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Maori/German Mashup
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Fri, Feb 9, 2018 1:50 PM
Kia Ora, New to the forum, but a long-time fan of Tiki and especially Maori culture. I'm planning a tiki-influenced build-out in my back yard and have some basic elements in mind for it. This will probably be about five years out due to code, finance and time, but I would appreciate any input from the community during this process. The premise is a ship full of German immigrants go severely off-course and end up ship-wrecked on the north island of New Zealand. The Germans are integrated into the tribe and all goes hunky-dory. This is based on my needs for a brewhouse for my brewing activity, the desire to have a tiki bar, and the limitations of space I have at my house. I already have everything needed for brewing/serving beer, but I am lacking the space for it. Also, being a latent tikiphilliac, I want to have a space for escaping the grind. I will post any acquisitions I have made in the past, present, or future and hope to hear any comments and suggestions you may have in this project. Maddmax |
Fri, Feb 9, 2018 2:16 PM
Kia ora Maddmax and welcome to Tiki Central. Sounds like a fun space, keep us posted |
Prikli Pear
Fri, Feb 9, 2018 6:13 PM
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! |
Fri, Feb 9, 2018 6:59 PM
I could watch this for the next 5 yrs Auf Wiedersehen Ps- Mike [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-02-09 19:01 ] |
Sat, Feb 10, 2018 1:55 PM
Sounds like a fun project... I'm reminded of Swiss Family Robinson, which was originally written in German. :wink: Keep us posted, and welcome! Jeff |
Tue, Feb 13, 2018 3:30 PM
Thank you Mike, Prikli, Tikitube and Hang10 for your welcome. I promise I will update whenever there is any progress in this buildout. Here's three photos of what I have to start with right now. The first is the general area where I plan to build the structure. Needless to say, it's going to be quite a while before it's achieved as you can see. I'll be able to deck this space out in the interim this summer while saving up for the land survey and drawing the plans, so I won't be COMPLETELY deprived of a space at least. This second shot is of my 8 tap keezer which is fairly plain-jane right now. I plan on using a bit of rattan, bamboo and lauhala matting to wipe out the white. It's on wheels so I can roll it out of the garage for now whenever I have guests at our place. Lastly, I just got this lovely lamp yesterday and plan to place it in the bar. Oh, bonus pic: I almost forgot. I picked this up in New Zealand during our honeymoon a few years back. Definitely will go in the bar. I'll have more to post soon, so keep your eyes open! |
Tue, Feb 13, 2018 7:06 PM
Your thread title drew my attention, as I have a strong German heritage. 8) I'm curious what you will have for the German influence in your build. Can you elaborate a little? I do see the beer taps! [ Edited by: 4WDtiki 2018-02-13 19:08 ] |
Tue, Feb 13, 2018 7:57 PM
Thanks for your inquiry, 4WDTiki. Well, you did hit on one of the aspects of the German influence...That is beer. It will be available along with the traditional tiki beverages and likely served in a stein (I will still serve the tiki drinks in their preferred vessels, of course.) I plan on incorporating a couple of 19th century German-made lanterns along with a "magic lantern" if I can get my hands on one. Beyond that, I am still looking for items that will express the German element but will not detract from the general tikiness of it all. Perhaps doctoring up a cuckoo clock to look like a Maori food storage hut may be involved, amongst other things. I'm just starting on some of the ideas for which I will have plenty of time for since this will be realistically five years before completion. If you have any ideas or thoughts feel free to toss them into the fray. I am quite open to suggestions at this point. |
Prettyman's Atoll
Tue, Feb 13, 2018 8:27 PM
I like your backstory! I'm glad to find a fellow tiki fan going through a similar design process. I look forward to benefiting from each other's inspiration as we go along. |
Tue, Feb 13, 2018 8:48 PM
A picture of Sven over the bar would cover both your themes.... :) [ Edited by: Hamo 2018-02-13 20:51 ] |
Wed, Feb 14, 2018 5:54 PM
Hmm. That's an idea....throw the photo in a frame of tapa. I would have t get permission and doctor up the photo to look older, but it can work. So I did pick up a few items for the tiki bar. This was @ the local Salvation Army for $30. I just need to distress the brass and it should serve well. Here's what's in it right now; more items to add soon. I also have some glass floats and fish net that will be used...pics later. |
Thu, Feb 15, 2018 1:45 AM
Good start. There are some Tiki tap handles floating around, check out THIS link |
Wed, Feb 28, 2018 7:33 PM
Thanks for the tap tip, MadDog. I'm certain I will be using the links pretty soon once I get a start on that keezer. I've had a moderately productive week in getting items for the future bar. First off, scored a couple of cuckoo clocks for $5 each. They probably don't work, but at least they'll look good once I am done modding them. I also got a few odds and ends, a couple of mirrors (I'll be slipping some art in place of the glass on one of them), more storage boxes, a smaller ship's wheel, and a couple of smaller bar accent pieces to hold napkins and swizzle sticks. Lastly, I finally scored Bob! Found him at an antique dealer in Placerville. This is him next to the small tiki I picked up yesterday. For now I'll have to set up a space in the back yard that can serve my purposes until ground-breaking in say, two years (permits, plans, and money.) I have a Costco 10x20 "garage" I can probably modify enough to get by with until I complete the real structure. |
Hau 'oli Tiki
Wed, Mar 7, 2018 9:38 AM
Following... The Mr is from Nuremberg and quiet the tikiholic. We were SO into it about 10 years ago, then phased it out. Now we are getting back in to it as we bought a lil vacay/retirement grotto on the shores of Lake Havasu and want to do it up Tiki Pop... but I love the whole German inclusion; reminds of the tree house from Swiss Fam Robs! |
Wed, Apr 11, 2018 4:10 PM
Progress! Well, not a huge amount towards the final product, but some towards the temporary abode. I have been crawling the thrift shops and flea markets since my last post in search of accessories and accents for the main project. I found a few steals along the way, but there has been no progress in the final build. I have made some progress in creating a temporary retreat in the back yard while I am in the holding pattern for the final build. The costco special carport from many years ago has been moved off the driveway and one out of four walls have been recovered. The other three walls are DOA. With that said, sitting under said canopy is at best uncouth and I am working on changing that unhappy situation. I will be building an interior screening structure to hide the aforementioned uncouthness to help transport guests away from the modern world. This will also serve to display some of the items I have acquired over the past weeks. So, being on the cheap, I decided that tree stakes would be a good option for the "rafters". Again, this is not structural, just minimal load underneath the canopy in order to hang decorations from and to hide the ugly nasty plastic. I tried standard lashing, but the angle is fairly obtuse so I had to go with a carriage bolt which I will later hide with lashing. I also figured that I wanted an older look to it, so I found some old minwax stain sitting around to slather onto the tree stakes. Bonus: They are pressure treated so no rot in the near future. Here's the before and after stain pic. And, with anything tiki, bamboo is a must. I am planning a trip to a major supply outlet in the near future, but I had the time and money to pick up some bamboo products locally to work with for the mean time. So, I just had to pull out the torch to try my hand at the bamboo. These will be used for support for the rafters and the posts I hope to use standard lashing for these. Before After I will hopefully be done with the skeleton structure by Sunday and will update when finished. BTW, some of my finds that will be used can be found in Collecting Tiki Subforum here. Mahalo |
Sat, Oct 27, 2018 11:34 AM
There has got to be someone out there that has done a tiki stein before! I'd buy one! |
Sat, Oct 27, 2018 12:05 PM
Such a great concept. I can't wait to see how this unfolds. I love a good mash-up! |
Pages: 1 16 replies