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Developer seek to restore Coco Palms!

Pages: 1 5 replies

Phillip Roberts posted on 02/25/2004


[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-10 13:58 ]

thejab posted on 02/25/2004

Weiser has vowed to make the new Coco Palms as close to an exact replica of the original as possible.


aquarj posted on 02/25/2004

With news like this, and the rumors of a possible SF Trader Vics, we might be almost justified in a little cautious optimism! Somehow reminds me of that scene in the Superman movie where he literally stops the entire earth and slowly rotates it back the other direction to move back time. With the inexorable and pervasive forces of bad taste and the blandification or removal of one great landmark after another (witness the Java Lanes), actually getting some progress in the opposite direction is dumbfounding.

I totally agree with the mayor - there oughta be a permanent Kapaa bypass, and it oughta be much further inland. Just makes more sense, and it's not just the Coco Palms fan in me talking.

Incidentally, my parents went on their second honeymoon at the Coco Palms, well before I was around. Their slides show the big shell sinks and other scenes.


[ Edited by: aquarj on 2004-02-24 19:35 ]

limptiki posted on 02/25/2004

I'm with you Randy, except that I reserve my right to express my bad taste.

floratina posted on 02/25/2004

Pictures! I wanna see pictures!

Phillip Roberts posted on 02/25/2004

On 2004-02-24 20:47, floratina wrote:
Pictures! I wanna see pictures!


[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-10 13:58 ]

Pages: 1 5 replies