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Mon, Mar 26, 2018 9:41 AM
tiki garage sale april 14th elk grove ca 8 am to 1 pm, send me a message if you need our address and phone number. Dan is thinning out his collection so that he has space to continue on have fun. There will be all sorts of wood, ceramics and even Hawaiian record albums $1 each. Every item priced low to sell fast. We will have double this many tables by then so I'll post photos as we fill them up. If you need our address request it here and I'll send you a Personal Message or just request it that way. We are 16 miles south of Sacramento, CA. Thank you, Wendy PS bring your own box and as you pick out items put the sticker or write the amount on the side. I will add it up from there and it will be fast [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-10 10:06 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-10 10:07 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-12 21:58 ] [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-13 15:41 ] |
Tue, Mar 27, 2018 8:09 PM
More photos of tikis in the garage sale on April 14th, 2018 at 8 AM until ! PM. Dan wants it to be worth the gas to drive here from all around us so he's letting go and pricing low! The wooden tikis. Behind the wooden tikis there are more tables loading up. He is searching for mugs to part with from tiki places, events and runs. From the other side. Those tables are almost full then he plans to more on to fill up these tables. This will be a big sale. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Bring me your best hugs, Wendy |
Wed, Mar 28, 2018 7:17 AM
Wow, Wendy; indeed this is major. Would you mind posting closeup pics of some of the tables so those of us who can’t make it can grow more envious of those who can? :) |
Prikli Pear
Wed, Mar 28, 2018 7:24 AM
Okay, Wendy, if you and Dan would just relocate this sale to Austin or San Antonio, that'd be great. Thanks! |
Wed, Mar 28, 2018 9:05 AM
Hamo are you a facebook friend? I plan to video tape all the tables and to post it the week before the sale. I can't post a video here and if I show the link it won't work unless the viewer is a "friend" on facebook. I will be taking more photos too. Your wish is granted. I am slowly working my way through the Wish List #8. One day your wish there will be granted as well. Prikli Pear Dan and I were born in the same Sacramento hospital. Worked our decades long careers in the same hospital. Retired from that hospital and one day will return there to die. I wish we could at least travel to San Antonio one day. Cheers, Wendy |
Prikli Pear
Wed, Mar 28, 2018 11:26 AM
San Antonio's one of my favorite cities. "Small town feel" is really over-used, but once you get away from the tourist centers, that's really the vibe it has. That said, the tourist stuff is great. It's a Latin American city that just happens to be located in the U.S. Culturally, it's very different from Houston, Dallas and even Austin. Well worth a visit if you ever get the opportunity. |
Wed, Mar 28, 2018 7:55 PM
That video will be interesting, but I don’t really bother with FB anymore, so I’ll definitely look forward to and appreciate photos here. Thanks. |
Thu, Mar 29, 2018 7:06 PM
Prikli Pear I've seen photos of the river cruise near a nice city walk. I know I would like it. Hamo Dan has decided to really purge his collection of duplicates or mugs he's tired of looking at after 21 years of collecting. ============================ The sale is growing by the day. Dan is really letting go because we couldn't move in our home freely! We have been collecting for 21 years. Here's some more photos of our progress. Dan is going through his collection shelf by shelf. He has a lot of hidden mugs that he's pulling out for the sale. He puts them on trays and then brings them to me in the garage and I price them. Sometimes he changes what I did but not often. Here's the start to fill these three tables. I'm giving up my three books. Then Dan said, "hey I'll go through my books too". So here are some with more coming! I used to do eBay auctions and I collected a whole bunch of Made In Hawaii Jam's World rayon shirts in men's sizes s, m and l. In a shop they are $100 each and very well made. I've decided to sell them for $5 each. I filled this table and then I added two TV trays for lighter items across at the other table. I got these all set up and Dan said he couldn't see the price tags so I pulled them down and put them on a table. Things are changing constantly as we set it up. I'm about to begin glazing so I don't need my pour table so it's now covered with tikis. Dan's giving up his United Airlines tiki. It had a hole in the bottom so I filled it with plaster to make it bottom heavy. Now it doesn't tip over like so many do. A few days ago when we were setting up the fire department delivered our new neighbors baby girl. Today she was brought home from the hospital. We were ready with a present and also a welcome to the neighborhood. When Dan said, "I'm continuing the purge", I said, " since I could use more tables for my ceramics let's go buy a couple more. Now Dan will work to fill these up to capacity. If you need our address to find us in Elk Grove, CA just post a request here or in personal messages. I swear our prices are extremely low. You can buy from us and re-sell at events. I will continue to post more photos as we continue to bring out more items. Cheers, Wendy |
Sun, Apr 1, 2018 8:00 PM
The PURGE for the tiki garage sale on April 14th, 8 AM until 1 PM continues. Dan decided to start pulling out more expensive mugs so there will be many 2001 early Tiki Farm mugs for $10 and many others like Bosko (one at $80 that just went for $160 on eBay) and Munktiki for $15 to $35. So there will be many unexpected mugs in this sale. Dan is searching each shelf in his whole collection looking for mugs he can now bare to part with. He brings me a tray and I price each item and place it on a table. Mugs everywhere so that many people can find something at the same time. I need 50 people to buy 20 items each and we'll have a sell out. We have priced just under 1000 items! Wendy |
Sun, Apr 1, 2018 8:54 PM
I don't think you should worry about not selling out. I'm thinking you ought to limit each person to 20 pieces to make it fair! ? |
Sun, Apr 1, 2018 9:10 PM
4WDtiki there are so many $1 items that need to go that limiting the number per person would end up leaving those behind. We have mixed it up and spread it out so that everyone will have something good no matter which table they end up at. Wendy |
Thu, Apr 5, 2018 8:24 AM
I think I need to change our title from tiki garage sale to tiki art sale. Dan is letting these go. Both of the paintings are origianls. The Place of Refuge painting is by A. Swensen 2009 and the next Nightfall painting by Ken Ruzic 2011. We bought them we loved them but never had room to display them as they deserved. So the hope is they go to a home that will really show them off. The last is a wood carving. I can't make out the name of the island where a couple of men found it and put their names on the back. Rub some dark stain on this and it will be outstanding. Dan continues to rip out his heart to make this sale a really good one. April 14th 2018 8 AM until ! PM. Request our address if you need it. Wendy |
Thu, Apr 5, 2018 8:02 PM
Wait :) |
Fri, Apr 6, 2018 8:05 AM
hang10tiki that day came and passed. This is real. April 14th, 2018 8 AM until 1 PM. Bring boxes and wrapping material. Write your name on the box. When it's full put it under the check out table and go fill up another one. CASH only no credit cards. Here are some more recent photos with additions. Dan brought out 5 more trays of mugs for me to price. I got them priced and there's still some more room. I will raise the garage door enough to push out the check out table and then I'll close it up. Entry will be a 6 foot area at the side of this table at the left side of the large garage. The other garage door will remain close except for a foot to let light inside. This way if you are first in line you will be the first to enter the garage. So line up and be courteous. I look forward to meeting old friends and to make many new ones. Cheers, Wendy PS more photos as we find more items [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-06 08:06 ] |
Sat, Apr 7, 2018 4:51 PM
I wonder if my husband Jeff would divorce me if I bought a plane ticket and came to California with an empty suitcase of two???? I hate living on the opposite coast! |
Sun, Apr 8, 2018 7:04 AM
That is just crazy! Its funny (or sad) when I think how excited I get to run across a single tiki mug (any mug) at a garage sale or thrift shop around here, so I can't even imagine how I might act if I were to walk up to your sale. :) |
Sun, Apr 8, 2018 9:32 AM
Dan's selling his autobiography? |
Tue, Apr 10, 2018 9:58 AM
LoriLovesTiki make it a road trip but leave today to get here in time! tikitube we still get excited when we find a mug. We got most of our collection on eBay paying shipping for every item. We didn't discover thrift stores until we had already been collecting for 20 years! Keep going to garage sales and thrift stores every so often we find something great. GROG you can't blame it on a book. I know you gave Dan all the helpful hints. ====================================== This is the countdown to the HUGE Tiki Garage Sale. Here are the last of the photos and rules. April 14th, 2018. Doors open at 8 AM and close at 1 PM. Here are some more photos. Dan figured out the best area for hanging the Hawaiian Jam's World shirts for sale. 100% rayon and very well made. $4 each. Here's what the sale looks like from the driveway. We were able to separate two tables so more people could get in close. The back left wall has shelves with mugs too. The plastic sheets in the back are covering things not for sale. Our garage is decorated tiki so if there's no price tag on something that is hung on a wall then it's not for sale. This rack hangs well above a doorway. Sit it on a ledge and put in two nails at the top. Dan's selling all the mugs we had on it so he decided to also let the metal rack sell. Sometime prior to 2006 I won these two boxes of Moai lights on eBay. They were listed as "new old stock". We never hung them and put them away. Dan just accidentally found them in time for our sale. They are clean and all the bulbs lit up for each box. I had no table space left so I put them here in front of the back table. This is at the back wall. The grey and pink sea shells are from Sam's. You can read it on the bottom of one of them but not the other one. The sales ticket from long ago said they were from Sam's Seafood. We went and bought one more table for check outs. You load a box then unload it on this table and we'll add up what you spent. Or you can write your name on the box and set in on the driveway with me until you have finished shopping and filling all your boxes. Bring boxes and bubble wrap. I am not supplying these it's up to you. Thank you for checking out our sale. Cheers, Wendy PS if you need our address just write a note here are send me a personal message, I also take them on facebook |
Thu, Apr 12, 2018 7:12 PM If you friend me on facebook you'll be able to see a video of all the items for sale on Saturday 4/14/18. Elk Grove, CA. I am not advertising this sale to the public. We just want tiki people to come. No street signs. If you need our address just request it here or under Personal Messages. Today I made sticker tags with the men's sizes on the shirts to make it easier to select what will work for you. The single garage door will remain closed during the sale so that everyone will stop at the check out table. Fingers crossed that this goes well, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-12 19:33 ] |
Thu, Apr 12, 2018 9:57 PM
As a friend once said, "hells bells", I'm not sure what it means but it feels right. I have just been told that a mug in our garage sale has been selling on eBay for $300 to $400 dollars. The person that told me offered $200 if I would take it out of the sale and ship it to him. Well I can't be really stupid so I raised the price to $150 making it the most expensive item in our sale. If it sells great, if not I will ship it to the person who told me who is in Florida. Sorry to those who wanted it for the first price. I hope by letting everyone know on all my posts that no one will make a trip to our home just for this one mug whose price is now higher. Thank you, danlovestikis aka Wendy |
Fri, Apr 13, 2018 3:40 PM
Jungle Bird is open noon until 1 AM on the day of our sale. Address: 2516 J St, Sacramento, CA 95816 ========================== Today we finished stetting up inside. I set up the two original paintings. Ken Ruzic's is covered with glass but that can be removed. I put together bags of similar or related items and added them to the sale. These are located at the back of the garage. The sale is tomorrow and now it's exciting. I hope we can sleep tonight. Cheers, Wendy |
Fri, Apr 13, 2018 6:40 PM
Tiki Mugs: Cult Aritfacts of Polynesian Pop by Jay Strongman I have one of these books in my garage sale. After being notified of it's "worth". I looked further. While people are asking for $1,000 to $9,000 for one of these books the last one sold on eBay for $195. So the price for my copy, in excellent unread condition is now $85. This will be one of two items in the sale that we would actually make a profit on. The rest are deeply discounted to move out of our garage. I hope you can all make it there. Wendy Tiki Mugs: Cult Artifacts of Polynesian Pop (Hardcover) Price + Shipping Condition (Learn more) $1,019.26
Arrives between May 4-25. Atmosphere Bks Add to cart $1,019.26
Arrives between May 4-25. Atmosphere Bks Add to cart $1,103.32 Arrives between April 23 - May 1. Red Rhino Add to cart $4,457.00
Arrives between May 18 - June 15. Jersey Media Add to cart $9,814.18 Arrives between April 25 - May 3. |
Sat, Apr 14, 2018 12:19 AM
Good luck, Wendy and Dan. With such great stuff and incredible pricing, I’ll be surprised if you’re not sold out in the first few hours. Good thing I decided against a road trip; I’d have probably filled the back of my Jeep and have no place to put it all once I got home. |
Sat, Apr 14, 2018 3:50 PM
The sale is over and we are exhausted. I will be posting photos on my "other craft's thread soon. It went like this... 7 PM the first people arrive and spend the night in their car. 6 AM the largest number of people start to arrive. 8 AM we open the door and the everyone fit into the garage perfectly. They filled boxes put their names on the boxes and put them on the driveway. 9 AM everyone has paid and is on their way to other places. 9 AM until 1 PM we had only a few people come so it was our pleasure to not only sell items but to give them all a full tiki home tour. Everyone was delightful. Otto and Baby Doe saw our home for the first time and scooped up boxes of treasure even though they came late. Now it's time to rest. Thank you all for making our garage sale such a success. We still have tikis for sale. If you want to come over send me a message, there are lots of bargains still left. Cheers, Wendy |
Sat, Apr 14, 2018 4:57 PM
NOOOOOOOOO! I should have gone! |
Mon, Apr 16, 2018 8:11 AM
Hammo I believe no one left disappointed. I'm sad that you are. ========================================== Here is the link to the rest of the photos. We are still selling tikis off the last four tables. If you want to come by just send me a message. We will box up the left overs on Saturday the 21st. We will save them for the next time we do a tiki garage sale. Until Saturday you still have time to score some tiki treasures at super low prices. Cheers, Wendy aS OF 4/18/18 EVERY SINGLE ITEM HAS BEEN SOLD. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL FOR COMING TO THE SALE. WENDY_________________ [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-04-19 09:23 ] |
8FT Tiki
Sun, Apr 22, 2018 10:11 AM
Wendy, that was cool to see the post develop and Dan was sure brave thinning out that much cool tiki stuff. If I had been anywhere near you I would have slept up against your garage door the night before so I could get the United Airlines piece. One of my 3 holy grails. |
Sun, Apr 22, 2018 3:05 PM
8FT Tiki it would have been fun to meet you. Today the last boxes were picked up. Not one thing left. Now I can work on my tiki ceramic projects and have all the room I need! Thank you everyone for making this sale such a success. I'll let you know if we have another one in the future. Cheers, Wendy |
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