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The Hut....The inside done .... outside begins...

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/03/2017

Looking good! Love the new additions!

Prikli Pear posted on 10/03/2017

Excellent clutter! I've been trying to accumulate similar items of decor, but dang, the more trashed out something is, the more it seems people want for it! And is that a for-real giant clam shell? Excellent! I've had to make do with a concrete version. You've got a great thing going!

ErichTroudt posted on 10/03/2017

The shells are real. I've got quite a few bigger ones. The 2 on the deck are like 16in and 12 inches.
The one in the lean-to is 19in and I've got several inside the hut from 20in up to 33in.

hang10tiki posted on 10/03/2017

Outstanding bruddah
Another great add on

EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 10/03/2017

That is some very picturesque clutter there. I'm envious!

ErichTroudt posted on 02/26/2018

Added in a new digital Timer and electrical lines going to the Lean-to and deck.... and a few snow pics

MadDogMike posted on 02/27/2018

Very nice Erich! You guys are a little higher in elevation than I realized. Probably doesn't snow often but once in a while. I heard snow was supposed to get down to 2,000 feet this week

ErichTroudt posted on 02/27/2018

We are like at 3800+ ft. We got more this morning.

ErichTroudt posted on 06/12/2018

About a month or so ago, my buddy in New Jersey said he saw a tiki statue for sale and wanted to know if I wanted it. He had no idea the significance of it, but was excited I was happy about it. So he bought him, and we shipped him across the country to the hut.

He was missing the stand and bowl. I my mind the only person right for the job was Ken Pleasant. So I contacted him and he carved it up for me...

I spent about a week soaking the statue to kill termites (and one new jersey carpenter bee that escaped and is probably confused now where he is), brushing and staining. Its a little darker than it should be, but its close.

Yesterday I put him in his final spot and reworked a blue moving light to simulate water in the bowl.

All in all I'm a happy kid, and this witco fountain will now get a much better life.

[ Edited by: ErichTroudt 2018-06-12 13:42 ]

Prikli Pear posted on 06/12/2018

ARGH! I saw your light post on FB but hadn't realized the backstory! That is a super find (wish I had friends like that!) and a great restoration job. Glad to see the ol' Drooling Bastard getting a new lease on life. :)

Bam Bam posted on 06/12/2018

Nice score! Excellent restoration as well. He looks very much at home.

MaukaHale posted on 06/13/2018


Will carve posted on 06/13/2018

"I spent about a week soaking the statue to kill termites"
In what?

tikitube posted on 06/14/2018

On 2018-06-13 07:10, Will carve wrote:
"I spent about a week soaking the statue to kill termites"
In what?

I'd also be interested in hearing what you used. Did you actually find termites in it, or was it a precaution?

You've got some great friends!

ErichTroudt posted on 09/23/2022

767CD1E9-A259-444C-B456-0BBA81BFEE4A02C7A5A6-DF73-4BE7-94FF-CB82E3C8183B5FCD2CCF-C10F-4DE1-A496-F69CB3755CFD0F6C5706-2B0C-44C1-BAA4-36D9237D77887C36F42A-1D34-441B-B9B2-6B67F3B47A72C6053080-2A36-4C68-ABA6-A60C7252975D7B21D72F-F192-40D2-855A-94810331371950C5EEBF-AFEB-4A2D-BDA5-4DDFC864B0CF90A36276-15B4-4106-9044-DF5A657B7FECImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/65/632d15c7c5bd4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2a37e0b380f309706648fa7180325b2b

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Slacks Ferret posted on 09/23/2022

Wow! That looks fantastic!

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maulrat posted on 09/28/2022

Very nice. I like the trim around the door too.

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Lukeulele posted on 01/10/2023

Looks great Erich!

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Fourth Wave posted on 10/01/2023

I love it, especially the New Editions which have got larger and Larger. Makes me wonder how you snuck them past your wife lol.

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Nurbel posted on 12/23/2023

Holy crap, you have a hell of a collection. I'd love to see an update, somehow I can't believe that you've stopped adding to your collection. Am I right?

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