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Tiki Central / California Events

Swanky West Coast Tour - Tacoma, SF, LA, SD, PS

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Celebrating a year after the release of the Mai-Kai book, I and my editor Mrs. Swanky will be visiting the west coast.

First stop will be Seattle and in particular Tacoma Cabana. I'll be doing a presentation there along with the book signing Saturday August 5th starting at 4PM FB Event here, tickets for presentation online here and at the door.

Next we head to San Francisco and a book signing at Smuggler's Cove on Monday August 7th at 6PM. Rumor is we will visit Humuhumu's Balhi H'ai as well.

From there we jet on to LA and a signing with Bob & Leroy at Oceanic Arts on Wednesday Aug. 9th from 2 to 4. That's leaves time to get over to the Tiki Ti for the toast to Ray.

And on Friday at noon, I will give a presentation at Tiki Oasis, and then on Saturday at 11 I'll be signing books at Tiki Oasis.

From there we go to Palm Springs for a book signing at the Tonga Hut Saturday at 7PM.

We are looking forward to exploring all these places with the ohana and signing lots of books. Come visit us when we are in your city!

"Mai-Kai: History & Mystery of the Iconic Tiki Restaurant" the book

[ Edited by: swanky 2017-07-20 12:00 ]

We love your book. I wish you a huge turnout. Wendy

Nice one, mate - I am definitely going to go to the SF one!

Aloha Swanky!
We don't have your most excellent book yet, so we will gladly make the journey from Thousand Oaks
to meet up with you and Mrs. Swanky at Oceanic Arts. And a stop at Tiki Ti afterward should complete a great night!
See you then!

Hamo posted on Tue, Jun 27, 2017 7:31 PM

Swanky, thanks for your note on Critiki. I will definitely pack my copy of the book. Haven't exactly decided when I'm going to Oceanic Arts, but hope to see you either there or at the Tiki Ti.



See you at Oceanic Arts...Woohoo!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2017-07-09 11:40 ]


Hey Tiki friends, we are looking for "tour guides" on our trip. Sunday in Seattle, Tuesday in SF, Sunday and Monday in Palm Springs we are free and looking for someone to show us around. This doesn't mean line up the tiki bars and drinks, but vintage places and shopping, interesting sites. What's your favorite places and most interesting sites. PM me and maybe we can get together.

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