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The Smokin' Menehunes at The Purple Orchid 4/3/04

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Tiki_Bong posted on 03/04/2004

Can't make it to the SF Tiki Crawl? 'No pilikia' as they say in the islands!

The Smokin' Menehunes will be engaging in a bit of the old Hawaiian strummery at the Purple Orchid on Saturday, April 3rd around 10:00 pm.

Come on out and celebrate April 3rd Day like it's never been done before (or yet).

tiki mick 1 posted on 03/04/2004

Anybody who goes, will get the answer to that age old question: Are Tiki Bong and Tiki Mick the same person? Which one is the real Bong, the real Mick? Are they both psuedonyms for the same person?

Personally, I think they are the same guy..but time will tell....

Seriously, I promise that anyone who comes will get a great show...I consider it an honor to play there!!! The Menehunes are my favorite band, at this point..and I am in two other bands, including a rock band that just opened up for Foghat at the Coach house, and are headlining the Galaxy theater next month as well..sure, we are doing pretty good, but the Menehunes is the band I am putting all my faith in! Sorry, but I totally perfer Hawaiian music to rock ANYDAY!!
Gosh, I hope to see you all there!!

Tiki Bird posted on 03/04/2004

Sweet...Last time i saw The Smokin' Menehunes was at the Hawaiian Room Resurection, & they were fantastic! I'll be there on the 3rd of April.

k'eli posted on 03/04/2004

Sounds tikifantastic Meneheunes are great little people -kind of keeping with the wee little ones for St. Paddy's Day -

Will definitely be there.

PolynesianPop posted on 03/04/2004

Hey Mick -- what's the name of your other bands? I have a buddy that went to that Foghat show!!

martiki posted on 03/04/2004

Jeez, Bong- I thought you were coming up for the SF crawl. Damn you Menehunes! Damn you!

I was looking forward to having you up- seriously!

tiki mick 1 posted on 03/04/2004

Hey Poly-pop!

My rock band is called Cooperblack...(stupid name, huh?..not my choice...I wanted to go with "the Tiki fonts", but well...ahem..you know we won't go there..ha ha...we did go with another Font name though.and that's apparently what Cooperblack is...a font..very lame!!)

Our band is modern alt rock, like Gin Blossoms mixed with the Who, mixed with radiohead and a little Chris Squire style bass from me..

and we played with a group called Bluefish..(very cool band that sounded a lot like RUSH with Keyboards)

they went on first, and we were right before Foghat..it was a great show....I should of given a Tiki shot out from the stage, maybe I would have met your friend!

Martiki, I heard Bong try to get it for another weekend, but the guy really wanted us for that weekend....which is ok, but I know bong really wanted to go to SF....Kind of makes me wish we had a private jet...Air Menehune!!!!!!

It would be cool, we would have our own Stewardii...(and hopefully, none of them would look too much like our Logo) only mai-tais would be served, And they would play Bruddah Iz over the loudspeaker.....geez, I am daydreaming again, aren't I?

Who knows what confusion lies in the hearts of men?

Is it 5:00 yet?

martiki posted on 03/05/2004

Well, crap. We'll just have to catch the Menehunes up in SF next time. You don't have to wait for the crawl to visit SF!


RevBambooBen posted on 03/05/2004

(damn sticky mouse!)

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-03-05 09:01 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 03/05/2004

Or, you can catch them at Tiki Oasis 4 in the Reef Bar that Crazy Al did.

( I'll put my name back on it as soon as I get time to do more stuff! Now that I have a website, I can say "Reef Bar- Soon!")

Y'all have a wonderfull SF crawl this time around! We wanted to make a supprise attack but now it's no supprise, so we won't attack!

Make sure you take your "Chaser". The anti-hangover pill that works!!!

p.s. Yo- Tiki-MASTER-Mick, you played with Fog Hat? Wo!

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Luckydesigns posted on 03/05/2004

Just a little more to entice you; We've been going strong since the resurrection of the Hawaiian Room, practicing ever week in Bong's tiki bar. I'm not sure how many songs we have now but I think we've got enough to do at least a solid hour without repeats. Remember the show at Ben's place, before the crawl? I think we had like five songs then. That was about fifteen minutes of music.

We now have a song that features Bong on the guitar and singing, as well as a duet with Mick and Bong (and you though the Justin/ Janet duet was exciting!). My favorite, though, is a song where Shirley, in commemoration of her valiant return to the band, is featured throughout the whole song and plays the melody on her uke. Uke solo! Sorry I don't remember the names for you. It's hard, they're in Hawaiian....

So, if you aren't going to the SF crawl, be sure to make it out to the Orchid on the third. This shall be our best show to date.


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2004-03-05 08:53 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/05/2004

[i]On 2004-03-05 08:50, Luckydesigns wrote
My favorite, though, is a song where Shirley, in commemoration of her valiant return to the band, is featured throughout the whole song and plays the melody on her uke. Uke solo! Sorry I don't remember the names for you.

It's Sophisticated Hula (Lula!)

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freddiefreelance posted on 03/05/2004

Bong, if I come will you autograph my TJ Maxx tiki bean decanter?

tiki mick 1 posted on 03/06/2004
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