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tikitube's foray into tiki themed art!?!

Pages: 1 4 replies

tikitube posted on 03/30/2018

I've been a digital artist for more than 20 years now, specializing in abstract font-play and vector-based collage, but I've never tried applying my style to anything tiki-themed.

Here's my first piece with an abstract tiki-ish theme - comments welcome!

Thanks for looking,

MadDogMike posted on 03/30/2018

I'm not a big fan of abstract but this is cool. Abstract enough to be interesting but realistic enough to be recognizable. It's digital?

tikitube posted on 03/30/2018

Thanks, Mike. Yes, this is a digital design. I basically juggle fonts, shapes, and textures until something starts to appear and then I follow it down the rabbit hole, tweaking it and editing to see where it leads me. In this case, I was inspired by some traditional Oceanic art.

I wasn't sure if my abstract style would "gel" with any tiki themes, so I'm glad you find it interesting. Maybe I'll try some more. :)

Prikli Pear posted on 03/30/2018

There's plenty of room in tiki for new expressions. We don't need more Shags or Boskos, because we already have Shag and Bosko. Your piece here is recognizably tiki, but not riding the coattails of other well-known tiki artists of which I am aware. It's striking and evocative. I expect you'll find some fans.

tikitube posted on 03/30/2018

Good point. Thanks, man!

Pages: 1 4 replies