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TIKI TRIP REPORT: my first visit to the Mai-Kai

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SharonKurheg posted on 06/05/2017


As much as I love all thing tiki, kitchy and Polynesian, I can't believe I had never even HEARD of the Mai-Kai, never mind been there. That all changed a couple of months ago :). Now I'm just glad it's only a few hours from my house (we live in Orlando) so I can go again and again! :)

CLICK HERE (it links you to the trip report on our travel blog)

If you like this report, please feel free to share it. Thanks!

Central FL

[ Edited by: SharonKurheg 2017-06-05 08:53 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 06/05/2017

On 2017-06-05 08:52, SharonKurheg wrote:

As much as I love all thing tiki, kitchy and Polynesian, I can't believe I had never even HEARD of the Mai-Kai, never mind been there. That all changed a couple of months ago :). Now I'm just glad it's only a few hours from my house (we live in Orlando) so I can go again and again! :)

CLICK HERE (it links you to the trip report on our travel blog)

If you like this report, please feel free to share it. Thanks!

Central FL

[ Edited by: SharonKurheg 2017-06-05 08:53 ]


SharonKurheg posted on 06/05/2017

It really was! I can't believe I had never even HEARD of it before a few months ago?!?!?!?! Now I can hardly wait to go back, LOL! Unfortunately, although my husband liked it, he's not in such a hurry to see it again. BUT...I have a friend who is talking about going in October...I've already invited myself to go along, LOL!

Central FL

AceExplorer posted on 06/05/2017

Sharon, I found that some of the best times there are on quieter nights when you get to share the Molokai Bar and the rest of the place with just a few others. That's when you can get a really intimate feel for the place. And remember that you never need a reason to go to the Mai-Kai - just GO!

SharonKurheg posted on 06/05/2017

On 2017-06-05 10:54, AceExplorer wrote:
Sharon, I found that some of the best times there are on quieter nights when you get to share the Molokai Bar and the rest of the place with just a few others. That's when you can get a really intimate feel for the place. And remember that you never need a reason to go to the Mai-Kai - just GO!

Wellllll...that's a little easier said than done, since Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale are not exactly close, LOLOL! But we do go to the Broward PAC here and there for shows and I know I can get hubby to go back during one of those trips, just to go to the bar, if nothing else :wink:

Central FL

howlinowl posted on 06/06/2017

Since you're fairly local and plan on making it there multiple times a year, may I recommend getting the Mai-Kai Club membership? Only $20 and you get loads of benefits. Well worth it in my opinion.


Edit for linky thingy


[ Edited by: howlinowl 2017-06-06 10:53 ]

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