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Gun Club Punch at TV glasses

Pages: 1 5 replies

Swanky posted on 02/29/2004

Which did Vic's use, the "Sure Shot" only or did they also use the "half Shot" or "Big Shot"?

TikiHula posted on 03/01/2004

They only used the Big Shot, which is larger than the Sure Shot and is the largest of the line. So, anyone selling the Sure Shot as being the one used at Vic's is incorrect....but, buyer beware, huh.

GECKO posted on 03/01/2004

Is the big shot the size of a pitcher? a friend just purchased da whole set and it came with a big pitcher dat was way bigga den da regular classes. If TV didn't use them who did?

tanks fo'da info

TikiHula posted on 03/02/2004

No, the pitcher was not used at Vic's. These glasses weren't just used at Vic's. I think they were sold to the general public as well. Vic's just used the Big Shot green and red glasses for their Gun Club Punch....Vic was a hunter.

GECKO posted on 03/02/2004

So I've been hunting glasses that were not even used at da Vic's!!?!? that is not great news but they are still nice glasses......makes me wonder if da port lights are also in this catagory?

TikiHula posted on 03/03/2004

Nope, the port and starboard lights were made in one size only. So you're safe there :)

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