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Tiki Central / General Tiki

shhhh....Secret PDX Facebook group

Pages: 1 7 replies

Hey all you Tiki lover's in the Portland metro area, please join my new secret Facebook page PDXTIKI so we can buy/sell/trade and chat it up about our shared obsession. Thanks and Mahalo!!!Professor Hubert Whitehead would TOTALLY join if he were still here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2070100256642411/

I tried to follow the link, but it doesn't work...

Hi Bloody Good, I just tried the link and it went straight to it. It's set up as a club so I'll re-check my settings and see what's up,then get you onboard asap!!

Absolutely brilliant - "HEY! I just created a profile so I could ask you to do the exact same thing on a different site and stop contributing here! Super secret OMG!!!!"


Double post for some stupid reason but still a nice time to refresh people's memories on the value of this place vis a vis the siphoning of participation to fakebook by people like this.

[ Edited by: HopeChest 2018-07-19 15:49 ]

While attending the art show at the recent incredible TikiKon event here in Portland Oregon, I was talking to several other local artists who all professed their love,thanks and undying devotion to this, the Tiki Central site, and the question came up that was there a local Tiki loving FB group in PDX and if not,should someone start one? Most thought it was a fun idea and being artist's, we thought only good vibes and camaraderie would come of it. If I've broken any rules of etiquette here please delete this thread and my invitation to join what will be a happy place filled with happy people. Take good care all!

Hello!! I keep getting a "Sorry this content isn't available" message when I click the link, but i'll keep trying. A group of Tiki Artists in PDX sounds awesome!! I dabble in the arts myself. Hopefully I can get it figured out. :)

On 2018-07-19 15:46, HopeChest wrote:
Absolutely brilliant - "HEY! I just created a profile so I could ask you to do the exact same thing on a different site and stop contributing here! Super secret OMG!!!!"


BTW,I was a member some years ago so no, not new.

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