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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Trading Tiki?

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Sneakytiki posted on 03/03/2004

Would it be practical to have members post pix of mugs/miscellaneous tiki they are willing to trade and list what they are willing to trade for. I don't sell my finds on ebay and I'd rather trade a hard to find duplicate example then sell it.
I know many of you do barter mugs at events but some of us in remote locales don't have this opportunity. Trading Tiki?

TikiHula posted on 03/04/2004

I think this has been suggested before, and I even had a tiki trade gallery set up on my website where people could show things they wanted to trade. But, I think that due to the scarcity of many vintage mugs, and the fact that most people don't feel like their collection is big enough, only one person put up an item for trade.

People will occasionally post a trade on this board...so throw some pics up of whatever you have for trade and see who's interested!

Cool Manchu posted on 03/04/2004

I have often considered making a Tiki Trading list.

Mine had one exception to it.

My Junk for your Junk.

I trade you common mugs that I have like some Daga, Harvey's and so on for your common mugs that I don't have. That way you get something new without giving up much more than the cost of shipping.

Kono posted on 03/04/2004

I also thought it might be cool to have a trading post forum but with a bit of a twist.

I don't have enough tiki that I'm looking to trade off my tiki items, so I was thinking about a forum where folks could post tiki or non-tiki items for trade. For example, I've got a decent pile of noise/punk/grunge vinyl, B movie vids, books etc that I'd love to convert into Tiki.

So for example, I'd start a post saying: "I've got some SFTRI, Sub Pop, AmRep 7" vinyl that I'd like to trade for tiki items. Post or PM me your wants and we'll see what we can work out."

I'd rather do that than hassle with ebay.

Or someone else could say: "Hey I also collect Franciscan Starburst and would gladly trade some of my tiki mugs for some nice pieces."

I think something like this might work because there seems to be a great deal of overlap in non-tiki interests (punk, rockabilly, retro, googie, eames, danish modern etc etc) amongst forum members and I'm sure most people here are pathological collectors. :)

McDougall posted on 03/04/2004

I have made several great trades with TC people, 2 this week alone. Show us what you got, what you want, you'll get reply's for sure.

Traderval posted on 03/05/2004

In the last two years I have expanded my collection to about 40 mugs and about 30 of them I traded with folks on TC. It is the best way to find new items and get rid of those that are frequently found in your area (which for others can be rarities). I never bought on Ebay, it's much more fun to go hunting and then exchange with others.

I would very much encourage a separate trading forum, at least one would find trade items and traders more easily. Meanwhile just post the mugs you have for trade. Good luck!

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