Sweepers! Only at Don the Beachcomber's Tiki Makeke!!

Don The Beachcomber posted on 09/22/2017

The Rum Barrel!
The cause of Captain Bligh's downfall. Total of 16 ingredients, largest of the Don's drinks.. Enjoy your Rum Barrel cocktail in a Rum Barrel mug of your very own! Only $45 more! Limited Edition Created by Crazy Al and Tiki Farm. Available at the Tiki Makeke at Don the Beachcomber on Saturday, October 14!

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