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Yes, Tiki Oasis is Sold Out But Tickets Might Be Available

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cryptkicker5 posted on 04/29/2017


I can’t believe it, I tried to buy tickets today for Tiki Oasis 2017 and they are already sold out?! Is this a record? 4 days!

I didn’t see any posting here, so I’m assuming everyone got their ticket the day they went on sale.

I did add my name to the waitlist, so hopefully that will work out.

[ Edited by: cryptkicker5 2017-06-13 17:34 ]


It is sad to see the event that was a small party for tiki enthusiast turn into a major event attended by the mainstream general public. But I am glad that the result of all the work that the Von Stroheim Family has put into the event has resulted in increasing success!

Here is another discussion on the popularity of TO 2017

Tiki Central: Would you prefer Tiki as 'mainstream' or 'underground'?

TheClamsCasino posted on 04/29/2017

It's also rather a shame that this forum is now completely ignored by TO it seems.
If one isn't following them on Facebook you are just out of luck to know what is going on with it.

[ Edited by: TheClamsCasino 2017-04-29 14:29 ]

aboarts posted on 04/29/2017


MadDogMike posted on 04/29/2017

Cryptkicker, I don't know what the Volunteer list looks like but that may be an option for tickets.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 04/30/2017

Great idea Mike!

Cindiluhui posted on 04/30/2017

I'm pretty shocked at how it has grown over time, but I guess I shouldn't be. Apparently they had so many people sign up to be volunteers, they closed the list. And it was closed before the tickets sold out.

Loki-Tiki posted on 05/01/2017

On 2017-04-29 14:29, TheClamsCasino wrote:
It's also rather a shame that this forum is now completely ignored by TO it seems.
If one isn't following them on Facebook you are just out of luck to know what is going on with it.

[ Edited by: TheClamsCasino 2017-04-29 14:29 ]

I lamented the abandonment of TC by Oasis last year. Not a single mention here this year either, until now. With its popularity, they obviously don't need little'ol TC anyways. I'm on the Oasis mailing list and I did not even get an email from that. Fortunately(?) I do follow it on FB, so I had a heads-up.

lunavideogames posted on 05/02/2017

Wait...!?! Tiki Oasis is still going on? I thought it was gone since I didn't hear anything about it for the last couple years?!?

I think we need more themes, just 2 is just not enough. How about tiki robot dinosaur vampires with wooden legs?

Getting rooms this year was a total shtshw. First, the password wasn't there. Then the password didn't work for the first 15 minutes. Finally the password worked but it already said that Friday & Saturday were sold out. I didn't believe them and persisted and got a room. Not to mention there site crashing an hour before the scheduled tickets went on sale. You think after a decade and a half, this process could run a bit more smoothly.

Don't get me wrong, I love Oasis and appreciate all the work that Otto and all the volunteers put into it. I just figured since this site has been forgotten , it would be the perfect place to tell jokes.

See you at Oasis :wink: :)

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2017-05-02 11:40 ]

headpaneer posted on 05/08/2017

On 2017-05-02 11:39, lunavideogames wrote:
Getting rooms this year was a total shtshw. First, the password wasn't there. Then the password didn't work for the first 15 minutes. Finally the password worked but it already said that Friday & Saturday were sold out. I didn't believe them and persisted and got a room. Not to mention there site crashing an hour before the scheduled tickets went on sale. You think after a decade and a half, this process could run a bit more smoothly.

I experienced the same issues trying to get a room. There were “glitches” last year for me, as well.
The conspiracy theorist in me says the process is manipulated to give certain people an advantage in procuring rooms.

Loki-Tiki posted on 05/09/2017

On 2017-05-08 15:07, headpaneer wrote:
I experienced the same issues trying to get a room. There were “glitches” last year for me, as well.
The conspiracy theorist in me says the process is manipulated to give certain people an advantage in procuring rooms.

OK, I'll bite: Whom do you suspect are the certain people?

headpaneer posted on 05/09/2017

On 2017-05-09 11:55, Loki-Tiki wrote:

OK, I'll bite: Whom do you suspect are the certain people?

Ha Ha. That was not bait and I do not know of any particular people. I wouldn’t be surprised though, if those within an inner circle were provided access to booking a room before the masses. It would suck for those individuals who have been part of TO since the beginning or for many years and who really contribute to the vitality of the scene could not get a room. Am I correct in that one or more of the smaller tiki events give previous participants first shot at rooms?

croe67 posted on 05/09/2017

Am I correct in that one or more of the smaller tiki events give previous participants first shot at rooms?

Correct - Ohana Luau at the Lake does that.

lunavideogames posted on 05/09/2017

Tiki Caliente also gives previous patrons priority to hotel rooms.

santa posted on 05/18/2017

As festivals and cons go it's still small and still attended by tiki fans. Likely that since ten million people live within an hour drive there are more then a few thousand fans. The town and country of other venues could hold triple the people. Or start another con in winter. Draft the business plan and recruit investors here

[ Edited by: santa 2017-05-17 23:16 ]

Kiwi Steve posted on 05/27/2017

If anyone has a lead on a ticket or two, please let me know...

We went to buy tickets a long time ago and they were sold out.

We were slated to volunteer for a friend who was doing an event at Oasis, then Baby Doe retracted their agreement, so they aren't getting any extra wrist bands (and my friend might not even get to do the event, even though they were a part of it for the past few years - and gave them lots of money to do so).

We tried to volunteer and I just received an email saying that we aren't even on the primary wait list, but we are on a secondary wait list and we shouldn't expect anything.

Sooooo frustrating, but I still have to go, since there are so many great friends who I only get to see once a year at this event...


Tiki Drifter posted on 05/28/2017

I have a feeling the hotel security wristband-checker folks are going to have their work cut out for them this year! :wink:

cryptkicker5 posted on 05/29/2017

It looks like Eventbrite just released 2, 3 day tickets.

I bought so there is still one available for purchase!

aboarts posted on 06/09/2017

Seriously?I'm on the waitlist and wasn't notified...

Cammo posted on 06/09/2017

Um, cryptkicker5, could you change this thread's name to:

Yes, Tiki Oasis is Sold Out But Tickets Are Still Available
Tiki Oasis is a Sellout
Tiki Oasis, Sold Out But Still Selling
Tiki Oasis - If You Think Tickets Are A Problem Just Try Getting A Mug This Year

aboarts posted on 06/12/2017

Seriously?I'm on the waitlist and wasn't notified...

cryptkicker5 posted on 06/14/2017

On 2017-06-11 20:17, aboarts wrote:
Seriously?I'm on the waitlist and wasn't notified...

I'm on the waitlist also, but never was notified either. I have seen tickets pop up on eventbrite occasionally. My only advice is to check for tickets daily.

Tiki-boss posted on 06/29/2017

I was able to get a ticket today so they are definitely available here and there. Maybe as people cancel? Sad part is it was only one so I may be rolling out solo.

Tiki-boss posted on 06/30/2017

Just got another ticket. 3-night. Still one available if anyone needs one.

[ Edited by: Tiki-boss 2017-06-30 08:14 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/290e53d8ba987987673e0bae142f58f6?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TheClamsCasino posted on 08/07/2017

If anyone has a 3 day ticket they want to sell I'll gladly take it off your hands.
Looks like when I bought tickets way back in April I only bought one instead of two and the wife won't be too happy if she doesn't have a ticket on her birthday...

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