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Jungle Beach Party! - First new full length record by The Hula Girls in 7 years!

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Luckydesigns posted on 06/05/2017

I can't believe our second record is finally finished. I promise the third won't take as long.
Can't wait for you all to hear the Jungle Beach Party!

I added all kinds of new merch too!

Jungle Beach Party Mai Tai glasses! In the tradition of the vintage Suck Um Up and Don Ho glasses, we decided to produce some of our own. Album track listing on the opposite side. And yes, this is a standard 'double-bucket' sized Mai Tai glass (though the lens on my camera makes it look thimble sized).

Aaaand a while back, at an estate sale, I came up on some vintage tiki necklace molds. I've only made 100 of these red ones in celebration of our new record, Jungle Beach Party. When they're gone, I mean they're really gone, man.

You can find everything at http://www.thehulagirls.com


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2017-06-05 09:01 ]

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