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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/18/2018

MadDogMike I miss them too but they were bored and needed a new space to enjoy.

hang10tiki until I began to work, now it's a bit messier.

Hamo better to say your wish has begun to come true. Ceramics take a very long time from start to finish. My wish is to have a good visit with you this month.


I'm pouring each day to get a bunch of readily available mugs and bowls ready for projects. It's cold in the garage but so much warmer than if I lived back east. It's going well. I have only ruined one mug and one hula girl so far. One due to too thick slip and one where my slip was too thin. As Goldilocks I need to get that slip just right.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/20/2018

All good things must come to an end. I needed the space.

I didn't make very many of these mugs and when I did Dan took most of them.

Babalu made the mold for me prior to my learning how in 2010. Thank you dear friend.

Now it has been destroyed. It hurts but we ceramic artists have to do it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/21/2018


danlovestikis posted on 11/22/2018

hang10tiki Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May your day be special and full of happiness. Wendy

Hamo posted on 11/22/2018

Happy Thanksgiving, Wendy and Dan (and H10 and everyone around here)!

hang10tiki posted on 11/22/2018

Have a great day everyone

hang10tiki posted on 11/23/2018

danlovestikis posted on 11/23/2018

Hamo are you still coming on the 30th? Just PM the details.

hang10tiki that last photo shouldn't have such a flat tummy. It doesn't work that way. Very cute pictures. I bet you had a very good thanksgiving.


I am pouring every day for the next wave of Wish List projects. Soon I'll be posting.

I went to Michael's and bought a vine today to hide some lamp cords. Black Friday without lines was weird. On-line shopping has taken over.

Happy Holidays Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/24/2018

Here’s my Black Friday buy
No line at Goodwill
1/2 off

$ 7.50
Cleaned up well

danlovestikis posted on 11/24/2018

hang0tiki that's one of the best finds of the year. I think you should use your carving skills and fine tune it with some deeper cuts. What are you thinking? Any artist name on the bottom?


This is our Black Friday.

I chose a mold for Dan to break but I forgot to take an after photo. I wonder if it's still uncovered in the garbage can.

Then we split slip. Each jug divided into two and water added. We will never buy full jugs again. We thought we could use a mixer to add water but it didn't work out.

Dan washed the outside of each jug after we were done.

We are filling up the garage with casts for the next wave of Wish List #8 which will run far into 2019.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/24/2018

I was happy to see the broken mold pieces hadn't been picked up yet. So goodbye Tahiti and hello The Lanai which will be the crawl mug for next year.

hang10tiki posted on 11/25/2018

Hi W
More molds broken
:( :(

I don’t think I’ll work on him
Going to leave him as is

It’s funny
The tiki I found
Is almost a perfect copy for one I found in Arizona
Differences are
And 3 holes in the AZ one (like it was part of a fence)

It seems as if the same style are at the Mai Kai

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-11-25 09:55 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/26/2018

hang10tiki that is so cool. A small fence post! Nice photos to do the comparisons too. Wendy

Hamo posted on 11/27/2018

Great find, H10. I'm always looking in Colorado thrift stores for tikis, but no luck yet.

Wendy, I replied to your PM.

danlovestikis posted on 11/28/2018

Hi Hammo, looking forward to meeting you in person.


Dan and I are continuing our transition from being tiki collectors to having a tiki decorated home but no collection.

After the fifth garage sale I had an empty dining room to decorate. I wondered if Dan had enough Maori art from New Zealand to make this room look tiki.

I went on a hunt and before I knew it the entire room had all the walls filled along with the bookcase. Perfect.

Here are a few of the walls close up.

We enjoyed the room for a short while and then we sold the entire collection.

It was time to pack it up and ship it out so

I began to organize it by type and shape and size and difficulty to wrap.

We went to the box store and bought shipping supplies.

I then sat Dan down and I would bring him tikis to wrap and then to be placed in a shipping container.

This was a huge amount to ship and it took two

days to get it done.

We ran out of boxes and peanuts so it was off

to a small post office at our grocery store. We filled up all their space with boxes.

Then it was back to the box store for more supplies.

This time we went to the regular post office.

Back at home I pulled out all the nails and puttied the holes.

Then I hung photos and decorated the room.

One more view.

After five garage sales and many appointments with shoppers we still have tiki overload. We are far from done with our sales. It feels good to have each room change so that we are enjoying what we have left.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/29/2018

Maori room looked great

Sad it’s moved on
All prurchases by 1 collector

Love this one
Where did u find it
(Big one in the middle)


danlovestikis posted on 11/29/2018

hang10tiki I actually got that huge tiki from an eBay auction. I haven't looked for any tikis there in the last five years but prior to that I won 1300 auctions and filled our home with tikis. Most of what we acquired was from eBay and antique stores. We only discovered that you can find tikis in thrift stores a couple of years ago. So far we have just found one good mug. A fellow on fb just showed a mug he got at Goodwill this week for $2. It's the rare one from the Lanai in San Mateo. That's like finding a Frankoma War God.

Tonight we sold our PNG and plate collection. Nope we haven't run out of tikis to sell but we have some rooms that are just about right now. No overload. I really like the idea of one room for a collection rather than eight.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/29/2018

That’s a lot of eBay
Hope you kept the boxes :)

Sold the PNG and plate collection
So pics of them next?

Have a good day

hang10tiki posted on 11/30/2018

Saw this today
brightest one I think I’ve ever seen

2 of them

danlovestikis posted on 12/01/2018

hang10tiki those may be the brightest ever! I love rainbows. There will be photo of the PNG and Plate transformation soon.

November was a great month because we saw some tiki people at our home.

Moai Mike and Poynesian Paddy came for a visit and

Having friends makes the world a happy place.

Then tonight Hamo came to visit from Colorado. He flew to San Francisco and took a train and Lyft to our home. From there we went to the Jungle Bird for dinner.

It was all decorated for Christmas.

Dan kept eyeing my Pupu platter.

As we were leaving we ran into Mike Mac and his wife Denise. That was a fun surprise.

We loved our visitors and had a lot of fun. Come again guys I can always use a few more hugs! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/01/2018

Hamo in the house

Hamo posted on 12/02/2018

I had a great time, probably the highlight of my trip. Glad I didn’t keep you out too late. :wink:

PS, I can attest that even though they’re downsizing, the tiki collection is still huge. Plus, Dan’s jungle room is really impressive in person, especially with the background sounds.

danlovestikis posted on 12/02/2018

hang10tiki I can only hope that one day you'll be in the house and bring the beauty with you.

Hamo it was a delight to have you visit and so much fun to hang out at the Jungle Bird with you. The traffic was cleared up by the time we were on the freeway home. The only excitement was when a dozen Hells Angles drove between us and the car in the next lane. It's such a crazy law that permits that to happen legally. Come again ya hear.


Well we did it again. We sold two complete collections and have shipped them out of the house. In fact they are still in-route.

To sell our collection we take photos with a ruler. We offer it as a package, every item has to be taken to make it worth the effort to package and ship. This sale was for our PNG and plate collection. Here are a few examples.

PNG masks one with Cassowary feathers.

Ren Clark plate.

When the deal was struck we raced through the night to get supplies. Not easy without a truck.

Back home we stripped the walls and counter tops of all the items we had sold. We then removed the nails and puttied the holes. They don't show unless a flash is used. I will eventually paint the rooms.

Then I quickly re-decorated the walls.

The PNG items were lined up on the table according to size and shape.

From a different angle.

Then it was time to strip the next room of all the plates on the three walls.

These were stacked on the dining room table where they will be organized.

Back in 2002 we purchased a whole lot of tiki volcano bowls from Louie B in Hawaii. We put the five large boxes into our attic so that when the time came we needed them we could use them.

The time is now. With these and the bubble wrap we could pack these up safely.

Our home becomes a huge mess when packing up so many items.

You can see here how much progress we have made.

The boxes were stacking up. We rush to beat the Christmas shoppers and their shipping.

Now it was time for the tallest statue. We pressed in tissue paper for support.

We used some of the volcano bowl box supplies and the bubble wrap.

This box was now added to the others.

Once we had the boxes all shipped we put the chairs on the table and vacuum the carpets. More work to add to the rest.

All of these was done before Hamo came to visit. Our downsizing is working but there's so much more to sell.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/03/2018

Amazing pieces
All went to one collector????

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-12-06 08:31 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/07/2018

hang10tiki yes all of them to one collector.


The story of Tiki Bob the guy I like to hang out with and alter.

I love to supercarve and alter Tiki Bob into many shapes and sizes. But every time I cast one I have to plug all the seams of my molds because they leak. It's not fun, it's messy.
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I even have to do the sides.
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Even doing this I still have them spring leaks. I've had enough.
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I took out the molds and lined them up for execution.
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First Dan used a pick ax and they were only chipped.
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Then he used the sledge hammer as usual and they broke enough
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to throw them out.
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Now I need to make new Tiki Bob molds because I would be very unhappy to live without him. Not only that I'm working soon on the last leg of this Wish List #8 and there are Bob's to be made.

Cheers, Wendy

PS sorry you are missing the videos, I put them on fb

danlovestikis posted on 12/09/2018

It's time for a new button. My niece does these as her business. So this is what I have ordered. I would say they are for advertising but really they are more for making new friends. When I ship something out or meet someone they get a Hot Tub Hula Girl pin or soon it will be one of these with my custom Tiki Bobs.

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We are working on tiki projects every day and soon I'll be posting more often. Right now it's 7 PM and I'm ready to go to bed.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/09/2018

I must say
You scared the crap out of me
Thought you were done with Bob’s
I need a drink

Glad a new mold will be made

Nice button


Long live the Wendy Bob

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-12-11 20:09 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/11/2018

hang10tiki that was not a pretty picture. You know I was a hospital worker and I saw everything. You brought back many memories!!! I will post the photos soon. Meanwhile you had asked about wooden tikis for sale but they are all gone. Here are some photos of our sale and shipping.

We bought this Easter Island tiki from an elderly lady about 20 years ago. She said she had owned it for 50 years and that when it was given to her she was told it was 50 years old. So all together that makes it 120 years old. Sad to see it go but it is time to downsize. We had a request for more wood items and ended up selling everything on the table.

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From the right and
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a view from the left.
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Dan did all the wrapping for shipping because I was prepping the molds in the garage.
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He used the platter to protect the spears.
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Bubble wrap and
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Halfway done. But he needs to go buy more boxes of the right size.
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We are still downsizing with hundreds of bowls and mugs yet to sell. We think we have sold 4/5th of the collection.
I like having a tiki home with the collection someplace else. Dan's pushing me to sell sell sell.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/12/2018

Like that old Moai
And he has legs

Like the kava kava man too
Missed out on those



Hamo posted on 12/12/2018

Hmm, a moai with a pompadour....

danlovestikis posted on 12/13/2018

hang10tiki so sorry, the sales are going so fast I can hardly keep up. At the same time I'm doing molds and casting. I didn't notice his legs until you mentioned it. I was always looking at his head. It looked like a feather headdress.

Hamo ah not feathers at all. You got it right.


Here's what we did today. 10 hours as fast as we could move to pack up and ship 152 tiki mugs and bowls. They have left the house.

It only took four trips to the post office and two trips to the box store. But we got it done!

First we had to carry every item to the dining room table.
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This emptied out some areas in the house but now I will just bring more down from upstairs.
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I wrapped and Dan boxed.
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I think my flash is showing dust floating in the air. Dan will vacuum tomorrow. We gave out.
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However I did manage to bring down enough tikis to fill this one wall unit.
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Downsizing is so much work when the collection is so large. We have a long way yet to go. I'm also doing art projects. Photos soon.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/13/2018

Once again
Busy busy

danlovestikis posted on 12/14/2018

hang10tiki every day is a fun challenge of projects. I hope we can always work this hard!


For weeks Dan and I have been pouring molds so that as soon as I begin phase three of Wish List #8 I will be able to walk into the garage and pick up the pieces that I need. Hefty makes huge sturdy plastic bags with zippers. I re-use them over and over again. You just need to wet the opening before zipping to get off any dried on clay. Soon I'll be back to work.

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I once wrapped everything in plastic wrap, multiple layers. Every piece dried out. So now I use these or large kitchen garbage bags. Neither or these are porous and they keep my clay moist for a couple of months.

Dan and I thank you all for your cards. We no longer send any out but we love getting them. So thank you hang10tiki and MadDogMike, wonderful cards to be saved because you all look wonderful on them.

Happy Holidays, Wendy

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Philot posted on 12/14/2018

Wendy - re New tiki Bob molds

Just tossing out an idea here. Maybe find something to tweak in the basic form so the new ones are just a little different? Even just +/- 1/2" on the diameter would help distinguish the new ones from the older ones.

danlovestikis posted on 12/15/2018

Philot they will all have my name and the date on the bottom carved into the clay. Also I like to alter them with supercarving etc. No one will mistake these for a vintage one I promise.


We made another sale and today we were back to boxing up all the items. It's become a full time job for us. It's fun to know these are going to places where they will be appreciated.

Here is how we spent our day. Packing up 18 boxes full of tikis took us 2 trips to the box store, 1 trip to UPS, 3 trips to the post office. We got it all done. We also went out to lunch with our friends Whylee Raven and Eva.

The most expensive to ship items were these huge Worlds Fair 1939 posters.

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I'm sad to say goodbye to all these little fellows. They are so cute.
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Some have to have special packaging to make sure they make it safely to their destination.
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One of many trips.
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The last haul. All done in one day.
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At the end of our day I told our friend Whylee Raven that if he could dig up any secrets in our backyard he could take them home. He had a very successful hunt! He was kind of sad we had so many secrets and wanted to know if they involved friends.

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Happy Holidays, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/15/2018

Missed out on your Kava Kava man

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Skulls- now that was funny

hang10tiki posted on 12/15/2018

Was at a thrift store today
Saw this book
Thought of you
(Forgot to see when it was printed)

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I’m guessing by the price it’s an old book
And I don’t see one of these bowls listed on ooga mooga

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-12-15 11:08 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/15/2018

hang10tiki I've only heard of one of those bowls being in existence. A friend tried to buy it for $2,400 about 15 years ago and was told NO! I've made a few for Frankoma collectors with the little tiki on page one of this thread. Thank you so much. Even a photo of the bowl is rare. What is the copy write date on the book?


Back soon.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-12-15 15:39 ]

Hamo posted on 12/16/2018

The Internet tells me that book was published in 2009.

That reminds me, thanks again for the Frankoma bank.

I would have loved one of those World's Fair posters.

danlovestikis posted on 12/16/2018

Hamo I sold another one of the World's Fair posters with the tiki subject to Mahalo Tiki. His was dark and old looking. Would you like me to see if he's up for selling it to you?


Yesterday and today I did another job of selling collectables. This time it was my collection of shot glasses that I sold. Here's the story.

For many years I've thought that the best souvenir to bring home from a vacation was a shot glass. I've never had a shot of alcohol in my life but I love these little works of art.

Recently I went through and picked out all of those from Hawaii, the south pacific and Australia.
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I put them all into one bookcase. Then I counted. 240 total.
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I then decided to let them go. I found a buyer for them all and I unloaded the shelves
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and took them downstairs to prep them for shipping.
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I had Dan tear strips of paper for me to use
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between each glass.
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Then I rolled them in bubble wrap and taped them into a tube. Once they were all done Dan stacked them and I taped them into a big block.
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Then into a large box with peanuts all around them. Then off to the post office.
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I still own about 400 from all over the USA and from our other vacations. I think most of them needed to go into this one big bookcase.
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I just pulled the racks off the wall and carried them upstairs.
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Now the bedroom downstairs have had the wall puttied to hide the holes and more than half the collection relocated. One day they will all be upstairs.
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May all your projects go so well! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/16/2018

Forgot to look at the date but Hamo found it

That’s a ton of shot glasses


danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2018

hang10tiki I have so many more. People who collect are in trouble from day one because its so much fun. At least mine were smaller than Dan's. I love the art on most of them or the place that brings back a memory.


In 2006 I heard there was going to be an opening for an art installation at the Sacramento Airport. So I dove in and did a project. I made 46 life size heads. My idea was to call it Passenger's Past Present and Future. I would gather cloth from around the world to put behind the heads.

First mistake they didn't want a finished project they wanted a tiny mock up.

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So I made a replica of each head but only an inch in size. I never got called for a presentation so they never saw these either.

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Over time I have given them as gifts. Now with downsizing I want to only keep 10 and the rest must go. Yesterday Mahalo Tiki aka Nelson and his lady Leah came over. They picked out heads to take home.

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These weigh around 5 to 10 pounds. If you come to our home you may take one or as many of them as you want to your home. I no longer want them looking over my shoulder while I work on my art.

Here's what was left at 8:09 am on 12/17/18. Also posted on facebook. I hope these will all leave my home soon.

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Thanks for taking a look, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2018

These have been claimed now by Psycho Tiki D.

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They would make nice spirt guides, you could talk to them in your garage!

Cheers, Wendy

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3ccc2ecdcd9db03c8a791c2400782995?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Philot posted on 12/17/2018

On 2018-12-14 17:40, danlovestikis wrote:
Philot they will all have my name and the date on the bottom carved into the clay. Also I like to alter them with supercarving etc. No one will mistake these for a vintage one I promise.


Actually I was thinking about being able to tell a Wendy v4 from a Wendy v3. But you're right, you usually have the year on the bottom, so that should let us figure that out. Why complicate things unnecessarily?

danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2018

Philot as you say. Also Happy Holidays


The purge to downsize the collection has continued with the sale of the rest of the wooden tikis that Dan was willing to let go.

One of the tikis was more special than we had known until we sold it. It had a tiki of one style on the front and
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another style on the back. We had bought it and put it over the fire place never to be moved again until now.
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This tiki has shark teeth. A fellow was walking on a beach in Hawaii and came across a dead shark. He took some teeth home and carved this tiki just to hold the teeth.
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Seven in a row.
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Two we fit into a box with peanuts. This box will go into another box with more peanuts.
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We cut up some huge Uline boxes that we had and I rolled tikis in this long piece of cardboard. Dan taped it to hold.
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He cut off one end and then cut it down so we could
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fold and tape the end shut.
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Then we did the same thing to the other end.
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We had enough cardboard to do this for each tiki.
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These are all the inner boxes. Then Dan went to the box store and got two boxes to put them into with
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more peanuts for shipping.
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One by one until they were all sealed.
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At the post office a lady collapsed and was going in and out of consciousness. She tried to get up and leave but collapsed again. Both times customers caught her. At that point I decided that no one was telling her what to do so I took over. One girl called 911 while I kept her calm on the floor. She was sweating and her eyes rolled back in her head. I used her mail to fan her. As she cooled off she wanted to leave. I'm tough and told her to stay put until she could be evaluated. A hand on her shoulder worked. She cooled down. The fire department arrived and took over. I got back in line with Dan. All that and he hadn't yet been to the counter to send off these boxes.

The best part of this story is that people catching her prevented a head injury. I was able to relay that to the firemen. They had her sitting up and talking when we left. Looked like good news.

Happy Holidays, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/18/2018


More boxes

Are you sure there’s anything left in your house ???


danlovestikis posted on 12/18/2018

hang10tiki our home is now a well decorated tiki home however Dan still has a collection too. But we are done for now. He likes what is left and I need to work on my Wish List and 2019 Crawl mug. I also need to catch up posting. I'm so far behind. I wish you had been with me at the post office. We also asked her lots of questions while waiting for the fire department. We though it would help them if she passed out a third time and didn't come out of it. So she didn't have heart problems, no diabetes or hypoglycemia, hadn't happened before. Why did she think it happen now....just endless questions to help and to keep her occupied and staying on the floor.


Our neighbors had a project start and finish in one day. There are now two missing palm trees and one left. At $1,500 per tree he said he needed to save up for the last one or skip it. Dan thinks it's the one that would fall on our home if it blew over.

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The last palm standing. Maybe it will go next year.
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Back to work, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/18/2018

One last sale and now I can get back to our art work. Dan is happy to keep what's left...for now. We still have a large collection of tiki items plus our home is decorated in tiki. It's a happy home.

Here's what we shipped today.

I did all the wrapping and then Dan showed up and did all the packaging. He ran out of peanuts and went back to the box store.
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I have wrapped so many bowls this year. I haven't heard that any have broken.
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I pack paper inside and around the then
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I bubble wrap to the max.
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I pity the person who has to unwrap all these shipments.
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More bowls. Horrors. Two by Louie B. a mom and pop operation on Oahu, Hawaii. Little did we know at the time we went there and special ordered their bowls that we would become a mom and pop ceramic tiki operation out of the garage just like them.
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The last one is wrapped and Dan is starting his work.
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Seven boxes.
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We got to the post office and Dan says to me. I didn't put address on them. We will have to go home again to get that done. A lady in line said if they are going to the same person get a felt pen and copy it over. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH! So that's what we did and the all shipped.

Cool, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-12-18 13:21 ]

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