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Tiki at TJMax

Pages: 1 2 3 121 replies

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/24/2004

On 2004-02-24 13:23, naugatiki wrote:
They probablly could fill the bottles with goat urine and people would still buy them. No self respecting mixologist would make a strawberry daquiri with that syrup, and wonder if kidney bean stocks are going threw the roof with this sudden boom?

mmm... goat...

maybe they should fill them with nuclear waste; it would solve the disposal issue and we would still buy them...

TheMuggler posted on 02/24/2004

On 2004-02-24 14:03, Johnny Dollar wrote:
maybe they should fill them with nuclear waste; it would solve the disposal issue and we would still buy them...

Plus, they'd glow in the dark. I could see spending $10 on one of those if it glowed in the dark for sure!

naugatiki posted on 02/25/2004

And if you made a cocktail out of the radioactive material it might give you super human powers to locate a tiki mug in Goodwill at light speed.

BambooLodge posted on 02/25/2004

FYI....they are here in Chicagoland (both at Marshall's & TJ Maxx), but only at a few stores that we've been to so far. If you are a fan of Kahala Hawaiian shirts you may want to check the shirt racks in the Men's dept. We have found them in every store so far, The problem for me is there hasn't been alot of XL's to choose from. They are priced at $24.99 and marked past season... what that means I'm not sure, except that your getting a great quality Hawaiian shirt for half price!

Humuhumu posted on 02/25/2004

I picked up an SB on my lunch break yesterday (there's plenty of the moai & sb in several blue hawaiian & bean configurations at the Marshall's next to Fox Hills Mall in Culver City). Now that we all have got these identical SBs & moais, I'd love to see pictures of how people wind up modifying and/or displaying them.

johntiki posted on 02/25/2004

On 2004-02-24 13:23, naugatiki wrote:
No self respecting mixologist would make a strawberry daquiri with that syrup...

Yeah I agree but how cool would a mixologist look slinging orgeat or falernum outta these hip little decanters?

Kono posted on 02/25/2004

I'm thinking of using my SB for some home made absinthe. :wink:

SwingingTiki posted on 02/25/2004

I found them at my local TJ Maxx today (well, more specifically the wife did and I bought them). If they've showed up in Ohio, they'll be anywhere!!

Swing, Daddi-O! :sheckymug:

[ Edited by: SwingingTiki on 2004-02-24 18:19 ]

Unkle John posted on 02/25/2004

I myself, will search for the elusive bottles. But I plan on trying the mixes. Anyone want to lay don money on me to drink the bean stuff? C'mon I need the money.

I then plan on putting my own mixes in there.

Oh and antifreeze would look cool in it aswell (though not drinkable) it should glow under black light.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 02/25/2004

We NEED some o' those up here. Anyone know if there's some Canadian source for these?

ModMana posted on 02/25/2004

Well, I've never been to TJMaxx, and I didn't think I likely ever would. But with all this hoopla about these things I had to see them for myself. I have to say that they are pretty cool! Luckily the local store in San Diego had a load of them and I ended up buying quite a few. Here is the full list that I saw:

  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Blue Hawaiian Mix
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Strawberry Daquiri Mix
  • Sufferin Bastard w/Margarita Mix
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Red Bean Oil
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Brown Bean Oil
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/3 Color Bean Oil
  • Moai w/Blue Hawaiian Mix
  • Moai w/Stawberry Daquiri Mix
  • Moai w/Margarita Mix
  • Moai w/White Bean Oil
  • Moai w/Black Bean Oil
  • Moai w/Corn Flake Oil (very bizarre)

They had plenty of all in stock when I was there several days ago. Oh, they also had several of the Wee Tiki Party Sets.

ModMana :drink:

[ Edited by: ModMana on 2004-02-25 00:24 ]

DawnTiki posted on 02/25/2004

No TJ Maxx around where I am :( .... I'm sorry but the red bean suffering bastard is icky looking...he looks more more like "blood clot suffering bastard" (Don't get me wrong, I would still buy one) I wonder if they make a sour grapes suffering bastard :wink:

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-02-25 08:14 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 02/25/2004

On 2004-02-25 00:23, ModMana wrote:
Well, I've never been to TJMaxx, and I didn't think I likely ever would. But with all this hoopla about these things I had to see them for myself. I have to say that they are pretty cool! Luckily the local store in San Diego had a load of them and I ended up buying quite a few. Here is the full list that I saw:

  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Blue Hawaiian Mix
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Strawberry Daquiri Mix
  • Sufferin Bastard w/Margarita Mix
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Red Bean Oil
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/Brown Bean Oil
  • Sufferin' Bastard w/3 Color Bean Oil
  • Moai w/Blue Hawaiian Mix
  • Moai w/Stawberry Daquiri Mix
  • Moai w/Margarita Mix
  • Moai w/White Bean Oil
  • Moai w/Black Bean Oil
  • Moai w/Corn Flake Oil (very bizarre)

They had plenty of all in stock when I was there several days ago. Oh, they also had several of the Wee Tiki Party Sets.

ModMana :drink:

[ Edited by: ModMana on 2004-02-25 00:24 ]

ModMana, which TJ Maxx? Clairmont Dr.? Rosecrans?

Iolani posted on 02/25/2004

This dude looks like a Moai Shriner!

OnaTiki posted on 02/25/2004

We picked up a couple of the SB's and Moai at the Clairemont TJ Maxx. They also had a few at the Marshall's in Clairemont too. No luck on the wee party sets though.

Mod Mana.... where are the wee party sets?

ModMana posted on 02/25/2004

I went to the Rosecrans store (next to Circuit City). They had at least one of everything when I was there. The Wee Tiki Party Sets were on the same aisle as the Tiki Glass Decanters (middle shelf).

ModMana :drink:

MauiTiki posted on 02/26/2004

It's amazing how you all can make me want somthing I didn't know exists and really don't want. No TJ Max on Maui, Guess I'm out of luck.

tikijackalope posted on 02/26/2004

I found them at both the Wichita KS TJ Maxx stores tonight. I bought one each in blue; the ones with the strawberry daquiri mix had a small amount of lint-like precipitant in the bottoms. Is that normal?

spy-tiki posted on 02/26/2004

Marguerita mix Moai and Bastards in Glendale now.

Iolani posted on 02/26/2004

DC-area people: these items are in at the Marshalls at Pentagon City, in Arlington. A handful of suffering bastards with drink mix and a couple "moai" with beans'n'oil. The black bean moai was actually kind of cool looking in an X-Files black oil alien sort of wat, but I have no idea what to do with black beans in oil.

I wasn't too impressed with the visible molded glass joint / seal running down the guys' faces. Nevertheless I picked up a bastard and a moai to play with as light fixtures or something. I'm certainly not drinking their contents. The Blue Hawaii looks downright toxic.

8FT Tiki posted on 02/26/2004

Well I ran around town yesterday to get my bottles. Struck out at the Liberty, MO location. They only had 1 cracked corn and 1 white bean oil. Didn't like either so I went to Lee's Summit, MO where I got a red S.B. and a blue Moai. They also had a yellow Moai but I figured one of each was enough and someone else may want the yeller feller. I think some of these stores may be holding some bottles back because they are pretty heavy and would make a hell of a mess if a shelf failed and dropped them to the floor!
Also got the wee tiki set there. Only one I saw. I think if you are not finding the bottles on the shelves it may be worth asking if you can find an associate that looks like they give a damn.

kctiki posted on 02/26/2004

Although I've already ripped thru this year's decorating budget I had to check the Overland Park, KS TJ Max just out of curiosity. They have the bean Suffering Bastards, so does Marshall's across the street. Better yet, F.O.B. right next to TJ Max has a queen size bamboo canopy bed. Only $999, as long as I'm just window shopping.

Rorysm posted on 02/26/2004

Picked up the Blue SB and the Wee set. Any idea on how to use the blue hawaii mix? What would it be good in?

Also, I find it humorous that here in Kentucky we get the drink mixes and in the DC area you got beans-n-oil!

Help me out on those drink recipies, or otherwise there's gonna be some blue moonshine hitting the black market soon!

Jax Tiki posted on 02/27/2004

Madmona...any Shag merchandise I could buy and resell?

vwtikigirl posted on 02/27/2004

No luck! Just checked the TJ-Maxx by my work and the one on my way home closed down. I'll check again next week.

TikiGoddess posted on 02/28/2004

I have been to 2 TJs and one Marshalls in the Philly area and I managed to find one SB filled with strawberry daquiri mix. He is now in my dining room. No wee tiki party sets to be seen. I have one more Marshalls to try this weekend. I wonder if Kohls will have tiki stuff this year just like last summer...

Lake Surfer posted on 02/28/2004

Didn't see any tiki at Kohl's yet... Target is getting dangerously close with their Hawaiian Theme stuff... keep an eye out... Hopefully I can add a bit to the wedding registry...

tikimug posted on 02/28/2004

Well, I hit one Marshalls in Central NJ. They had a few SBs & Moais w/ Margarita, Blue Hawaii and that Strawberry stuff. No bean oil and no wee tiki sets. There is a TJs right down the road from there but I didn't look.

I picked up a blue SB and a yellow Moai, I thought they looked kinda cheap and cheesy. Not really worth the $9.95 price. Has anyone sampled the toxic looking liquid inside?? I don't think I have the guts.

docwoods posted on 02/29/2004

New member here-reading about the neat bottles at Marshall's/TJMax made me go there this morning.Jackpot!Marshall's had many of the tiki bottles.I bought four of them-two Moari and two Suffering Bastards.One of the Moari ones contains...crushed cornflake oil!!! Saw the red bean one,but wanted to be different,so I went with the cereal flavored one.Also got at TJMax the mini tiki set.Good finds all around! I think I'm going to have to monitor my time on this site-kind of liking drinking gin by yourself.I'd type more,but my daughter spilled limeade into the keyboard,and the typing is slow going.

Tiki-Kate posted on 02/29/2004

I lucked out on a business trip last week. The TJ Maxx in Ontario, CA only had the Wee Tiki sets, but I found the SB and Moai in Pineville, NC. The clerk at the counter was very cool about wrapping the hell out of them for the plane ride home.

TikiBud posted on 02/29/2004

No luck here in Austell TJ Maxx, but did run across Tiki sleep shorts and pants at Target.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/01/2004

On 2004-02-26 09:55, Iolani wrote:

I'm certainly not drinking their contents. The Blue Hawaii looks downright toxic.

in the interest of science, i mixed up some of the blue hawaiian mix this weekend.

overall, it's REALLY WEIRD and not that pleasant to drink at all.

  • it has a soaplike undercurrent
    -it's cloyingly sweet, even after the ice melted
  • it's got a weird bubblegum flavor

if i don't/can't finish a drink, it's got to be prety bad. most of it ended up down the drain. but now i have tasted the blue hawaiian so you don't have to :)

mahaloz, j$

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/01/2004

[i]On 2004-03-01 08:02, Johnny Dollar wrote- it's got a weird bubblegum flavor

Is it anything like when you go to a run-of-the-mill Chinese restaurant that has cocktails served in Tiki mugs and no matter what the name of the drink is, be it Mai Tai, Zombie or what ever, they all taste the same? They all taste like pixie stix. the only difference is the color. I think it must be the drink syrup from DyNasty Wholesale.


Johnny Dollar posted on 03/01/2004

nah FZ, it's weirder than that.

a strange thing tho is that the lable says "made in the USA," but it's "Assembled in China."

perhaps incorporating my previous theory, the US is sending nuclear waste to Chiuna to be repackaged and resold to us in the form of drink mixes...

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/01/2004

Why are there over 80 replies to a cheese-ball, pseudo tiki item?

Unga Bunga posted on 03/01/2004

Well hell, you replied. Didn't ya.
Damn!! So did I.

8FT Tiki posted on 03/01/2004

Perhaps because its frickin winter, (no yard sales yet) and people are bored and a lot of us don't have a tiki bonanza right outside our doors. We can't be too picky about it when there ain't a ton of goodies in our neck of the woods. Also, when you can't hang with the ebay big spenders, you decorate with what you can afford at the time. Didn't want this to sound as if I was taking Bong's post personally, just offering a few possible answers. I'm sure there are many others...??

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/01/2004

On 2004-03-01 13:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Why are there over 80 replies to a cheese-ball, pseudo tiki item?


Tiki_Bong posted on 03/02/2004

Flabohjah at it's apex, yes, flabohjah at it's apex (indeed).

(hey, I once bought a tiki suppository at Kohl's, so who am I to talk.)

Kono posted on 03/02/2004

On 2004-03-01 18:15, Tiki_Bong wrote:
(hey, I once bought a tiki suppository at Kohl's, so who am I to talk.)

I need Tiki for my bong hole! :D

Al_Malaikah posted on 03/02/2004

On 2004-03-01 13:04, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Why are there over 80 replies to a cheese-ball, pseudo tiki item?

Tiki,cheeseball.... oh the irony.

croe67 posted on 03/03/2004

Maybe because these are FUN!

While not traditional TIKI & just a bit on the tacky side, they are very fun. & in the Tiki spirit of exploring and the thrill of the hunt, I think they are just great. There have been many discussions on TC about "purist" Tiki ideas vs. just having fun with the whole thing - which seems to apply to this thread as well.

Just trying to figure out what to fill mine with that I brought back today from a business trip to MN - hmmmmm.....


Al_Malaikah posted on 03/03/2004

Considering the logic of the "is you is or is you aint a tiki mug" thread. One strain of which says if it is shaped like a tiki, it's tiki, then these are tiki.

Maybe not the best execution, but still tiki nonetheless.

If they bring someone some tiki joy, why rain on that persons parade?

Makes no sense to me. Unless its an elitist thing?

Which considering the gold mine of "Tack" that is tiki, makes the idea of tiki elitism side splittingly hilarious.

Erika posted on 03/03/2004

On 2004-03-01 08:02, Johnny Dollar wrote (about the Blue Hawaiian mix):

  • it's got a weird bubblegum flavor

That weird flavor is an attempt at coconut. (It's like a really wretched flavored lip gloss I tried once back in teenage days.) And "cloyingly sweet" is an understatement. Bleah! No wonder the B. is Suffering!

I love the bottle, though. :)

waikiki tiki posted on 03/03/2004

I agree completely. This is totally tiki but it sounds like Bong resides by the "if it's not vintage it's crap" motto....however there are many of us that don't. It just means that there have been quite a few of us that think these are pretty cool, and I thought it was worth spreading the word when I found them. Obviously, people were interested! I want to see some pictures of how people are modifying theirs!

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/03/2004

On 2004-03-03 10:59, waikiki tiki wrote:
This is totally tiki but it sounds like Bong resides by the "if it's not vintage it's crap" motto....however there are many of us that don't

I wouldn't expend your mental energy trying to figure out what I'm thinking (Mr potty mouth!). I'm sure you have your plate full just trying to figure out what your arms and legs are doing.

I do however find it fascinating that my words make people jump like my own personal bitches (now, bark like a dog!).

Hey, check this out. They're selling 'em like hotcakes at Kohl's. Vintage 1942 Trader Vic's Kava Bowls.

TheMuggler posted on 03/03/2004

On 2004-03-03 11:42, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Hey, check this out. They're selling 'em like hotcakes at Kohl's. Vintage 1942 Trader Vic's Kava Bowls.

Hey Bong, you better keep the kids away from that thing. Looks like one of them went to town on it with a box of crayolas.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/03/2004

New at Kohl's, the Crayola 'n' Kava Activity Set! Hours of fun for your little menehune!

(nearing 100 posts on this frivolous thread... :) )

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