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Tonga Hut Parking Lot Sale: MAI TAIS ON THE MOON Sunday, March 4th! Featuring TIKIYAKI 5-0!

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tobunga posted on 01/28/2018

Celebrating 60 YEARS of the Tonga Hut and 10 YEARS of the Tikiyaki Orchestra. Sounds like an EXCELLENT reason to have a PARTY!!!

Please come out to Tonga Hut Sunday, March 4th @ 2pm for the next Parking Lot Sale and Art Show.

The bar opens and vending begins at 2pm.
Tonga Tom will be spinning tunes outside.
Durango's Tacos will be there too!
TIKIYAKI 5-0 play inside at 6pm.


Clee Sobieski
Ron Monster
Eric October
Stilettoed Devil
Kalalua Designs
Tiki Gonzo
Ms. Formaldehyde
Black Lagoon Artworks
Buzz Rhino
Tiki Al
Rawformed Jewelry
Lynne McGuire
Black Cat Atomic
Design Krime Studio: the Art of Rick Kess

Art Show (so far)
Clee Sobieski
Heather Welch
Black Lagoon Artworks
Eric October

Create a piece of art based on a Tikiyaki song!

Please email me if you would like to participate in the Tikiyaki themed art show or to be put on the vendor wait list at ericoctober@gmail.com, or PM me here!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2018-01-28 14:38 ]

tobunga posted on 02/24/2018

Aloha everybody!

Racing to next weekend's big day... and deadline!

Here's some new ceramic pendants I'll have available at the event: Kahiki fireplace and Enchanted Tiki Babies!

The Kahiki pendant is 2.5" high, and the Tiki Babies are 1.5" high.

I'll be posting more stuff soon!

See everybody on the 4th!

GROG posted on 03/02/2018

This Sunday will be "Funday". Thanks Tobunga for putting together another Parking Lot Sale and Art Show at the Tonga Hut. GROG really looking forward to hearing Tikiyaki performing.

And, congrats on 60 year anniversary for the Tonga Hut.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2018-03-01 23:21 ]

tobunga posted on 03/03/2018

Mahalo GROG!!!

I was stirred from deep slumber Wednesday morning when an idea popped into my dreaming head. I had to jump out of bed and immediately get started on it, finished at midnight, and it's ready for the Tikiyaki art show!
It's the first modern tiki cocktail in the Botanical line up, but it's a classic, and delicious: the Jungle Jetsetter!

Some new pieces for the event include new PNG drum shot glasses!
These are made with one of my makeshift molds, so they're still essentially hand built, but with a more-or-less uniformity!

See everybody on Sunday!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2018-03-03 13:26 ]

tobunga posted on 03/03/2018

Aloha Everybody!

Artists contributing to the Art Show are competing for this ribbon:

Best Mai Tai On The Moon - Tikiyaki Art Show - Tonga Hut - 3.4.18

...and other fabulous prizes!

Don't forget to vote! (the Oscars aren't the only awards this Sunday!)

GROG posted on 03/04/2018

The sun is out. Looks like a gorgeous day and perfect for the art show/parking lot sale at the Tonga Hut. Looking forward to it.

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