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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

CANNIBAL HUT - my latest retro sign creation

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/08/2017

been awhile since i posted. here is the latest retro sign i created for sale at sundays lowbrow aloha art show at hala kahiki. using a modified cannibal carving i bought from smokin tikis a few years back, i added the lightbox and spears to create a look from the early 60's. The type of thing you;d see cruising the strip in any town usa, back in the day.

enjoy !!

hang10tiki posted on 07/08/2017


cy posted on 07/08/2017

Great work on this sign and the swizzle Tipsy!

tikiskip posted on 07/09/2017

Good luck with your lowbrow aloha art show today!

BlondieBoomBoom posted on 07/21/2017

Love it!!!
We are looking at making a sign for our new bar. Do you mind sharing how you did it? The frame and lettering are awesome.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/21/2017

Thanks !! I actually make and sell signs for home bars, restaurants and personal use. I'd be happy to design and build you one.

bananamansl posted on 10/08/2017

Awesome! Great job!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/14/2017

That looks great! I think you should post a tutorial. I'd love to make one but I'm sure it's out of my league!

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