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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Cocktales with Tiki King

Pages: 1 3 replies

Tiki King posted on 12/30/2018

So, I just realized that it has been going for a year, and I don't think I have plugged my show here! almost every Tuesday night at 8pm pst. I am live on facebook. Make drinks, talk about stuff, get drunk, have a good time!
There are 54 episodes are up on youtube, so you can binge watch...
here is a link to the goods...

Tiki King posted on 02/18/2020

Episode 105 is scheduled for this tuesday...

Mele_Ipo posted on 02/18/2020

Aloha Tiki King, Thanks for the heads up! I will check it out.
:) :drink: :music:

LaraColada posted on 02/18/2020

At what time?

Pages: 1 3 replies