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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 10/13/2018

That’s a Happy couple

danlovestikis posted on 10/13/2018

hang10tiki they are happy and here's an anniversary couple made for Treg Goodwin.


The Wish List #8 continues with this happy couple.

I didn't take photos of every step but here's an idea. Just remember that every glaze step is done three times.

It only takes one spot to mean the mug will have to be touched up and fired again. See the little white misses areas on the petals.

It's all worth it. Here they are. Already shipped off to Trey Goodwin.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/15/2018

Bob n Mrs B

Just hanging out in the hideaway
Listening to some music

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-10-15 08:20 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/15/2018

hang10tiki a picture that grabs Dan's heart.


I made two Tiki Bob mugs more "Tiki Bob". I realized that without the traditional white face they just were not Bob enough.
Here are the before and after photos. Now on sale for $60 each plus shipping costs. Send me a message if you are interested.

A better Tiki Bob Cat.

A better Tiki Bob from Papua New Guinea. SOLD!

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-10-15 13:30 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/17/2018

I still have more of the Sacramento Crawl mugs for sale $95 plus shipping. I'm posting again because a friend posted photos showing how the little side pots look when lit. She used bread soaked in liquor. She said the flames lasted a very long time.
Now it' looks like a real volcano. Just add some dry ice to the inside and it's really going to be fun.

If you need a mug just send me a message. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/17/2018

Love that last pic

Great Vegas sky last night

Hamo posted on 10/19/2018

Glad you both were healthy enough to make the Crawl. When will we get to hear about your cruise?

danlovestikis posted on 10/19/2018

hang10tiki thank you for the beautiful sky photos. So lovely. I want to visit you in Las Vegas and go for a walk. What is the coolest month?

Hamo, I just got the photos all sorted out and just the best ones ready to post. First I have the hula girl goblets to share. I'm finishing them off right now and that will end the second wave of Wish List #8 projects. Then it's back to mucking in slip and clay. I've been waiting for Dan to say he's ready to lift molds for me again. Soon. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/19/2018

Wish List #8 has had two waves where I did projects start to finish. The next four mugs I'm showing finish the second wave. Next up I will begin at the beginning by pouring mugs and setting up to make a big third wave. Some people have been waiting for me to start their projects for a year. I thank every one for hanging in there with me. As I age I have to go slower so I don't break down. I came close to carpal tunnel surgery earlier this year and now I have upper back cramps that cause shoulder pain. I will just go slower and eventually I will get most projects done. Sometimes they are beyond my skill set but I do try.

Here I will show some of the glazing steps for four hula girl goblets. For Nelson Osorio, Jay Robinson, Eric Allred and Mary Ann Edwards. This has not been easy and I do not plan to make more after I finish these four. They are far too hard. You'll see why.

Four to go. How hard could that be?

three need bright white interiors the last one will be orange.

Two are brown coconuts, one is green and one is tapa cloth. I covered the girls with a wet paper towel to avoid spots.

Next I flip it over and keep on going.

Two brown coconuts done and now it's

time to do the green coconut. Three layers of glaze.

Next it was time to do the tapa cloth. I decided to experiment.

First I filled in the impressions with dark brown. All the glazes for these mugs are Duncan CN glazes except the outside of the coconuts, that is a CY glaze called Iron Ore.

Done and I let it dry before going on.

Next I put on a layer of off white with specs of dark brown.

When this dried I wiped on a small amount of brown glaze to age it.

I forgot to take photos of doing the inside of the mug orange but it has been done. Next I painted orange glaze over the raised parts of the mug.

Before it dried I took a wire brush and pulled it through the wet glaze. I'm hoping for an aged effect.

This was a few days work and now they sit to totally dry before I start again.

It's good to be back to work. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/21/2018

More steps for the Wish List #8 Hula Girl Goblets.

These are so hard to glaze. Not only are you doing the front but you have to paint the sides and the backsides. Trying to get a brush behind each girl is a challenge.

Using a wet brush I remove glaze that has gone where I do not want it to go.

I do the center of the hair and then go back and do the edges around in the face and on her chest.

No explanation needed!

Each glaze is three layers and then on top of that goes the decoration.

One step at a time. Thank you for the visit. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/21/2018

Coldest month is December

Lookin good

danlovestikis posted on 10/21/2018

hang10tiki is 80 degrees cold for you? I know it's cold at night will it be warm during the day?

Wish List #8 continues as I glaze the four hula girl goblets. One step at a time.

I had the wishers pick out the skin tones for their girls.

Each time I did a layer I would then take the mug outside to dry so I could continue on.

Into the kiln. I just decided to pay the electric bill and to fire with a mostly empty kiln. These are the last projects on this wave so I need to get them done so I can begin again with clay and sculpting.


Out of the kiln I found a glaze skip. So I will go over the mug and improve it and fire again.

The tea leaf skirt had many surfaces to glaze.

I would do the top and then the underside.

Glaze would go onto the skin and I would scrap it back off and

then do more skin layers.

Then the skin glaze would get on the leaves and I would have to touch them up. There must be a better way to do this.

Next the waist band. I painted one color and then wiped it off leaving it in the indentations.

Then I painted one by one the little raised areas.

Then I did the skin.

Now it was time to start the next woman. At the same time I have to protect all the glazing on the other parts.

Pineapples were requested for one skirt. For finer detail I decided to cut into the glaze layer and to

remove it. Glaze on top of glaze can spread. I hoped this would stop that from occurring.

I filled in and

added detail. I hope it works.

Done and ready to fire when

it is 100% dry.

These take a week each to glaze. So many parts and so many layers. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/22/2018

Wish List #8. The many many many steps of glazing the hula girl goblets continues.

If you find one spot that must be done then fine tune the entire mug.

The mug for Nelson Osorio is done again. I'll set it aside and check it later. Now I need

to check the green coconut mug for Mary Ann Edwards out of the kiln for the first time. There's a big skip on the outside.

Then here and there I found tiny skips.

I will be re-glazing and firing this mug. So far that's been what happens with these mugs.

So I touched up every spot I could improve and set it aside until time to fire.

This third mug is for Eric Allred.

I'm finally starting on the last goblet which is for Jay Robinson. He requested natural grass colors.

Until next time the story of the four goblets continues. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-10-22 09:01 ]

Hamo posted on 10/23/2018

I'm glad you're getting close to the end of this Wish List (especially since it means you're getting closer to my wish), but sorry to hear that the hula girl goblets are so difficult (especially since my next idea if you do another Wish List involves hula girls...).

danlovestikis posted on 10/23/2018

Oh Hamo I'm no where near the end of the Wish List #8. I'm just at the end of the second wave. I have 43 projects left to go and 44 on the waiting list in case I do another Wish List. However I'm waiting on Dan to get his groove back. So far I haven't gotten him into the garage to pour mugs for me. So right now I'm doing what's possible. When I start the clay again you are number one and the third wave! Dan has jury duty. So far he's not been called in. He swears he'll get his mojo working next week. Wendy

Wish List #8 the saga of the four hula girl goblets continues.

Two mugs are fired for the first time and the green coconut is touched up and fired again.

All done. Time to inspect the four mugs to see how they are doing.

After an inspection it was time to glaze again. More touch up for the green coconut mug.

Wow now that's big glaze skip. This area has to be scrubbed and rinsed well before glazing or the dust will just do this again.

I have no idea where a glob stuck on the side of the hair came from but

I got my face mask, eye protection, ear protection and the dremmel ready to go.

I ground off the glob.

It's all removed and washes and rinsed and ready to be glazed again.

If you do one spot you do all the rest that need fine tuning.

I finished the last mug and when they were all dry they went into the kiln.

I opened the kiln but as I lifted them out I did not inspect them.

They were put on the nook table until we return from a trip. I didn't want to think about them until we returned.

I will continue this story tomorrow. The trip photos to be posted after this wave of the Wish List is done posting.

Thank you for watching, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-10-23 11:29 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/24/2018

Wish List #8. Some projects just require more time than they should. When I did the first one I didn't keep track of the time because I was learning how to make this mug. But now I realize these take far too much time but they are almost worth it.

So we returned from our trip. After two and a half months of PT and then a vacation I'm feeling good enough to face all the re-glazing all four of the mugs still required. Here's just one of them. I didn't actually start for a couple of weeks because I caught a bad cold at the very end of our trip.

Back into the kiln for a third firing for all four mugs.

All cool and ready to once again do my inspection. Are they done??? Can you spot my grievous error?

Yep, the one time I didn't check because there's so little in the kiln I had two mugs touching. Horrors!

I am not happy but at least I found my own face mask.

So now the dremmel is put back to work.

I grind off the glaze.

I grind it until I've exposed the clay underneath.

I glaze it with the same glaze again.

Then it's time to do it with the green coconut.

This is such a smooth surface that there may

still be a defect after it is fired.

Then I put on layers of the same glaze.

I always run my hands over each mug feeling for any glaze that has cracks. You can feel them as well as see them. I used a needle to pop off some glaze. Then I sanded this area and washed it well.

Then I re-glazed it.

After careful inspection only two of the four required a fourth re-glaze and firing. I'm not going to stick them together.

The area on the coconut where I did the repair is invisible but the defect on the coconut shows. Can't fix everything.

Next I noticed that there is a separation of glaze on the forehead. It was in a U shape so it wouldn't pop off. One end was stable.

I corrected this by using enamel as a glue and just elongated the bangs. I think this mug just got a price reduction. I will discuss it with the wisher.

Once I had all the mugs fired and the faces painted on after 24 hours I bake them in the home oven to set the enamel paint.

All done, fancy photos tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

Hamo posted on 10/25/2018

On 2018-10-23 09:11, danlovestikis wrote:
Oh Hamo I'm no where near the end of the Wish List #8. I'm just at the end of the second wave. I have 43 projects left to go and 44 on the waiting list in case I do another Wish List. e'll get his mojo working next week.

Then congrats on being a third or halfway done. Wow—you deserve another vacation....

danlovestikis posted on 10/25/2018

Hamo I need another vacation. Dan swears he'll help me next week with pouring mugs. How tall and wide is your wish?


Wish List #8. I have finished to the best of my ability the four Hula Girl Goblets. Here they are.

This is for Mary Ann Edwards.

This one is for Eric Allred.

This one is for Nelson Osorio.

This one is for Jay Robinson.

Next up will be my well scheduled break. I finished 2 1/2 months of Pt for shoulder pain that really came from my back. Too many HUGE volcanos lifted. This was followed by a 15 day cruise in sweltering heat. We were in a kiln and I even was in a room with a furnace. I will tell the story. Please stay tuned, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-10-25 09:22 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/28/2018

Amazing Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/28/2018

hang10tiki your comment is much appreciated. Thank you and thank everyone who takes the time to talk to me.


I took a friend to all his appointments and surgeries (two) at UCD Medical Center.

At one appointment to see the oncologist I spied something on the check-in desk.

I went closer.

Yep I found a Tiki Farm mug in the wild.

But even better than that the hero surgeon removed all the cancer that was caused by smoking.
Unfortunately he will not stop this habit so I'll be seeing this mug again and it most
likely will not be good news the next time.

Working in diagnostic imaging I saw patients as young as 36 with non-operable lung cancer.

Wishing you all a good day. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/29/2018

We took a Panama Canal cruise with Celebrity Cruise Line. Ove the next few days I will share our adventure.

There are three types of cruises. One where the temperature is just right, one where it's too cold and one where it's too hot.

This trip would be a new category, way tooooooooo hot and humid. The ship we were on was called the Infinity and it was a smaller ship. This is the main dining room.

I wore a pony tail most of the time and we stayed indoors to avoid the heat.

It's hard not to search for tikis everywhere you go. The closest I came was to their brand of coffee.

I would cover part of the name and feel right at home. Except I don't drink coffee, this was Dan's cup.

We arrived at Cabo San Lucas and had a good view of the arch. We didn't get off the ship and that night we sailed away.

We arrived at Puerto Vallarta and again too hot and humid to get off the ship when we knew this city already.

That night we sailed away again.

For entertainment that evening we saw a fellow from America's Got Talent.

One more day on board in air-conditioning and then it's time to get off the ship.

Every day we draw closer to the Panama Canal. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 10/30/2018

The next leg of our tip took us to Gautemala. We will take a bus to the center of the country and then a boat ride to a resort for lunch. It was a wonderful day.

This would be a 9 hour trip from start to finish. Every bit of it wonderful.

It happened that it was Independence Day. In the first town the parade moved to the side so our bus could go through. At the larger city we were blocked. So we all got off the bus and walked 5 blocks along the parade route to reach our boat.

This was by far one of our very best moments on our trip. The people are Mayans. No longer are they just in books for me.

On the ship you go for a lecture about your trip. We were told that the volcanos would be hidden by clouds and to not be disappointed if you can't see them. Well the clouds took the day off and we had wonderful views on the way and during the return trip.

This is our boat. We boarded and set off across Lake Atitlan.

We were so fortunate to see all three volcanos.

Coming into port.

The resort we very pretty and we walked passed the tent to where our buffet lunch was set up. The food was the same as we have had in Mexico. Delicious.

I found a shot glass with a clay bird on the side. Shot glasses are my favorite souvenir to bring home.

Leaving the dock and heading back.

I spoke with this lady many times and purchased not only some things for me but gifts for my sister who will turn 80 in March. The captain charged her for riding on our boat. But she did make many sales.

It's been said that you can find anything on Amazon. So I typed in Guatemala and hummingbird and yes just like those I bought on the boat they had them for sale!

Best view ever.

A few more hours and we'll be back on the ship and saying farewell to Guatemala.

danlovestikis posted on 10/31/2018

Days cruising towards the Panama Canal.

I try hard to find the best excursions for Dan and I to enjoy together. Up next Costa Rica.

Nope I was wrong. Instead we were given this letter. The lines were long at the excursion desk and in the end

this is what we were able to book. Nature excursions fill up fast. We are going to a factory.

To go to the port and then onto Panama City we had to get off the ship and

into a tender boat. It's really fun to have a ride in but in this case we were melting in the heat. Oh well.

In the distance we looked at Panama City. We were told that this bay is so polluted that even at the beach resorts the ocean can not be used for swimming.

We arrived at port and caught a bus.

It was fun driving through the city on our way to this jewelry factory.

They asked for a volunteer to do some sandblasting. I jumped at the chance.

As I put my hands into these gloves it occurred to me that this is a very germy environment.

I cleaned up a piece of jewelry that we had just watched being cast.

When I finished I was given this sticker. Then I ran to the washroom and scrubbed my hands and arms up to my elbows.

After the factory we went into their shop to look at what they had for sale.

I bought a bar of soap for a friend and that was all.
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Now it was time to get back on the bus to continue our Panama City tour. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/01/2018

Looks like a fun getaway

Of all those places I’ve only been to Puerto Vallarta
Here’s proof

I know, I know, had hair, :)

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danlovestikis posted on 11/01/2018

Happy Halloween everyone.

hang10tiki you two are a beautiful couple. It is fun to see you with hair since I hadn't met you back then. I used to have brown hair but now I cover the white hair with blond dye. Oh how time passes and things change! Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/01/2018

Here's the rest of the day in Panama City.

When we left the factory it was raining. We passed a building that they said is ranked as one of the ten most beautiful buildings in the world. I could see that clearly, even through the rain.
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We stopped at a Panamanian restaurant for lunch. It all seemed very familiar. No surprises.
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It was time to get on the bus and to head back to the port. Look, another McDonalds.
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We passed a museum designed by a famous architect. No I can't remember who but it was sure modern. I could do a Tiki Bob like this.
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From the bus we had a good view of the polluted bay.
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Back at the ship there was a bunch of shops and I got some shot glasses. One had the green building on it.
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We boarded the tender boat to return to the ship. It was raining. Dan and I decided to sit alone on the top of the boat. We didn't care if we got wet because we were on our way home.
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We could see our ship off in the distance. It was a really fun ride in the rain.
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The next morning it was time for the ship to head to the Panama Canal. We sailed very close to the museum.
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It's fun to have a meal as you go by all these special places.
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Under the bridge and out to sea!
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We may never get to Costa Rica but Panama City was a wonderful stop. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-11-02 15:23 ]

Hamo posted on 11/02/2018


danlovestikis posted on 11/02/2018

Hamo, will you have a car? We are 2 1/2 hours from San Francisco if there's no slow traffic. Please feel free to share you tiki bar photos here. Also I think I asked you how tall and wide do you want your Wish List mug to be.


The Panama Canal was built by people from central and south America. It happened because of America. There were no regulations to protect workers back then and tens of thousands died in mud slides, other job related injuries and from disease. Many of todays regulations to protect workers were written by one administration and signed by the next. It takes decades to push these protections through and only an ink pen in the hand of the wrong person to undo them in seconds.

The Panama Canal takes eight hours to cross. There are locks that raise you in the beginning, then you sail across a man made lake and then you are lowered be more locks. It's all very slow.

It is scorching hot and humid so we watched the approach to the first lock on the TV in our cabin.
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On and off we would look over our balcony. In the jungle beside us we could hear hooting monkeys.
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Inch by inch we came closer.
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Now the lock floods and the ship raises and then we sail forward.
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We went outside as we sailed to the next lock.
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We tourists just have to document our travels.
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Then we got smart. We went to the top of the ship to the lounge where we and a hundred others could watch while in a cool room.

Lock empty.
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Lock flooded.
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Right here we were next to another canal with locks so I got a good photo of one empty and
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then it filled. It must have been a test since there wasn't a ship in this canal.
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Off to the side there was a welcome sign. Behind it more jungle with more monkey's making fun noises.
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We are finished and on the TV saw the bridge and the Atlantic Ocean.
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When we got to the bridge I went outside to take a photo.
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Dan and I each received this certificate as a souvenir.
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Next stop will be Colon, Panama. It's still stifling hot! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-11-02 07:30 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/03/2018

The Panama Canal is behind us and now we have arrived at Colon, Panama.

We will have a ride above a tropical rain forest and through some special areas surrounding it.
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This bus shows the public transportation in Colon.
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We have arrived at our destination. We are riding in this tram for 30 minutes to the top of a mountain.
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Once at the top we walked in circles to the top of a tower.
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Half way up we stopped for a photo.
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Then we continued to the top.
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Time for a photo of Dan.
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Back on the ground we visited some sanctuaries. This one was for sloths.
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This one was for frogs. We saw two, this one
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and then another. A banana is put out to rot, flies gather and the frogs eat the flies. Such an easy but effective method.
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Now it was time for our snack. We went to a luxury resort.
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We could look out over the rain forest.
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We saw many streets like this in the city. How will it look 100 years from now?
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In all of the city of Colon there are no traffic lights at the corners. Everyone just fights. Well this cement truck won. Our bus had to back up. What a nightmare.
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Time to return to our ship and prepare for the last city and the trip home. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-11-03 08:45 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/03/2018

Busy busy

At first I thought this was Dan-0s jungle room

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Hope you brought one of these home

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Hamo posted on 11/04/2018

On 2018-11-02 07:29, danlovestikis wrote:
Hamo, will you have a car? We are 2 1/2 hours from San Francisco if there's no slow traffic. Please feel free to share you tiki bar photos here. Also I think I asked you how tall and wide do you want your Wish List mug to be.

I hadn't planned on renting a car, but then I hadn't planned on a trip to the Sacramento area, either. Maybe I could take the train....

As for my wish, when we first talked about it, you'd mentioned that you would add to your fog cutter to make it square, so I guess that's what I was expecting. Will that work?

danlovestikis posted on 11/04/2018

hang10tiki Dan still has the jungle room and it's very close to that photo. I made eye contact with the sloth. That was special but he is still in Colon.

Hammo, I had forgotten. I will do that. I still haven't started back to work yet. We are working on our home and catching up on projects and downsizing Dan's collection of tikis to a more manageable size. If you have time PM me your schedule for your trip. We could see if something could be worked out.


danlovestikis posted on 11/04/2018

These next photos will finish off our trip. We cruised on to Cartagena, Columbia. Remember Romancing the Stone, the movie was set there. We were told this city is as safe as most big cities now and that lawlessness and the drug cartels all work out of Bogata. We just choose to stay with tour groups and hope for the best.

The excursion we choose was to take us to see birds.
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We had a long drive through the city to get there and heard many stories about this country along the way. Trump corporation is there trying to buy an island just off the coast.
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We arrive to beauty and the heat.
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Every stop on our trip has melted us. We are not used to the heat.
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At the entrance there were beautiful paintings.
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This is a parrot sanctuary.
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We noticed right away that you needed to watch where you were walking.
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The birds were easy to find and there were walkways to follow. We were allowed to leave our group so we moved ahead to see the park alone.
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Dan really dresses up for formal night. The bow tie actually flashes.
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There is beauty in food.
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Nope we just had fresh fruit as desert and we didn't dip the pieces in chocolate.
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Global warming from over population and our pollution is killing our planet. The ocean on our trip had thousands of patches of brown sludge that smelled so bad we rarely went up on deck. We need to turn this around for the future generations. Air conditioners contribute to the problem and as the heat goes up we use them more. Scientists we need you!
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Early in the morning we saw on the TV we were entering the port. Next we will grab a taxi to the airport.
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Exiting the ship. I had a really bad sore throat but no coughing. It would last for 17 days. I'm so happy to be well now.
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Dan picked up our luggage. In an hour we will be home.
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This was a cruise that was interesting and beautiful but I would suggest finding the coolest month to go. We picked our dates we should have asked WooHooWahine who is the best travel agent we could ask for, thank you WooHooWahine.

Cheers to another cruise in the future to someplace COLD!

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-11-04 07:37 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/05/2018

TIKI GARAGE SALE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10TH, 2018 Last Friday I announced a sale at the last minute and we had 6 people show up in 6 hours the next morning. So we have re-loaded the tables with mugs, bowls, 100 record albums of Hawaii and Rock and will do it all again this week. I will post photos later on. We will also sell concrete tiki statues that are in our backyard. Some are vintage and some are from Smoken' Tikis. Those we are not carrying into the garage so you have to ask. We will open at 7 am and close at 10 am. If you need our address just send me a message. This will be 8 tables full, a huge box of wall art and the tikis from the back yard. I hope you can all make it and then head to the Jungle Bird for brunch afterwards. This will be our last sale for 2018 or maybe forever. It's all really good tiki related items priced far below what we paid. See you, Wendy

Two of our 6 shoppers who came yesterday. We have filled in the spaces they left with more tiki treasures.

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hang10tiki posted on 11/05/2018

So much fun

Guess where we are?

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New mug (color)

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Hamo posted on 11/06/2018

Shoot, looks like the tiki garage sale date has changed, but I'll still PM you with my schedule anyway.

H10, if I extend my trip one day and fly to Vegas before going back to Denver, I could make it to Frankie's on their 10th anniversary.....

danlovestikis posted on 11/07/2018

Hamo, being at Frankie's would really be fun, especially if hang10tiki and you could meet up. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/07/2018

Hamo- sweet

danlovestikis posted on 11/07/2018

More photos for the Tiki Garage Sale this Saturday November 10th, 2018. It is our fifth so we are now selling some really good items that were hard for Dan to part with. The downsizing of the collection continues. We also sell by appointment. Then Dan has to fill in the space made with more tikis to sell. This will be the last garage sale this year, maybe the last one forever. Dan's deciding if he's able to part with more next year.

Here are some items that may be in the garage sale.

Dan just put out these items.
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Restaurant ware from the South Pacific.
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Restaurant ware from Kon Tiki Ports.
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23 years of collecting shell necklaces. $75 for all of them plus the pole.
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Vintage. Concrete.
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Vintage. Concrete.
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About 10+ years old. Concrete.
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8 full tables and a huge box of wall art.
7am until 10 am or when the garage is empty of people. I hope you can come. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-11-07 08:29 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/09/2018

Every time I turn around Dan has brought out another tray of mugs for the garage sale. We have 8 tables full and are shooting for nine. I hope you can make it. Wendy

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danlovestikis posted on 11/12/2018

The garage sale came and went.

Polynesian Paddy was with us and our neighbors cat clear from Santa Rosa.

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This couple was sent by their son to buy tiki treasures for him. I hope they chose well.

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The garage is once again empty. No more garage sales this year.

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We may have one in April of 2019. Meanwhile we will have fun fine tuning our tiki decorated home and working on Wish List #8.

Today I poured the base for Hamos wish. Time to get to work. Cheers, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 11/13/2018

That’s a clean lookin garage

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danlovestikis posted on 11/15/2018

hang10tiki not only the garage is shaping up so is the interior of our home.

We have been asked if we are doing the garage sales because we are moving or getting out of tiki. The answer to both questions is no. We just decided it was time to own less things. Also Dan wanted his music collection of albums, CDs and stereo equipment to all be in one room. His dream is coming true thanks to all the shoppers at our sales.

Here is one room that changed a lot from all the sales.

Many years ago I decided that I would do 3D wallpaper seahorses all over the walls of our hallway bathroom. It took a couple of years of eBay auctions to do it but this is one wall. Now it's time for a change.
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I took them down by size or matching sets.
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Then I removed all the nails.
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I filled the holes with a patch that starts out pink and
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dries white.
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Then using a small sponge I painted the wall with enamel.
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After the paint dried and the washed seahorse dried I picked a few and put them back up.
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Over the mirror I took down all of these seahorses.
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Then I patched it and painted.
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Oops the dreaded rotated photo. The wall started like this
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until all were removed. The holes patched and the wall painted.
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The I selected these three to put up.
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I like to look at the colors of the abalone while I get ready for the day.
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I had these over the shower.
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I changed them to all black which is my favorite.
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The whole way through I was washing each one to remove dust I'd not reached in the past.
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They all sold at our garage sale or on-line. I will miss them but we are fine with all our sales. Cheers, Wendy

PS I am back to casting for continuing Wish List #8

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hang10tiki posted on 11/15/2018

What a transformation


I think you need to make yourself a mug

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danlovestikis posted on 11/16/2018

hang10tiki I bet you are right. That would be beautiful.


The transformation continues. Dan has sold enough tikis that he was able to move out of his garage man cave and to allow me to take it over for my ceramics hobby.

One end of the man cave held tikis on a bookcase and my molds were underneath hidden by grass skirts.
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Now it's all mine and the molds are so much easier to access.
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I only found this old photo of the other end of his man cave from years ago. It actually got much better.
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We emptied all the stereo equipment from the cabinets and together untangles all the wires.
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We cleaned up the space and then in the main garage we
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dismantled the tables we had built in 2010.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5beee070.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7e2a89cd8105c29ebd85728d4dcedcd5

He carried the parts to my new ceramic studio.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5beee05b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f94cc3796566bd8a2b6b82490036e2ea

We added shelves and fortified them with supports. Clay is heavy.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5beee023.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=428accae45d2fdf50db15e958f0b6006

All done. The garage door still worked after being closed for so many years.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5beee012.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7a8611cd3bacd85d3d14969d22437a64

Time to set up for more of the Wish List #8 projects.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5beee002.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=0645a010ab6357e0ab68194ed3c0a85e

It's been a while since I poured anything. Really fast I found the leaks and started to plug them with clay on the sides of the molds.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/5beedfe5.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=da5117abe6d6f7b594c97e6e7a30d643

Off and running on new projects. Cheers, Wendy

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MadDogMike posted on 11/16/2018

Love the new studio! I mourn the loss of your beloved seahorses but sometimes less is more :lol:

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/21154/649119ceb7046.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=200302534909fce323ced4bdc72e29c6
hang10tiki posted on 11/17/2018


H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/81752/6232869dd2cbf.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=bc1f160b34a2f2d289f879012477d3d2
Hamo posted on 11/18/2018

Things are looking good. I'm excited to see those molds because it means my wish will soon come true.

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