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Your Christmas card? Did it get there late this year?

Pages: 1 5 replies


Hey it took our Christmas cards 49 days to get to some people this year.

AND other people have said that their Christmas cards are getting to the people they sent to late this year as well.(2018)

Thought it would be interesting to see if this is just a few people or a trend all over year after year.

Damn, Amazon gets here in two days.

My daughter had problems with her cards. She mailed them the 1st week of December and 75% hadn't made it to their destination by Christmas


You know I'm a crazy old conspiracy guy soooo.

It could be an anti Christmas hate group.

:up: :D


Yes, as a matter of fact, specifically this year seemed different. Several people who usually send us cards said they sent again this year but we never got them, and vice versa.



I was kinda joking and kinda not about the anti Christmas thing.

In this militant protest world we live in today it could be a postal work who thinks F&*k Christmas!

Or someone thinking there might be cash in the cards.

Could be honest mistake as well.

I love Amazon because it is many times faster to just buy it online as it gets here so fast.
But how can Amazon get it here fast every time when a Christmas card can't do the same thing, I don't get that.

Going to keep track every year we will see.
Hope I'm wrong.

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