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Recipe and a Request. Primo beer cans needed.

Pages: 1 2 replies

Primo Kimo posted on 03/05/2004

In the off chance that someone has eight (8) Primo Beer cans, in the late 70's royal blue and gold style, in good condition AND you don't mind parting with them please let me know. Trade or cash or whatever.

Dis is da bugga

Well, I'm off to troll eBay for cans.

Oh yeah... here's the recipe: Primo Beer Cake
...mmmmmmmmm related baked item

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2004-03-11 05:56 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 03/05/2004

Primo, are you making 1 of those crocheted beer-can hats?

Primo Kimo posted on 03/05/2004

My holy grail is within reach! I was unable to locate a Primo fisherman style hat so vintage cans and new fresh crochet it will have to be. A lady in Washington State, cryptically named BeerCanHatLady on eBay, crochets them and will do custom lids.

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2004-03-11 05:53 ]

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