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Crypto-Mugs. Do these legends exist and who has them?

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Tattoo- never seen it before
TraderT- nice one

Here she goes again
Wahine found this one
Little different version

Trader Vic's Hawaii
"Tiki Like" mug
I see many listed as Tiki Liki
This one says "Like" on the back

Tattoo posted on Sun, Feb 5, 2017 8:49 AM

Whoa!!!! What a great find Tom. Amazing mug, I love the glaze and the detail is fantastic. Often the Spurlin Cobra Fang mug can lack in detail but this one is fantastic. Curious what the story behind it is. I would imagine that they got a Spurlin mug and made their own version of it. Or... Spurlin copied this one.

Congrats Tom!

On 2017-02-04 16:09, Trader Tom wrote:
Yet another mug from from Doc's Town & Country in Toronto, Canada:

This one is NOT pictured in their menu although it does list the Cobra's Fang cocktail.

I stumbled on it while looking for the Spurlin's Islander Cobra's Fang Mug, but found this one instead.

It looks a lot like the Spurlin mug.

Here's a tiki bowl that got away from me but I'm sure it'll find a good home.

The first pic is a menu image from the very beginning of this thread.

The rest are from the auction that ended yesterday.

This 1960 Ren Clark Polynesian Village Fort Worth menu was posted on Big Kahuna's FB page. Are these real mugs? I'm not a collector but I haven't noticed anything like the Black Lady mug or the Cannibal Bowl set-up. Also, what's up with the "Rum or Beverage Locker" for $12 per year. From the menu descriptions it looks like you furnished you own liquor? They suggest a liquor for each drink but I guess you could mix it with whatever you wanted?


@ Trader Tom... Yes, I saw that bowl 2. Awesome. The Beauce pottery stuff is all a bit of an oddity to me. Seems to be a copy of a Spurlin bowl (like the Beauce Vicious Virgin Bowl).

And yes, most of the Ren Clark mugs on the menu have all been well documented and found for the most part. With the exception of a few like the Cannibal Bowl.

Personally, found the Tiki Bowl from Johnny Quong's The Hawaiian:


Nice Johnny Quong's bowl!

Yeah, the Beauce stuff is weird. I'm like 99% that the arm in air version of the Vicious Virgin Bowl is Beauce, but I'd still like to see the bottom of one and see those Beauce numbers to verify. They numbered everything.

Today, we're used to people paying homage to older classic designs that have stood the test of time, but seems like the Canadians were on a faster time table and just duplicated what they liked based on what was hot at that moment in the US.

It's cool that strange old stuff keeps popping up, though. Keeps it interesting!


Lucky find of the Kalua Room Tiki mug!!!

For the Tiki Tiki

Super rare for sure. Not marked but matches the other 2 I have seen.

Not only is it rare, but an important one seeing how it is (most likely) theeee first tiki mug - circa 1954:



A cool Volcano Mug from the Kahala Hilton! Quite large with a straw hole.

A mug I have never seen before nor could find mentioned in a menu. No makers mark on the bottom.

The Kahala Hilt also has that super cool Tiki bowl from Terra Ceramics which is pictured in one of their menus.

(not mine FYI)

That volcano mug is lovely.

Here's a little Adele Davis, Sunset Shore Studio (SSS) beauty I found at an estate sale this weekend.
I now LOVE that rough-hewn yumminess of the homemade goodies from Hawaii!
I feel like I've seen a pic, but I can't find one.
Info, anyone? Did this drum appear elsewhere (not for a convention), as my brain keeps trying to tell me?
(And will any of you be at Tiki Oasis next week? I'm singing early Friday evening with Skip Heller; find me!)

"Zazz captivates felt."

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2017-08-06 12:50 ]

I really like that drum design.

Nice find!

I've seen a blue version as well. It may still be for sale at the antique mall in Long Beach where I first saw it. Forget the name of the place but it's the big one with a basement and multiple rooms.

They had a pretty big sticker price on it as I recall.

Adele is one of those designers I feel like we've only scratched the surface on.

She was too talented not to have made more pieces over the years than what I've seen so far.

On 2017-08-04 22:50, Trader Tom wrote:

Adele is one of those designers I feel like we've only scratched the surface on.

She was too talented not to have made more pieces over the years than what I've seen so far.

Yep. New ones keep popping up. House of KU has one with Maori designs that I thought was wicked.

At least since Waikiki Tiki: Art, History, and Photographs came out, we can put a name on them.
I did see that drum pop up on eBay once, but the seller wanted like $24 bucks for one with a chip, (And like 12 shipping.) so I passed.

Btw, nice Kahala volcano. Wish I'd had that when I was working on the book! I do own the Terra Ceramics kahala bowl.

Here is the Daga drum that they sold at Tavanas revue at the Hawaiian Hut.

Waikiki Tiki; Art, History, and Photographs.
Available now from Bess Press Hawaii.

[ Edited by: Phillip Roberts 2017-08-05 09:19 ]

[ Edited by: Phillip Roberts 2017-08-05 09:21 ]


The Hawaiian Eye bowl by Terra Ceramics depicted on the Hilton Hawaiian Village menu I scored today .It was relisted three times on flea bay and no one grabbed it because it didn't have the key word tiki in the description.


I don't know if this really qualifies as a Crypto-Mug because I don't think it appears on any Trader Vic's menu but I noticed a natural bamboo mug on mikehookers post about his trip to Havana. While at Polinesio the bartender showed him his collection of old Vic's mugs and there it was.

I checked Ooga-Mooga to see how many were on there and of all the collections only Slacks Ferret had one listed.

A little more searching and an old Trader Vic's gift catalog here showed a set of 6 bamboo cups with cans of Tomato Bongo.

What got me curious about all of this was finding 6 of these mugs over a year ago at Goodwill.

Then this summer at a neighborhood estate sale this oddball popped up.
"Made For Trader Vic"

Were these ever used at a Vic's or were they only in the Bongo gift sets? Were the bamboo mugs eventually tossed or did the printing on the mugs wear off? These mugs have little history... there has been some conjecture that bamboo mugs may have been early tiki bar mugs but these may as well be a much later product only for the gift set. Oh, and how in the hell did I end up with seven?


I have bamboo mugs/cups from Hawaii Kai and Aku Aku Las Vegas. I was thinking they were deemed not food safe at some point and that's why they stopped being made. I could be wrong about that. There are lots of other wooden vessels in use.


One of the very first Tiki Mug collectors! I just love these listings on eBay that showed this carefully documented Tiki mug collection of someone from the early 70s. I’d imagine a young kid all excited about these cool establishments collecting these fun souvenir mugs.

All documented using an old Dyno label maker.

And very fortuitous for us here in on Tiki Central! Most of the mugs are pretty familiar ones from the Boston area with the exception of this odd ‘skull’ mug from Bob Lee’s Islander.

One I’ve never seen before. With it being unmarked and not a being a traditional Tiki mug, we would probably never have known of this mug had it not been for our early Tiki mug collector. Although not pictured in any menu’s I could find, it does seem to appear in this picture of Bob Lee’s interior on the bottom right

Pretty fun little connecting the dots and unearthing a new crypto mug :) And again highlighting what an eclectic place Bob Lee’s Islander was.


Wow, that's really strange. My parents had a set of those mugs, and I always thought they were neat with the crackle finish. I asked my mother about them recently, and all she could find in her kitchen was one left of the smaller ones... about the size of an old fashioned, which she let me have. Then, fast forward a few months later and I found one in a thrift store that matches it, but it's even smaller. Here's a photo:

The color in my photo is a bit off... they are more green than blue. Note that the small one doesn't have the gold horse-like image on it. Maybe it got washed off or it never had it in the first place...

[ Edited by: tikitube 2017-12-21 19:41 ]


Okay, here's an update...I did some more digging. They are called Somayaki by Somaware. They made all kinds of glassware in this finish, including mugs, tumblers, and even carafes and tea pots.

A quick Google search yields lots of hits across multiple secondhand sites like eBay.

And here's a write-up on the history that I found at a site called Worthpoint.com:

"Somayaki was established in 1690 in Fukushima, Northern Japan. During the Edo period, it enjoyed the protection of the Soma lords and grew to over 100 kilns, making it one of the biggest and most important potteries in Northern Japan. However with the advent of the Meiji restoration, the influence of the lords declined and the number of kilns gradually decreased to the 27 still in production today.

Somayaki is proud of its history and draws from 300 years of tradition to create distinctive, unique pieces popular with collectors everywhere. One of the most recognisable characteristics of Somayaki is its "Hashirigoma" (galloping horse motif). The origin of the motif is the subject of much speculation, but it can be no doubt that it is related to Soma's long history of horse handling ( the "ma" in Soma actually means "horse").

Over 1,000 years ago, horses were used as a form of martial training. Warriors were prepared for battle by trying to wrestle sacred banners from the backs of wild horses. The galloping horse motif is painted on Somayaki following the tradition of the Kano School of Painting, one of the most prominent and respected schools of art in Japan.

Another unique feature is the use of "double walls". The pieces are constructed with an inner wall which can be seen through cut-outs in the outer shell. As well as adding an interesting dimension, this feature also has the added advantage of keeping the tea warm while leaving the outer surface cool. "Aohibi" is the name given to the distinctive blue crackled glaze seen on most Somayaki ware."

[ Edited by: tikitube 2017-12-21 19:55 ]


Awesome research tikitube. A couple coincidences thrown together and now we probably know more than we ever thought about Somayaki. It would have been some nice restaurant ware for Bob Lee to use.

Great detective work guys. This is what I like most about TC. All the little pieces add to the big picture.

On 2017-03-05 08:03, MadDogMike wrote:
This 1960 Ren Clark Polynesian Village Fort Worth menu was posted on Big Kahuna's FB page. Are these real mugs? I'm not a collector but I haven't noticed anything like the Black Lady mug or the Cannibal Bowl set-up. Also, what's up with the "Rum or Beverage Locker" for $12 per year. From the menu descriptions it looks like you furnished you own liquor? They suggest a liquor for each drink but I guess you could mix it with whatever you wanted?

Here's the black woman mug on eBay. This isn't my listing.



On 2017-12-22 12:22, Firetiger93 wrote:

Here's the black woman mug on eBay. This isn't my listing.


Reposting some of the images for posterity:


Interesting mug here from the Ilikai Hotel made by LaTour (?).

In an earlier post a different mug from the Ilikai was also posted...


Definitely La tour.. That's their mark..


A fog cutter mug for Dave Wong's China Sails. I thought I had seen this mug before but could not find it anywhere.

Dave Wong's China Sails has quite a few mugs including the super fun and weird Maoi with the protruding lip


[ Edited by: Tattoo 2018-01-30 15:30 ]

Found another Trader Vic’s Hawaii mug on Oahu
Peeping Tom

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-02-01 20:29 ]

I wanted to discuss the Bumatay-style bowls and see if we can track down who manufactured them and which restaurants used them.

Here is one found at a thrift store by Mark & Maggie of Velvet Glass in Tucson AZ :down:

This one was found by tikidon at a junk shop in Sebastopol CA :down:

Rhoda is using one in a Tiki Bar in Season 1, Episode 14 of "Rhoda", (1973 or 1974) :down:

These vintage designs inspired Gecko to create his "Mt Bumatay" bowl :down:

The tiki restaurant in the Rhoda episode intrigues me. We know the show was shot mainly in Studio City, CA, so maybe it was somewhere nearby? Here are some more shots of the restaurant from the episode:

Exterior :down:

Interior :down:

Some of the other bowls being used in the scene, including one of those coconut-monkey glass-holders :down:

Any other thoughts on these bowls? Does anyone else own a vintage version?


The Tahitian was located in Studio City so that might make it a contender. Although the interior might have been a set while the exterior was real footage. I have not seen the clip so it is hard to say for me.

Also, I believe Sven sold a vintage bowl a few years back. The one from the BOT. Other than that I really don't know much about these super cool bowls. They have always been on top of my wish list....

Tattoo - Thanks for reminding me about the version in the BOT. I'm with you. These bowls are at the top of my wish-list as well.

Here’s mine again
Wife found it on Oahu
No markings

On 2017-03-05 08:03, MadDogMike wrote:
This 1960 Ren Clark Polynesian Village Fort Worth menu was posted on Big Kahuna's FB page. Are these real mugs? I'm not a collector but I haven't noticed anything like the Black Lady mug or the Cannibal Bowl set-up. Also, what's up with the "Rum or Beverage Locker" for $12 per year. From the menu descriptions it looks like you furnished you own liquor? They suggest a liquor for each drink but I guess you could mix it with whatever you wanted?

Shoutout to Tattoo for his recent thread here: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=52822&forum=5&vpost=786058 on the possible connections between the Polynesian Village, Fort Worth, and the Mexico Mauna Loa, which included this photograph of the Cannibal Bowl setup (the "Festin Salvaje" at the Mauna Loa).

Ordinary glassware (e.g., the goblet, snifter, lo-ball, etc.) aside, are there any mugs on this menu remaining unaccounted for?


Crypto Mug?

Well, not really. It is the Waikiki Trader Vic's Tiki Liki. Fair to call it a Crypto Version though since you can actually tell what it is.

Somehow this mug became this :-0

The rougher less detailed version here made by Polynesian Pottery. I am guessing this more detailed version (i.e. earlier version) was made by someone else. Unlike the Polynesian Pottery bottom, the more detailed version mug has a slight concave bottom leaving an unglazed white ring. Which I usually associate with more professional manufacturers.

The flat glazed bottom is usually a tell tale sign of a hobbyist mug. I'm not a potter but I am sure there is a reason between the 2 different bottoms of mugs. If someone could illuminate me it would be much appreciated :) It would seem that Polynesian Pottery created a mold from this more refined version creating a much less detailed copy of it. Speculation I know....

On Ooga Mooga I did find another version that matches the more detailed one. This one form LOL Tiki. Again, the more concave bottom with the white unglazed ring.

Can anyone speculate who might have made this other version?

Tattoo- good one
Never seen that color

Picked up 3 more TV Hawaii/Waikiki mugs

Female Tonga




Tattoo, you need to make an extra mold piece in order to create a concave bottom. Having an extra piece does increase the risk of the mold leaking but if you know what you're doing that really shouldn't be an issue. The main reason not to make one is the extra labor involved.

Tattoo posted on Mon, Jun 4, 2018 9:52 AM

It's not often that this happens anymore... an undocumented Otagiri OMC Tiki mug! Sorta crypto it seems. No mention of it in Ooga Mooga or anywhere really. Please note the one aspect that makes this mug stand out (pun intended) - the rather voluptuous breast with the hard nipples. The side view illustrates best what I mean. Must have been meant for a very cold tiki drink :lol:

It states Hong Kong on the bottom and I can't find any reference to a Hong Kong restaurant or bar here on TC. The only mention I discovered was a Tiki Find post from 2007. Someone had found this mug in the wild on the East Coast. Apparently it didn't attract much attention. It appears to be fairly common - flat black tiki mug and resembles some Orchids of Hawaii mugs - but it isn't.

According to the seller I bought this mug from, they were originally purchased from an Otagiri supplier in Boston. The mug says Hong Kong on the bottom and doing some googling on Hong Kong restaurants in Boston, there is a fairly well known one located on Harvard Square that has been open since 1954. I feel it is a safe bet these are from there. I am curious if the rather odd and very sexual breast on the Tiki made it too risque for a mug and thus short lived.

Now I did discover a few of these mugs were sold in the past 6 months and probably from the same guy. They all seem to be new old stock.

[ Edited by: Tattoo 2018-06-04 10:14 ]

After years of hunting I'm thrilled to have found this little Spurlin sweetheart...

[ Edited by: Ryan Partridge 2018-09-22 18:01 ]

TV Hawaii

Dark version

Smaller Red Version

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-11-02 07:20 ]

Found an early version Islander Coffee Grog mug with the ear rings.

Tattoo posted on Thu, Nov 8, 2018 3:55 PM

Nice score on the Spurlin mugs!

On 2018-11-08 15:55, Tattoo wrote:
Nice score on the Spurlin mugs!

Thanks Tattoo!
I picked up another one recently...looks like it might be the Hanalei Fogcutter mug.
I'll get some pics and share...

Here's what I'm thinkin' is the Fogcutter mug from the Islands at the Hanalei Hotel.
Looks pretty 60's to me...

Another Trader Vic’s Hawaii mug
Not on ooga yet

Kafe La Te mug

Anyone have this menu for sale?????

That's nice. Where did you find it? Lemme guess. 4 bux?

Kenny on Oahu
Lil more than 4.00

Tattoo posted on Fri, Jul 5, 2019 5:09 PM

The long lost crypto Tonga Lei Fog Cutter mug

Although it’s not marked Tonga Lei (none of their mugs were), it is marked “Vermonde Original”

Which is also the mark on the Tonga Lei Cobra Fang mug.

It says Vermonde Orig on the bottom.

The only other mugs I know Vermonde made were for Don the Beachcomber - the long neck DTB mug and the Bamboo “lipstick” mug.

Curious when these mugs were made. DTB Palm Springs opened up in 1953 and DTB Las Vegas opened up circa 1962. The Tonga Lei opened up in 1961. So are these mugs from the 60s?

Just when you think there’s no more Crypto vintage mugs to be found, they still pop up.Keep hunting…

Fun stuff!!!

[ Edited by: tattoo 2019-07-05 19:31 ]


Amazing! That Tonga Lei Fog Cutter is a fantastic find!


Awesome find Tattoo!!

Great find!

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