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Tiki carvers invitational carve off $5000 cash

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CrazyCapizzi posted on 04/05/2018

To all my carving friends...Cocoa beach is having a tiki carve off with $5000 to the best carvers april 21st. Here is a link at the bottom to the tiki carvers invitational Registration form. Details
The Visit Space Coast Tiki Carver Invitational is a 2 day tiki event with music from WRRJ 89.7FM, vendors and live world class carving hosted by the City of Cocoa Beach - Government. Friday night we start with a kick off party @ Mai Tiki Market. Live Tiki and Art show with Tiki exotica bands, mixed Mai Tai's from the legendary The Straw Hat Barmen, Soflo V-Dubs club and tiki themed vendors.
Saturday is the main event. With $5,000 in cash to the best carvers. We have invited the most well known tiki carvers in the country to compete against each other in an 8 hour carve off. Finished or not, once the time is up, the competition has ended and judging will begin. There will be a silent tiki auction during the event and a Beach Luau sponsored by Coconuts On the Beach. It will be fun for the whole family!
Do you or someone you know, have what it takes to be in this event?
For more information contact The Beachside Resident.


8:00 am - Carver Check In
6:00 pm - Chisels down.
Between 6:00 pm & 7:00 pm - Judging & Silent Auction
7:00 pm - Awards Ceremony & Silent Auction Winners Announced
8:00 pm - Cleanup. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeu5dscFtiSZqx73t8tugenvZrCtl3rllQHSuKoTBhMHH2umA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Tiki Republic posted on 04/05/2018

I would love to jump across the country to be a part of this. TSA rules may be possibly monkey wrenching my plans. Anyone else that is considering flying in to get a piece of this pie beware. Check with your airline to make sure. They will snag your chainsaw even if it's empty of fuel or oil.

*The info is on page 4, under engine powered equipment.

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2018-04-05 07:13 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2018-04-05 07:19 ]

AceExplorer posted on 04/05/2018

On 2018-04-05 01:02, CrazyCapizzi wrote:
...mixed Mai Tai's from the legendary The Straw Hat Barmen,

Yay! The general public will be introduced and treated to REAL cocktails from this outstanding bar team.

And oh yeah, the carving event sounds pretty cool too, lol...

8FT Tiki posted on 04/22/2018

Anyone know how this turned out and are there photos??

[ Edited by: 8FT Tiki 2018-04-22 10:00 ]

CrazyCapizzi posted on 04/23/2018

I got 3rd place finished it in 9 hours with 30 minutes to spare.

MaukaHale posted on 04/23/2018

Well Done!

CrazyCapizzi posted on 04/23/2018

John rock got 1st

Chris grey tied with me for 3rd

Pic of mine 3rd and eds 2nd side by side

Edd heads got 2nd

AceExplorer posted on 04/23/2018

I had to miss this due to a sudden home repair - broken water heater. Saved a ton of money by doing it myself though...

From the photos I've seen so far, the tiki carvers were definitely busy under the time limit.

George, did your Strawhat Barmen have a good time, and what drinks did you serve? And did you get any comments from the general public?

Wish I could have been there with my missus in tow!

Will carve posted on 04/23/2018

Good job.
You make us proud.
They all look good.
How many carvers were there?
Did you bring your own log?
Got any more pics?

Bam Bam posted on 04/23/2018

Very cool!

Wish we had more carving events like this up here. Though, I get the feeling all you'd end up with is a bunch of eagles, bears, or a combination of both. We do have an annual ice carving contest. I wonder what it would take to convince someone to submit an ice tiki.

AceExplorer posted on 04/23/2018

On 2018-04-23 05:23, AceExplorer wrote:
...and what drinks did you serve?

Just went back to email from last week and saw that I missed a flyer which George posted a few days ago with the drinks menu. Some GREAT choices with interesting backstories on the menu. While I didn't recognize the Cocolada, it does sound delicious. Hope you don't mind me posting the flyer here.

TikiHardBop posted on 04/23/2018

Not a prob. The Cocolada is a take on the Pina Colada with coconut milk/sweetened condensed milk in place of the coconut cream. There was a pretty good turnout considering the lack of lead time we had in promoting the event. Still would have loved to seen more of the local folks there, but it seems like the only way to get them to leave their houses is to throw an event at a theme park.

AceExplorer posted on 04/23/2018

Will have to try that! I non-local was looking forward to going, theme park or not, lol, but then the water heater came up. I hope I'm not the only person to loves road trips. Live carving, beach location, friends, and great cocktails, can't say no to that!

tikijimmy posted on 04/23/2018

CrazyCapizzi.... in my humble opinion you were robbed. Your tiki far outshines the other three in artistry, finish and overall tikiness..... If I walked into a shop, yours would be the only one that I would even consider tell me she’s downloading a fil if I walked into a shop, yours would be the only one that I would even consider .Again, in my opinion, Ed’s entry isn’t even a tiki.... sorry bro...???

CrazyCapizzi posted on 04/24/2018

CrazyCapizzi.... in my humble opinion you were robbed. Your tiki far outshines the other three in artistry, finish and overall tikiness.....

Well the competitors voted for each other... So some people admittedly voted for a lesser tiki thinking it would give them an upper hand to sway the vote in their direction. It would be in bad taste for me to say i got robbed so i figured i would just let the pictures do the talking.

4WDtiki posted on 04/24/2018

What was the payout breakdown? Was there something for 3rd place?
You shoulda got second, easy.

CrazyCapizzi posted on 04/24/2018

I was really hoping for 2nd. 1st was $3000 2nd was $1500 3rd was $500... But i had to split 3rd. I dont care about the money, i just wanted the title.

CrazyCapizzi posted on 04/24/2018

Here is a better picture of John rocks 1st place carve. It really was a massive carve

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