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New "tiki" magazine 2nd Issue Release Party Nov 24

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Murph posted on 10/30/2018

The new "Tiki Magazine" is a hit!...
Join us for the 2nd Issue Release Party of Exotica Moderne Magazine!

Come out to meet cover artist Tiki Tony and have him sign your own copy!
To honor the occasion our own Marie King has created a signature cocktail, served in a limited edition event Mai Tai glass.
LIVE MUSIC and Durangos Tacos will be serving up the best Tacos in the valley!
Join us for this wonderful Tiki Celebration.
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[ Edited by: Murph 2018-10-29 20:58 ]

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Jeff Central posted on 11/08/2018

Such a wonderful looking magazine!! :)

I wish them much continued success!!

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Hakalugi posted on 11/08/2018

Great job on issue 1! Looking forward to issue 2 which I just ordered from:

Murph posted on 11/23/2018

The High Tide will be performing the complete Ventures Christmas album!
Let the Holiday Spirit begin!


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Murph posted on 11/23/2018

Be one of the first to imbibe of Marie King's Bali Hai Bastard made with Bali Hai Tiki Gold Rum from Cutwater Spirits... this Saturday!


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Tiki Punks posted on 11/23/2018

Cool! Is there any chance that we can get our hands on this in Norway??

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MrFab posted on 11/25/2018

Was able to swing by and snag a copy. Nice work! Already read much of it.

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Hamo posted on 12/06/2018

I ordered Issues 1 and 2, and they just arrived. I've only thumbed through them both, but so far this magazine is great. The aesthetic is excellent, the regular features all look interesting, and I'm especially excited to read the second issue's article about Denver's Adrift (where my sister and brother-in-law had their wedding reception). Exotica Moderne takes up the mantle of Tiki Magazine and carries things forward.

[ Edited by: Hamo 2018-12-05 20:26 ]

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bb moondog posted on 12/13/2018

this is cool..i guess i need to go back on the forum more often -was totally unaware of new tiki readings!!

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headpaneer posted on 01/23/2019

Yeah – this is a very nice publication. I wish they would promote more through the TC. This issue covers bands, music releases, artists, home and commercial tiki bars, drink recipes and more!
I hope to make it to Exotica Modern’s next issue release party.

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swizzle posted on 01/24/2019

They have done a pretty good job starting up something new to replace Tiki Magazine considering the owners of that magazine couldn't get their shit together although there's a couple of things i wish they did differently.

1.) When showing photos of peoples artwork or bars (in particular) they need to leave a border around each photo instead of four on one page butting up to one another. It makes it hard to look at and appreciate each individual photo when they kinda blend into one another.

2.) I wish they used more photos of an artists works and especially of peoples home bars. Tiki is a VERY visual thing and i'm sure i'm not the only one who would love to see more of how people have decorated their bars/homes, considering you'll most likely never get to see them in person. Extra close up photos of walls or shelves getting a better look at what mugs,rums,artwork,etc.they have would be great.

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tikiskip posted on 01/24/2019

"2.) I wish they used more photos of an artists works and especially of peoples home bars. Tiki is a VERY visual thing and i'm sure i'm not the only one who would love to see more of how people have decorated their bars/homes, considering you'll most likely never get to see them in person. Extra close up photos of walls or shelves getting a better look at what mugs,rums,artwork,etc.they have would be great."

It will most likely be the same home bars, artist that were in Tiki mag one and Tiki Mag two and now tiki Mag three.
So if ya don't get a good enough look in the new Mag just look back through the old mags
and find what you are looking for.

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Hamo posted on 03/19/2019

Damn, I wish I’d ordered Issue 3 last week when I thought about it; it’s sold out now.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/98809c3f491160651ce442f657c62218?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
santa posted on 04/19/2019

Don’t they want to print more and sell more?

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Beachbumz posted on 05/03/2019

On 2019-01-24 09:17, Swizzle wrote:
"2.) I wish they used more photos of an artists works and especially of peoples home bars. Tiki is a VERY visual thing and i'm sure i'm not the only one who would love to see more of how people have decorated their bars/homes, considering you'll most likely never get to see them in person. Extra close up photos of walls or shelves getting a better look at what mugs,rums,artwork,etc.they have would be great."

That's what I'd like to see also Robbie!! And yeah Skip I still enjoy going through all my old issues of Tiki Magazine and seeing things I forgot about.. :wink:

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Instagram- TikiPop / Beachbumzmaui

[ Edited by: Beachbumz 2019-05-03 09:48 ]

[ Edited by: Beachbumz 2019-05-03 09:50 ]

[ Edited by: Beachbumz 2019-05-03 09:52 ]

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