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Postcard from the Kona Inn-Cool Tiki Lamps

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Tiki Royale posted on 01/30/2004

Not my auction but I thought y'all might be interested in this postcard. The room is pretty booring but check the lamps on the side.

boutiki posted on 01/30/2004

Damn! That's so cool! I saw that postcard years ago at an antique store in the Western Suburbs, and like an idiot, passed on it. I think it was probably marked $2 or something. About a year later when I got one of those lamps, I went back to see if I could find the card. I scrounged through a huge box of postcards but could not find it. I could not remember which hotel it cam from but I remembered the image so clearly...

That's the only photo I've ever seen of them. And I've never seen another of the lamps, but if they outfitted many of the rooms with these, there must be more out there. Thanks for posting that Tiki Royale!

thejab posted on 01/30/2004

I stayed in the Kona Inn (Uncle Billy's) for one night a few years back. The room had the same layout but unfortunately the decor was updated and there was not a tiki to be found on the entire property.

galtiki1 posted on 05/30/2017

I have two original Tiki Lamps from the Kona Inn. I would love to see the postcard to determine if they match!

Or Got Rum? posted on 05/30/2017

Here you go.

galtiki1 posted on 05/30/2017

Oh Cool!

It does match! This postcard posted on CriTiki confirms it! I still have the original share as well, a bit beat up but All Original! How cool is that?


Dustycajun posted on 05/31/2017

Here is are a few more images from a brochure and postcard in my collection showing that killer lamp.


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